Walmart is scalping now, Megaman for 21.95:
I smell a third party seller (which I didnt know WalMart did)
Walmart is scalping now, Megaman for 21.95:
Thank you. Maybe I'll have a chance after work thenDon't think TRU has "web-in store". Their in store preorders you do have to put a dollar down for though I believe.
Thank you. Maybe I'll have a chance after work then
Breathe out!
I'll take one of each pls.
Pac-Man looks great!
Breathe out!
Breathe out!
Free them.
Too sick and clumsy right now to trust myself with my Xacto knife lol.
Plus I gotta wait for second Ness, then I'll open them all together in one go.
It'll also give me time to ponder where I'm going to display them too... running out of space bad lol.
Am I the only one that imagines Pac-Man saying "this fuckin' guy" every time I see that amiibo?
And this is only Wave 4. There's still Splatoon and Yarn Yoshis and God knows what else Nintendo's cooking.
Is it possible to see how many preorder cards my TRU store is gonna get? I know its supposed to be 10 to 20 bit that's a pretty big gap
Am I the only one that imagines Pac-Man saying "this fuckin' guy" every time I see that amiibo?
I'm not sure how that stops them adhering to their allocated stock. Anyway I'm all set now. Got my first Ness and second is with the courier, but it probably won't come til Tuesday cos of ANZAC Day observed.
Was surprised to see two Ness and a Robin on the shelf in JB Hifi Queen St. Lol at one already listed on TradeMe for $100...
Two reasons;
I mean I cancelled a Ness from Mighty Ape so that should theoretically be +1 stock but they never put it back up for sale. And Nintendo may have just shorted them on the stock estimate. Not the first time MA have oversold a pre-order accidentally too.
- People can make multiple big orders at once because there's no restrictions or deposits. Their system doesn't shut down orders immediately if they run out of stock, there's a delay and can be cross over.
- They purposely oversell by a small margin because they know they'll get cancellations beforehand.
Little bit regretting not getting a Pac-Man now. He looks really good and that would give me the third party trifecta. But I'd have no games that use him and am not that fond of the character compared to Sonic and Mega Man.
Yeh, I've been buying from Mighty Ape since before they were Mighty Ape hehe. But they pretty much only run out if they get shortchanged by the supplier. Anyway I ordered pretty much the hour they went up so I doubt they oversold in that period, particularly considering they took them down pretty quickly, and put them back up a couple more times after that. Seems like this would indicate they have a decent idea of stock. This is why I'm a bit weirded out by my absent Robin/Lucina/Ness. Plus, even Amazon doesn't update stock immediately after cancellations.
I'm also not convinced people are making huge scalper orders either. Unless they're being shipped out of the country or something.
Pacman is pretty rad yeh![]()
I mean either Mighty Ape is getting a fraction of what EB does or they're getting much more orders. I think they charge more for shipping too and don't have nationwide in-store pickup so I can't think of many other reasons to pick MA over EB for amiibo specifically. But being able to secure a pre-order quickly with no financial commitment compared to EB is a pretty big draw.
But I know for a fact they do oversell because they admitted it to me in an email they didn't close pre-orders off on a product even though they had accurate stock information. I never received what I ordered, it didn't ship, but the order just stayed there with no change in status for days.
Were Jigglypuff and Greninja ever put up for preorder in the EU markets?
I'd say it's the former. Mighty Ape often have trouble securing stock from suppliers for some reason. EB pretty much get supplied whatever their preorders are, and then a little more. Personally we either pick up from Mighty Ape or get "free" shipping through their program but for Amiibo my first point of call is EB. I just make backup orders at MA in case something goes horribly wrong.
Ugh, I have had that happen a few times before (usually when they are promised X amount of stock and receive far less). I just think they're gonna be in big trouble if they can't supply those 3 to me since I ordered not long after they were put up and they likely accepted a lot of orders after me. And they put them up a few more times after that too. Not being able to fulfil anything but the first few minutes of preorders is not going to make them very popular... that's like some North America shit right there.
Man I completely forgot about that Prime Ape thing. I guess if you were ordering from all their departments it would actually be useful. Looks like they stopped increasing the shipping price for multiple amiibo orders though which is nice, I think before it was +$2 for each additional amiibo similar to what EB does. Now it's back to flat rate $3.90.
Were Jigglypuff and Greninja ever put up for preorder in the EU markets? I don't recall ever seeing preorders for them on Amazon UK or anything. Also, I don't see anyone in this thread who have received Wave 4 amiibo, mentioning getting either of those two.
They've been available at multiple sites but Amazon UK hasn't offered them yet.
They're released on 29th May in the EU that's why no one has received them with the Wave 4 amiibo.
This is great news! It seemed to be broken for ages. It was more like $3.90 per Amiibo and then some because I remember the whole of Wave 1 was gonna be $50+ to ship (I just checked it in my own account, we use Prime on my partner's account). It wasn't just Amiibo either it was the same for any order with multiple items regardless of weight or size.
Anyone have any suggestions on where I can get a Samus that doesn't have the gangster lean?
Anyone have any suggestions on where I can get a Samus that doesn't have the gangster lean?
New user on /r/amiibo claims to work for Amazon and says their allotment is going up on the 1st:
Highly skeptical, but what the hell, it's as reputable as any other claim to this point. At least something to be aware of.
New user on /r/amiibo claims to work for Amazon and says their allotment is going up on the 1st:
Highly skeptical, but what the hell, it's as reputable as any other claim to this point. At least something to be aware of.
Yeah, breathe in, breathe outBreathe out!
New user on /r/amiibo claims to work for Amazon and says their allotment is going up on the 1st:
Highly skeptical, but what the hell, it's as reputable as any other claim to this point. At least something to be aware of.
Alright, my local TRU is getting 10 of each for preorder. Going to be in the parking lot by 5 and not move till I get my goddamned Greninja.
5am? Good Lord! What time does your TRU open? Mine doesn't open til 10 and I'm sending my gf to wait since I have work. I have a feeling this won't end well...
I'm thinking about trading my Rosalina for a Greninja
Sorry, Rosy![]()
People in my area have been at stores up to 12 hours before they open for amiibo. Guess it just depends on where you live.
5am? Good Lord! What time does your TRU open? Mine doesn't open til 10 and I'm sending my gf to wait since I have work. I have a feeling this won't end well...
Wow, things have gotten much crazier since Rosalina. I arrived an hour or so beforehand and it worked out fine. Fingers crossed.
Where do you live? If you don't mind me asking.10, but the guy I talked to said they'd hand out tickets early and my area is full of people who line up for stuff. I have the day off and will be up then anyway...may as well play my 3DS waiting at TRU instead of on the couch.
Yes I realize this is crazy, but fuck it, if I'm going to get all of them I'm going whole hog. Sanity went out the window last fall when I preordered all of Wave 1.