A scalpermobile sounds like one of those unmarked vans :T
Apparently it's recognizable enough to scare away other lesser scalpers.
Also, quick google image search turns up this:
Has the June wave gone up on Amazon JP yet?
Why do you need North American versions if you open all they amiibo?
I've been asking him this same question for a while now, he has never given a clear answer.
Pretty suspicious to me. Come clean Diggeh.
Diggeh is a scalper confirmed.
A scalpermobile sounds like one of those unmarked vans :T
Apparently it's recognizable enough to scare away other lesser scalpers.
Also, quick google image search turns up this:
Diggeh is built. All that Amiibo work payed off. Say do you strut that physique at your local gamestore? I bet all the ladies hand you their Amiibo.
Shame on you Diggeh.
Yay I FINALLY got Marth!
All 4 Fire Emblem peeps will finally be together for Steam xD
Silver Mario Pre-Order is up on Target!!!!
Says he's not available
Try a different browser. Let me go through with an order on chrome.
Weird it's still showing available for me.
Weird it's still showing available for me.
Based Diggeh. Although this is now my first time paying above retail cost for an Amiibo. Damn shipping costs. But its a loss I'll take.
You get a Marth! And you get a Marth! You all get Marths!
Place an extra one for me please? xD
Watch we'll get Merth.
Damn, that went fast, now it's not available. I really, just happened to search it on target and managed to place that order. Talk about luck of the draw there.
Welp.. My Greninja TRU preorder just got canceled.
Welp.. My Greninja TRU preorder just got canceled.
Welp.. My Greninja TRU preorder just got canceled.
Welp.. My Greninja TRU preorder just got canceled.
Can't do in-store pick-up?
Welp.. My Greninja TRU preorder just got canceled.
mine did as well. hope my lucina and robin weren't cancelled...
I had a Little Mac get cancelled by Best Buy for in-store pick up. I was debating asking if Wal-mart was reliable with in-store pick up, butttt I figured the extra time could've costed me the Amiibo. And whaddya know, it's actually gone now lol.
Wow can't believe I got a Marth, Is this real life?
Haha not bad diggeh you continue to impress!Im still patiently waiting for silver mario please cone up soon.
For future reference, I'm pretty sure Walmart is as reliable as it gets. Best Buy is... not.