Hi all,
Long time lurker, only just got my account activated a couple days ago so here's my first post on Neogaf!
I haven't been as completist as some of you on here, mostly I'm just grabbing my favorite characters, but I think I've gone crazy for Greninja. I've never gone to a store and waited outside it early, hoping to nab a preorder for something. I'm only going two-hours ahead of time, that's the max I'm willing to put in for this, but I already feel like I've lost my mind lol. I feel like one of those characters in horror games, where someone will find my journal weeks later and each entry just gets crazier and crazier:
Day 1: Picked up an amiibo today. It's cool, nice to have a pikachu toy, I guess.
Day 12: I had the dream again. The amiibo were all sold out and the store clerks laughed at me. So I rushed into the store and frantically asked them if they had new amiibo in. They laughed at me. It was just like the dream.
Day 20: My skin won't stop itching. I can see them, from my desk, my amiibo. They make the itching stop. When is the next wave hitting?
Day 25: Amiibo. Amiibo. Amiibo. Amiibo. Amiibo. Amiibo. Amiibo. Amiibo. Amiibo....
Anyway, Good luck everyone!
FWIW, Pac-Man is almost as rare as Lucina, Robin and Ness in Europe. He's impossible to get. Only Wario and Charizard can be found at stores (and even then most stores only got three of those. 1 of the other 4. The fact that most US Toys R Us seem to get 10 Greninja is insane by EU standards
That may explain why Amazon.uk still haven't ship my Ness and Lucina. Guess I still got Robin coming in.Rarity in Europe is
Ness, pacman, Robin/lucina in that order...
Don't tease me bro.My entire collection is US and I keep them in box, so yes, I need american box
Don't tease me bro.My entire collection is US and I keep them in box, so yes, I need american box
Couldn't get a Greninja amiibo.I did get a Pac-Man amiibo though so I could probably use that as trade.
Couldn't get a Greninja amiibo.I did get a Pac-Man amiibo though so I could probably use that as trade.
I was 9th in line - my TRU had 5 Greninja preorders. The store manager stated that his store was the biggest and sold the most amiibos in his entire district and was really disappointed that they only got 5.
Exactly5 for customers, 5 for employees![]()
I was 9th in line - my TRU had 5 Greninja preorders. The store manager stated that his store was the biggest and sold the most amiibos in his entire district and was really disappointed that they only got 5.
I... I wouldn't be shocked to find out that 5 of them were claimed by employees - pretty much everywhere has been saying either 10 or 20 per store, this is the first I've ever heard of less.
No greninja for me. Some foods got doubles because they brought their wives.
When I got there I was #10. Even the guys in line were saying "You're lucky! You're number 10. They only are going to have 10."
20 minutes before they opened, they handed out the tickets. They handed out 9.
I feel so awful right now![]()
That sucks.5 for customers, 5 for employees![]()
Lawd. At least I met soon cool dood.I would've brought my hug pillow too if that was the case :3c
I... I wouldn't be shocked to find out that 5 of them were claimed by employees - pretty much everywhere has been saying either 10 or 20 per store, this is the first I've ever heard of less.
-_"Guess who got 2 Greninjas!
Deets soon, but there is a happy ending.![]()
Yeah, I'll try trading, and if not, ugh. I really really don't want to promote/help scalpers.
You might be out of luck.... Greninja preorders in Europe went up almost two weeks ago and sold out in minutes . Best bet is eBay or Japan like PlayAsia amiami etcOk, so fuck this Greninja noise.
Can someone explain how importing and things work? I checked out AmiAmi once and signed up but never really went anywhere from there. Where's the best place to maybe check for Greninja now? I'd love to get another Lucina or something too but Im not gonna press my luck at this point.
Ok, so fuck this Greninja noise.
Can someone explain how importing and things work? I checked out AmiAmi once and signed up but never really went anywhere from there. Where's the best place to maybe check for Greninja now? I'd love to get another Lucina or something too but Im not gonna press my luck at this point.
Pretty calm here. Got 10 slips. I was twelve. Not bad, talked and joked with with the other dood. Now on my way back. Think I'm just going to import from bow on, or buy from a scalper. Time is money.I got to my toys r us at 8:30am there were 4 people in line, the same usual suspects I saw at other amiibo preorder days.
I was number 5 and got my pac man and greninja ordered, my store got 10, and about 11 people showed up. The eleventh was too late at 9:30am. It was relatively orderly and fine. My account sounds rather benign compared to the horror stories on here.
The bane of my existence is Ness.
Do I need to forward it something? Help me hori. "_"Amiami: you place your (pre)order, choose your shipping and payment method, receive a notification maybe a week before release date to pay for your order. Wait a few days, sign for your order when they knock on your door, open your order and ta da your done.
I kinda wanted a Greninja but honestly if this was all the crap I would have to go through to get one I'm glad I decided not to. This seems not worth it.
Do I need to forward it something? Help me hori. "_"