Missed both. :c
Why does amiibo news have to happen in rapid succession so early in the morning Nintendo I swear
Yep, I was so elated over getting Marth that I let my guard down and missed Metal, er, Silver Mario =/
Why does amiibo news have to happen in rapid succession so early in the morning Nintendo I swear
damn marth was up for a good 30min grats to those that got one i got mine in the gamestop reprint![]()
Does it look any different than the original? I haven't really kept up on reprint info...
Does it look any different than the original? I haven't really kept up on reprint info...
Does it look any different than the original? I haven't really kept up on reprint info...
build quality is much better though my sword still had a slight bend to it but thats unavoidable with the kind of material they use for it.
Wonder what I should do with my Japanese Marth now
Wonder what I should do with my Japanese Marth now
The tarantella.
May 22 - 3:40 AM EST Walmart : Marth Out of Stock
May 22 - 2:46 AM EST Walmart : Marth In Stock for $12.96
Sorry if I couldn't fit you all on there! Laughing way too hard at the Scalppeh jokes. You guys are the best.
Sorry if I couldn't fit you all on there! Laughing way too hard at the Scalppeh jokes. You guys are the best.
Haha my LINE avatar... TRY TO FIND MEEEEE
Looks like I need to quit my job and apply for the grave yard shift somewhere in order to amiibo.
All my bosses are gone for the day so I can watch this like a hawk. Not missing anything else today.
If there is anything else today! Hopefully so.
Can't believe I missed Marth!
Fuck it, tired of this random crap up for 20 seconds at 2:00 am stuff. Broke down and bought a Villager for $24.00 total off eBay to make up for everything, didn't realize he was so affordable now.
My day is done.
I can't say much in detail because I don't want to get anyone in trouble, but I miraculously found these at a certain store today. I called my bestie and told him what I found, but after the call, the clerk tells me they can only sell me one, so that either means I go home Amiibo-less, or the store makes a liar out of me to my bestie. Fortunately, another store worker was able to find a loophole and help me and my friend today. They said better to 2 die-hard fans than the scalper so that frequent the place.
I am very happy, humbled, and grateful to the store's Amiibros and NFCisters. There are truly some awesome people out there, now to see if I can return the favor with Jigglypuff!
Sorry if I couldn't fit you all on there! Laughing way too hard at the Scalppeh jokes. You guys are the best.
Wake up this morning and see this from Now In Stock
Damn you work and sleep...