Sharing my gamestop in-store experience.
After barely missing the jigglypuff pre-orders this morning (*grumble grumble*), I decided to get down to gamestop and make sure I didn't miss out on anything else, especially Ness who I wanted the most. Well, okay that's not entirely true... I am incredibly fond of those Splatoon amiibos too. Really excited for that game.
First, after getting off work (might I add... i spent most of my shift today F5ing various amiibo news sources as well as target's jigglypuff listing which I subsequently missed out on anyway? moving on...), I called gamestop to get a feel for the atmosphere and they were already sick of answering amiibo questions for the day. This was around 10:20am and they had just opened
They told me that orders would open at 2. HAH! I knew immediately that was not true as the memo sent out said 2CT and I'm in the PST zone. Anyway...
I get to my local gamestop 1 hour before 12pm and found myself first in line. It did not take long for about 30 people to show up. Eventually, they made everyone other than the first 5 wait outside. At least the weather is nice today...
As we all know by now, gamestop's server went to hell in a handbasket REAL fast and I was at the register for over an hour as they tried to place the order I wanted. meanwhile, at the register next to me was #2 in line and he was doing the same thing.
So finally she manages to check me out and she tells me that the 6 pack was SOLD OUT. I was calm... because I knew it was probably a mistake. But she seemed certain. I relented and asked if she could just add a Ness for me instead. She started doing that. A few minutes later, there is cheering at the register next to me. I walked the few feet over there and asked what he had ordered. While standing in line we chatted about the various amiibo coming out but I was not sure exactly what he was ordering. Turns out he ordered the 6-pack, but no Splatoon amiibo.
I then asked my cashier to please remove the Ness from my order and retry the 6 pack. She wasn't very happy but wasn't giving me attitude -- I'd wager she was more frustrated than me however. I told her "sorry to ask you to try again... but this could be my only chance to get these!" She was like yeah I understand, and then...
minutes later I swiped my card and walked out of the store with a receipt for the Splatoon 3-pack and the 6-pack of all the other Wave 4s including Ness.
I wished my amiibros in line good luck and let them know I was able to complete my order... because the staff wasn't doing a good job of keeping the people outside informed, I felt really bad for them.
I hope everyone was able to get what they wanted... but I really had to get home to eat.
Hope I can get a jigglypuff... and tomorro's TRU exclusive.