Its "uhh. no" because its not something Nintendo can just clap their hands and "fix". Supply isn't purely limited to volume, its also a question of how said volume is transported, accepted, and retailed. If you have the volume (which they seem to, because Europe and Japan have it) then the problem isn't Nintendo's actual physical supply. The chain is fucked up but that is not something Nintendo has any actual control over. (And I think we have plenty of reason to believe that it is the actual chain that's at fault here because, otherwise, what the hell is the point of retail exclusives? Deals are being made for a reason and that reason, seemingly, is retail space limitations and acceptance from the retailers in the States.)
Unless Nintendo simply cannot produce the volume necessary for the States' demand which would, again, be out of the "fix" regions because they can't just magically create new production lines with immediate returns on supply production, such a thing would take months to see a return from. When you see pictures of retail wall stocked full of Amiibo in Japan and Europe, and then look at the US, you have to wonder how such a thing could be possible without external factors impacting Nintendo's ability to stock said shelves.