Is there an Amazon preorder happening? When does that occur?
I got an email though I only ordered Char and Nnja.
Is there an Amazon preorder happening? When does that occur?
I have three separate orders for $5 each because I wasn't waiting for them to pile in my cart all at once. I'll take it though as long as they make it to me safely.I am so pissed...
I had no issues getting any rares from Wave 1-3,except the Lucario hoop(l)a. Now this.
I fear I'll never get Lucina or RobinSucks that I also have to pay $5 shipping on TRU because they rest weren't even UP to purchase...
Luckily my friend in California just called to wake me up. I'm confused though...it says there's a limit of 1 for Greninja, but it lets you check out with 2. I only got one, but my friend didn't even notice when she was ordering. I hope they don't cancel.
Oh wow, apparently no changes can be made to orders when they're submitted, even changes to shipping.
I apparently get free shipping but didn't realize it, so I'm paying $10 more than I need to
What kind of shitshow is TRU running here?
We have no idea.
I got an email though I only ordered Char and Nnja.
If you use Paypal does Toysrus charge right away or wait until it ships?
So are people staying up for the Amazon pre-orders? Getting kinda paranoid and I really want Robin and Lucina.
Oh, awesome.... :\
What time will they be up?
so before the TRU stuff went live there was talk of something going live at 4 am and being confirmed somewhere, what was that?
Awe, it's fine, it's the thought that counts <3I tried getting a Lucina for you and got
"The following item(s) or quantity is not available. You will not be charged for any item that is not available for shipment.
We have removed the item(s) from your order.
(1) Lucina amiibo"
My Paypal receipt said:
Hello -blank-,
Thanks for your order at Toys"R"Us & Babies"R"Us. Money won't leave your account until Toys"R"Us & Babies"R"Us processes your order.
Thanks for using PayPal. To see the full transaction details, log in to your PayPal account. Keep in mind, it may take a few moments for this transaction to appear.
Oh, awesome.... :\
You guys don't think it's worth snagging a regular color Mario now that he's up do you?
Rather than strolling in and hoping he isn't suddenly a surprise hot seller?
Awe, it's fine, it's the thought that counts <3
This was all supposed to happen at 7am EST/4AM PST. But TRU jumped the gun and here we are. People were relying on the information TRU provided themselves about when pre-orders would start, but lo and behold here we are.
Too bad I missed Robin and Lucina but there's always the other stores.
can anyone figure out the splatoon numbers for those URLs? i need that 3 pack! lol
same here.
Wow I had my alarm set for 5 AM and not 3:30 AM so somehow my body subconsciously knew to wake up at the right time. Too bad I missed Robin and Lucina but there's always Amazon.
See, you say that, but the last few hours of the thread are people continually asking for the source of that info and never getting one.
Misdirection is a cheap and easily accessible tool. All I'm saying.
apparently you can order up to 5 greninjas even though it says 1 per customer. Wanted to see how many scalpers could buy. no way the orders go through
This was all supposed to happen at 7am EST/4AM PST. But TRU jumped the gun and here we are. People were relying on the information TRU provided themselves about when pre-orders would start, but lo and behold here we are.
(in response to "did gamestop ever do the online sale of ness and others or just retail?")just retail. getting mixed reports if online sales will still happen or not.
(the very next post by that user)Mod verified