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Amnesia: Memories |OT| A Machine for Love


The Steam version has been fixed. The port is quite barebones. The game can run at either fullscreen or windowed, but you can't change the fullscreen resolution. Also it seems there is no exit game option in the main menu. You can rebind keys and there is controller support.


To be fair, one can expect a bit of brand confusion when you use the exact same word as another brand. "A Machine for..." also being similar to the last Amnesia horror game PC title just adds to the confusion.

It was meant to be tricky and I stand by the generic look. And unlike some posts suggest I didn't disparage anime in general.


Got Shin's normal ending. Have to say, the fact that the heroine practically doesn't speak at all was slightly off putting at start. Moreso because it's Orion who does the talking/thinking for her.

Shame the VN is on the shorter side though. I didn't even begin to scratch the surface but S;G and Hakuouki spoiled me :p.


the holder of the trombone
Was gonna get on vita, but can't get past the steam price.

Ah well, whatever, playing on whichever machine is fine to me.


Just bought for my vita. I spent 30mn on the mini games to get the related trophies, I'm starting the story right now.
The Steam version has been fixed. The port is quite barebones. The game can run at either fullscreen or windowed, but you can't change the fullscreen resolution. Also it seems there is no exit game option in the main menu. You can rebind keys and there is controller support.

I don't think there are any visual novels with resolution control like that, these are 2D games. Adjusting the window size is all you need and is actually a feature most VNs don't have.


Just purchased it. Let's see if there's any surprises left since I already played this game twice on the PSP and the Vita in Japanese.
Happy to support the genre though, hope we'll get the sequels in English too if it sells well.


I'm missing a cg from Ikki's route and I think it's from the normal ending. For the normal endings is it tied to the characters affection bar or certain choices? Or both?


Didn't this game had an anime recently ?
Yup, my wife just finished watching the whole thing through Hulu, told me it was based on a PSP game.

Just my opinion but I thought the heroine in it was terrible. I didn't exactly watch it but whenever I saw her on screen, she always for some reason could never hold a proper conversation because all I remember her doing was making all these quick reactions with different grunts, sighs and gasps.
Yup, my wife just finished watching the whole thing through Hulu, told me it was based on a PSP game.

Just my opinion but I thought the heroine in it was terrible. I didn't exactly watch it but whenever I saw her on screen, she always for some reason could never hold a proper conversation because all I remember her doing was making all these quick reactions with different grunts, sighs and gasps.

It seems that in the game itself she's a silent protagonist.


I went the Spade route first and have played through a few of its ends so far. I actually really like Ikki. Orion has some pretty funny snarky commentary too.
Without being spoilery, the first bad end I got felt... appropriate. And the normal ending was actually really sweet. I tried acting as suspiciously as possible too, and felt a little bad afterwards.
But yeah, Ikki has kind of won me over so far. That said...
I so want an option to date Spade!Waka instead <3


Before I go utterly insane replaying Shin's route - is it possible to get a certain character's CG in another character's route? Reason I'm asking is that I completely finished Shin and Toma's routes, but I'm still missing one CG for each of them.

These are the ones I don't have:



As I said, I replayed some of Shin's route, but no luck so far. I also finished and got all CGs for Ikki, so I don't think that the first one that I'm missing is from his route :/.


I'm looking forward to seeing what people think of this since it seems like something I'll be buying whenever it first goes on sale; I'd pick it up now myself if Steins;Gate wasn't out so soon.


Before I go utterly insane replaying Shin's route - is it possible to get a certain character's CG in another character's route? Reason I'm asking is that I completely finished Shin and Toma's routes, but I'm still missing one CG for each of them.

These are the ones I don't have:



As I said, I replayed some of Shin's route, but no luck so far. I also finished and got all CGs for Ikki, so I don't think that the first one that I'm missing is from his route :/.
Yeah, if I recall correctly, both of those you get in one of Ukyo's routes with a bad ending.


Do you guys think there is anything, any info missing from the OT? The images I've used where the ones I could work with, but the info should be the most accurate you can find.


Thoughts and feelings on one finished route (Heart Route Good Ending Spoilers):

I must have watched too many episodes of Murder She Wrote, because I figured out it was Toma who was the culprit rather quickly. It was good to see that it was resolved mostly with everyone okay/alive in the end. Shin was kind of the typical 'asshole' hero that girls seem to like for some reason, but in the end, his reasons for acting such a way made sense. He's the typical bad boy archetype, despite the fact he's more tame than, say, Kanji Tatsumi. His whole aversion to holding hands and saying 'I love you' flat out was adorable. I was also sad to see Orion leave, even though I knew it would happen eventually.

Going on to non-spoiler talk, Shin's character reminded me a lot of Akiyama from Liar Game (more the TV show than the manga). Looks-wise, kind of, but it was really the personality, that cool, analytical mindset. I did like him, but seeing as this is only the first route and I have yet to meet the other guys proper, for now, giving him a 7/10. Decent hero, would do.

The story itself was cliche at its base, but somehow, it got me interested. Every time I set the game down, I wanted to go back and play more. That may be a result of the characters, who are all very distinct and unique. I realize the other routes will be various takes on the same theme, but at the same time, I hope the circumstances surrounding them change. Very melodramatic, yet awesome. Story gets a 7/10, character variety 9/10.

I took an embarrassing amount of screenshots just in this route. 98. NINETY-EIGHT. I need help.

A few notable ones:

Sorry, I didn't realize I was playing an Atelier game. Seriously, she could be in ANY Atelier game and fit right in.

When I heard that my character worked at a maid cafe, I was originally like 'please no'; was pleasantly surprised by the uniforms when I saw them. I heartily approve. Finally, a maid cafe that actually has some damn class. AND has men working there. Yes. Yes. Yes. Technically, I guess it's a mix of a maid cafe and a butler cafe but IDGAF. Still awesome. So wanna cosplay it.

She is so fierce. How can I be as fierce as this bitch? Her look very much reminds of Milady from Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights. If you don't know that game, don't worry; I think I'm the only one that actually played it for more than five minutes.

My reaction:

I think I have a new favorite.

Orion was the best bro a girl could ask for. That and his reactions pretty much mirrored mine. A lot of his best lines I can't post here, because spoilers. Hey, Otomate/IF/DF, where the FUCK is my Orion route? :T

I really, really like the art in this game. I have a whole folder full of new wallpapers for my Vita now because of the pretty 'break' artworks.


Finished it today. Was an enjoyable experience! My impressions, with the relevant info under the spoilers:

Amnesia was a worthwhile, albeit short, purchase. Not having read much about it, I went in under the impression that it'd be a lighthearted story. While there were plenty of lighthearted moments, I was 'slightly' mistaken.
Especially seeing how some of the bad endings veer into 'what the flying fuck' territory.

At first I thought that the game would overly rely on well known anime tropes and that the heroine's love interests would be pretty one dimensional. For the most part, that wasn't the case. Characters ended up having surprising depth and throughout their routes their character growths were noticeable.

However the one that blew my expectations away was Orion. I thought he'd be your typical kid/young character - loud, aggravating and useless. He was the exact opposite. Orion is your 'voice' throughout the route. Seeing how the heroine starts the story as a blank slate, it gives her impassiveness at the beginning a good reason. He's good, helpful, friendly, adorable and hilarious. There's no way to possibly dislike him.

Shin - as Pariah mentioned he appears to be the typical bad boy and is the youngest out of all the love interests. Naturally, my assumptions were akin to those I had about Orion. I have a vehement dislike for the 'youngest guy' anime trope. Shin is anything but that. He's cool headed, blunt, perceptive and intelligent.
He's also the first guy to realize the heroine has amnesia. His issues that stem from his childhood and his willingness to get to the bottom of things were enjoyable and well developed.

Ikki - the playboy love interest. In other games/anime shamelessly flirty character such as him aren't really given a proper reason for being like that. They're usually just touchy-feely perverts. Ikki, on the other hand, while still being a flirt, is given an apt explanation for being like that and is also never touchy-feely without the heroine's consent. He's nice to everyone even to a fault.
The fact that the heroine didn't like him at first was refreshing.

Kent - Kent pls, I like you and all but if you give me another math problem to solve I'm going to start throwing books at you. His aloof attitude ended up being endearing and funny. It's also in his route that the heroine's personality gets to shine the most in my opinion.
I like how they argued all the time and she gave no shits about his calculating and logical opinions and would constantly berate him for that.

Toma - No. If Amnesia fails in one regard it would be Toma's route. You have your typical big brother like character, yet if they were to only leave it at that it would've been boring. The way they handled his route is atrocious and it undermines a lot of the heroine's personality that's established in all the other routes. His character development is mostly nonsensical.
No seriously, what the fuck @ his route. I wish I could burn it from my mind. I'm going to have nightmares about that damn cage of his. I went 'wtf WHY!?' so many times that the only way to cope was to nickname that cage. I now call it cage-kun and fully expect, should Toma and the heroine ever get married, that cage-kun will be the best man. I have no idea how anyone can see his good ending as good. The guy is insane(ly) overprotective. If the heroine were to ever leave him I'm pretty sure he'd lock her up again or worse.

Ukyo - this route made far more sense than Toma's. Everything explained makes sense. Usually secret routes are short and without depth that other routes have, but this wasn't the case. The guy overdoes everything, it's actually hilarious.
Especially when he fell into that pond while trying to fall asleep.
I like how
jumping through worlds and constantly dying drove him insane and caused him to have another personality. He's both brave and scared at the same time, not wanting to keep dying but wanting to save the heroine. At least that's a far more sensible reason for his madness than for Toma's. The only thing that bothers me is that Ukyo's route is considered the true route in the game. I'm a fan of his madness, but his actual character was 'ok' at best. I liked others more.

Overall, this game exceeded my expectations. I ended up being quite surprised at how much I enjoyed playing it. With that, my impressions come to an end. But before that, make sure you guys always remember:



So, made my way through the other Heart Route endings. Spoilers Ahoy, obviously.

Normal Ending:
So, basically, Shin and our intrepid heroine 'break up', but we get to keep Orion around? Hey, I'll take that exchange.

Bad Endings 1 and 2:
Seriously, what the actual fuck just happened? In the first one,
did that Ukyo guy seriously just kill me for no good reason?
And in the second,
did Toma just go fucking yandere (in the most subtle way possible) and kill me?

Onward and upward, to Spade World!


So, made my way through the other Heart Route endings. Spoilers Ahoy, obviously.

Normal Ending:
So, basically, Shin and our intrepid heroine 'break up', but we get to keep Orion around? Hey, I'll take that exchange.

Bad Endings 1 and 2: Seriously, what the actual fuck just happened? In the first one,
did that Ukyo guy seriously just kill me for no good reason?
And in the second,
did Toma just go fucking yandere (in the most subtle way possible) and kill me?

Onward and upward, to Spade World!

They don't really break up in the traditional sense since both of them still love each other. It's just that Shin wants to win her over properly since she hasn't regained all of her memories.

And those bad endings man...especially the Toma one. Ukyo didn't kill you for no reason though, you'll find out the reason when you play his route :p.


And those bad endings man...especially the Toma one. Ukyo didn't kill you for no reason though, you'll find out the reason when you play his route :p.
Toma was completely calm/sane/rational the entire time, which just made it worse.

Ah, I figure Ukyo's route will explain all. Well, most anyway.


Spade World cleared! I have feelings on all the endings, as usual.

Good Ending: Lives up to its name.
After seeing Ikki pull so much shit, and watching the heroine deal with it all in the most admirable way possible, it was lovely to see Ikki finally stop worrying about his 'special eyes' and focus on what mattered. His telling off of his fan club was like 'listen here you little shits'. I loved it. 100% loved it. So good, and my favorite Good Ending thus far.

Normal Ending:
A bit somber, but like with Shin's Normal Ending, it ends on a hopeful note. I want a damn ending where Orion stays around, plskthx. For a normal ending, it was pretty decent.

Bad Ending 4: ... God, this ending was depressing as fuck.
For an ending where nobody dies, it was just really, really sad. Ikki snapping at (not to mention damn near raping) the heroine, said heroine crying, Orion apologizing... The last part gutted me more than anything. So much sadness.

Bad Ending 5:
I expected a Rika yandere ending; I really did. I laughed at the irony that our heroine was pushed off a cliff. Everything comes full circle. I did not expect Ikki to snap and go on a killing spree. Hey, can I just get a few scenes explaining what he did to the fan club bitches? I'm pretty sure he ripped a few of them apart with his bare hands.

Bad Ending 6: The weakest bad end, but understandable.
Basically, we have a breakup, and our heroine and Orion decide to try and find a better way to recover her memories. We keep Orion; I fail to see how this is a bad end.

Non-spoiler talk: Ikki is, for me, my favorite right now. I usually don't like 'womanizer' types in otome games. They don't click for me. But Ikki did. His style, his attitude, his earnestness... Something about him was endearing. If it weren't for Orion keeping me level, I probably would have just had the heroine toss herself at him (as much as I would have been able anyway). Seriously, for me right now, Ikki is the best hasubando. 9/10. Would tap.

Screencap time.

As stated by Ephidel, Spade!Waka is pretty great. Where can I get his route, Otomate/IF?

Orion is still one of the best characters in the entire game. Supportive, insightful and positive without being annoying and preachy. And also being a bro when he needs to be.

Seriously, if there is manga of this series using this art style, I will buy every damn volume immediately.

Next, the Clover Route! And who I predict will be the most boring guy in the game.


Next, the Clover Route! And who I predict will be the most boring guy in the game.

Good morning.
Good night.

I'm curious what your opinion will be on the Clover route. I thought it'd be kind of dull as well, but it was strangely endearing and funny? Or maybe it's just me and my preference for older characters. I also liked how the heroine acted in the route as well.


Hey now, Kent is my favorite and actually really adorable!
I mean he walked into a telephone pole which was pretty hilarious.

I loved the part where you text him, and he's so surprised by the response that he not only drops his phone, but steps on it :p.


So, I just cleared the Clover World.

Remember this?

Seriously, for me right now, Ikki is the best hasubando.
And this?

Next, the Clover Route! And who I predict will be the most boring guy in the game.
Well, time for me to eat my words with a side of humble pie, because I think I have a new favorite.

First, ending feels.

Good Ending: Good Lord, I think I got diabetes from this ending. It was so damn cute all around.
Kent going abroad, bringing the heroine along, speaking Engrish to her, just all around being adorable... Agh. It was so amazing. I love everything about this ending. Seriously. SO MANY HAPPY FEELS.

Normal Ending: Not as somber. I approve.
Yes, Kent goes abroad and she's left behind, but all signs point to it working out when he returns. These normal ends are just all about hope. Pretty nice. I approve.

Bad Ending 7:
They're coming to take me away, ha ha! In all seriousness, we get ushered to the hospital, and Orion further integrates himself in our brain. Well, I wanted an ending where Orion sticks around... Whoops.

Bad Ending 8:
Aaaaaand we are once again offed by Ukyo for no real reason. What the fuck? Seriously, why is this dickhole being such a douchebag? Is he just some crazy, serial-killing dimension hopper? Ugh... Hopefully when I open up his route, some questions get answered. I have many questions.

Non-spoiler time. Yeah, I think Kent is my new favorite, holy damn. I did not expect to like this route as much as I did. Even when I first started, I was like, 'oh, great, the stiff type who doesn't like to show his emotions, I'm gonna die of boredom'. Not too long after, I was grabbing a fork and a dictionary so I could properly eat my words. Kent is the textbook definition of adorkable. Despite the fact he is super smart, and that trait works against him sometimes... everything about him just built into something so damn cute that I knew by the end, he was going to replace Ikki. And I was right. Many undignified sounds came from me as I was playing, most akin to a 'squee' of some fashion. Kent, you have no right to be so damned adorkable. 10/10. Married. He is just. The best. Amazing.

Screencap time.

Just in case ya'll needed further reasoning for why I like Kent so much. This is just the tip of the adorkable iceberg.

Sleepover~ I was happy to see the coworker girls featured more in this route, especially Mine. She was just so funny. I couldn't help but laugh at her at times due to her antics, and she quickly moved up the character list for my favorite side-character. Sawa was level-heded as always; she's good to keep all the crazy stuff in perspective and definitely has the best friend role for the heroine down pat.

Once again, the art keeps on impressing me. Seriously. It's so well done. I love the sketch-like quality of it somuch.

With that, let's go to the Diamond World. I'm not sure what I'm in for anymore, but I really don't think Toma can do anything to beat Kent.


So, I just cleared the Clover World.

Remember this?

And this?

Well, time for me to eat my words with a side of humble pie, because I think I have a new favorite.

First, ending feels.

Good Ending: Good Lord, I think I got diabetes from this ending. It was so damn cute all around.
Kent going abroad, bringing the heroine along, speaking Engrish to her, just all around being adorable... Agh. It was so amazing. I love everything about this ending. Seriously. SO MANY HAPPY FEELS.

Normal Ending: Not as somber. I approve.
Yes, Kent goes abroad and she's left behind, but all signs point to it working out when he returns. These normal ends are just all about hope. Pretty nice. I approve.

Bad Ending 7:
They're coming to take me away, ha ha! In all seriousness, we get ushered to the hospital, and Orion further integrates himself in our brain. Well, I wanted an ending where Orion sticks around... Whoops.

Bad Ending 8:
Aaaaaand we are once again offed by Ukyo for no real reason. What the fuck? Seriously, why is this dickhole being such a douchebag? Is he just some crazy, serial-killing dimension hopper? Ugh... Hopefully when I open up his route, some questions get answered. I have many questions.

Non-spoiler time. Yeah, I think Kent is my new favorite, holy damn. I did not expect to like this route as much as I did. Even when I first started, I was like, 'oh, great, the stiff type who doesn't like to show his emotions, I'm gonna die of boredom'. Not too long after, I was grabbing a fork and a dictionary so I could properly eat my words. Kent is the textbook definition of adorkable. Despite the fact he is super smart, and that trait works against him sometimes... everything about him just built into something so damn cute that I knew by the end, he was going to replace Ikki. And I was right. Many undignified sounds came from me as I was playing, most akin to a 'squee' of some fashion. Kent, you have no right to be so damned adorkable. 10/10. Married. He is just. The best. Amazing.

Screencap time.

Just in case ya'll needed further reasoning for why I like Kent so much. This is just the tip of the adorkable iceberg.

Sleepover~ I was happy to see the coworker girls featured more in this route, especially Mine. She was just so funny. I couldn't help but laugh at her at times due to her antics, and she quickly moved up the character list for my favorite side-character. Sawa was level-heded as always; she's good to keep all the crazy stuff in perspective and definitely has the best friend role for the heroine down pat.

Once again, the art keeps on impressing me. Seriously. It's so well done. I love the sketch-like quality of it somuch.

With that, let's go to the Diamond World. I'm not sure what I'm in for anymore, but I really don't think Toma can do anything to beat Kent.

Yay :D! Kent really is awesome. Except for those math problems...

Toma shouldn't be anyone's favorite...ever.


Diamond World has been cleared.

... They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. That is not what happened here. My feelings about this route, in gif form:

Alas, we still must go over things, starting with endings.

Good Ending: Though the term 'good' is highly subjective when it comes to this ending.
So, in the end, our heroine succumbs to Stockholm Syndrome. It is Stockholm Syndrome, and no amount of canon, diary entries, or dialogue of "I misunderstood everything" is gonna fucking convince me otherwise. Heroine... you forgive him? He drugs you - repeatedly -, locks you in a cage, nearly rapes you, and you just. Forgive him. "It's fine if you're the worst guy; that means I don't have to worry about any girls stealing you away." No. No no no. Fucking NO.
Orion, you had ONE JOB!!

Normal Ending: In my eyes, this is the real good ending.
The heroine is saved, Toma leaves town and is never heard from again, Orion sticks around, and the heroine moves on with her life after the fanclub is shut down. The whole wondering about Toma thing, I once again chalk up to Stockholm, and am firmly convinced that she will get over it in time. My headcanon is real, dammit.

Bad Ending 8: It's almost routine by now.
Ukyo kills us, for no good reason, yet again, though he did drop some interesting information about himself, pretty much confirming my theory he's a dimension-hopping serial killer. I wasn't even mad this time.

Bad Ending 9: Ugh. I thought that one bad ending in Spade World was bad? This is the worst. Just the WORST.
The heroine becomes a mind-fucked, permanent prisoner of Toma. Orion is with her, but she can't respond, and she's dressed in some trashy GothLoli clothes and chained up in the cage. Left me with a lump of discomfort deep in my gut, and I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

Ugh. It's really hard to talk about anything meaningful in this route without spoilers, but I'll try. The whole story just goes completely off the rails. It feels like the writers just got bored and said, 'hey, let's throw all the rejected ideas into one route! It'll be great! Girls like storylines like this right?" ... No. They don't. I may be looking at this all wrong, but fucking aye, this route was just terrible. Bad. Bad. Bad.

Toma himself... Desperate. Pathetic. Sorry excuse for a hero. 1/10, and you only get the one for being easy on the eyes. Please die in a fire.

The only saving grace for this route was the eyecatch images. Well drawn, as par the course.

With that, I will never talk about this route again. I will try and brain bleach it away with Babymetal and replaying scenes from Kent's route.

Only one route remains. I get the feeling this will be the wildest ride yet. Anything is better than the route I just played. Any. Thing.


I got curious and, knowing Japanese companies like their popularity polls, decided to see who the most popular character was.


1. Toma
2. Ikki
3. Shin
4. Ukyo
5. Kent

WHY. What's wrong with people?! There is nothing to like about Toma, he's worse than trash... I've no words, gonna go bleach my eyeballs...

With that, I will never talk about this route again. I will try and brain bleach it away with Babymetal and replaying scenes from Kent's route.

Only one route remains. I get the feeling this will be the wildest ride yet. Anything is better than the route I just played. Any. Thing.

Ha! Didn't enjoy Toma's nonsensical madness? That bad ending where the heroine ends up chained in a cage was like a slap in the face. If you give it more than a second of thought you'd realize that whole ending wouldn't stick. Her friends would still wonder what happened to her and Shin, especially, would find out about her predicament. Fuck that route. Seriously. Pure garbage. There's nothing redeeming about Toma at all.


I got curious and, knowing Japanese companies like their popularity polls, decided to see who the most popular character was.

1. Toma
2. Ikki
3. Shin
4. Ukyo
5. Kent

WHY. What's wrong with people?! There is nothing to like about Toma, he's worse than trash... I've no words, gonna go bleach my eyeballs...

Ha! Didn't enjoy Toma's nonsensical madness? That bad ending where the heroine ends up chained in a cage was like a slap in the face. If you give it more than a second of thought you'd realize that whole ending wouldn't stick. Her friends would still wonder what happened to her and Shin, especially, would find out about her predicament. Fuck that route. Seriously. Pure garbage. There's nothing redeeming about Toma at all.
MRW I saw that list:


The way I see it, it's probably a Japanese culture thing. I think it's probably the same reason why most yaoi/BL games are full of tragedy and noncon at every turn.

As for your spoiler talk, I'm gonna say I agree. And that's it. I'm dead serious about not talking about that route anymore if I can keep from it. I'm THAT disgusted with it.


MRW I saw that list:


The way I see it, it's probably a Japanese culture thing. I think it's probably the same reason why most yaoi/BL games are full of tragedy and noncon at every turn.

As for your spoiler talk, I'm gonna say I agree. And that's it. I'm dead serious about not talking about that route anymore if I can keep from it. I'm THAT disgusted with it.

I'd be inclined to agree but then I see the amount of people fawning over and wanting Diabolik Lovers to get localized and I just...¯\_(&#12484;)_/¯.

Poor Kent though :(, he should've gotten more votes.

You guys are so excited talking about the game, I need to finish Steins;Gate and get to this already.

Yes, yes you do! >:D


Damn right he should've. Anyway, I'm on day 18 of the final route, so the end is nigh/near.

For when you're done with Ukyo's route :
I hope you like the plethora of bad endings. Almost felt like an overkill.

Also, there are short stories for each character that you'll have unlocked. Kent's one was...adorably hilarious as usual :D.
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