That Dude John
Nice to see there are people on 360. Thought it was all PS3. xD
any tips with max? I can't seem to do shit with him.
any tips with max? I can't seem to do shit with him.
Enforcing your will is a matter of strength.
Unfortunately no, you need to go to campaign > new and pick the other side first. I had to do this to unlock the final ability I needed because your campaign choice determines the other character that will miss Bari Shur (desert) as a proper map I think. Of course once you reach them you're free to pick them all at any time with stage select.
Maybe I've just been playing shit players because I've been doing pretty well against most players with Max. I've had some trouble with the Rin sisters, but then again who doesn't?
His step combo is really good for baiting 360 and people who love pressing buttons, if you land one successfully you get a full launcher combo. You can cancel the step combo with a block so you don't get too predictable, I feel that people can probably throw your step combo, but I haven't tested yet.
You can throw out the counter if people try to chase down your step combo with lunge attacks, if you get a counter you get a full KW combo as well. You can even counter wake-up attack, threaten people enough with that and you can start throwing people on their wake-ups. Cancel your counter with a block and dodge to stay unpredictable.
The bolded will help immensely. Does he have anything else you can cancel into block or jump?
Not that I know of, I don't think anyone can legitimately jump cancel other than Rin sisters
Had a ton of games with DECOY-LDN and a few with Edgeypoo, was great stuff besides the JP hosted battle royale lag.
Yep, connection was wonky, but it's almost always been like that in the two days I've played. Maybe I'm a little too used to it.
Anyway, I don't remember if you were still there (I think you weren't ><) but... I freaking won a 16 player battle royale with Baron, and it was almost the first time I played with him (didn't really feel it in the demo) and BAM I fucking won.
Dat KWH.
Blegh, the game turns into stupid mode once rampage mode is activated in most matches, especially tag.
Any Eurogaffers playing right now? Matchmaking is a bust :/
Blegh, the game turns into stupid mode once rampage mode is activated in most matches, especially tag.
I'm always getting my ass kicked in this game. It feels like my enemies have ten times the HP.
Characters heal when they're not in combat, so short bursts of big damage is much more efficient for killing a character
PSN was down, but I'm going to be playing multiplayer a lot tonight. Which modes do you guys frequent?
Does Bayonetta count towards the Unlock All Characters achievement? It could be a bug too, or maybe I really am missing someone.
I finished Black and White side campaigns and I'm fairly certain I have unlocked all of the characters but I never got the achievement. Am I missing something?
Do you have Gargoyle? Complete Red side of campaign (ask someone else how that works) or reach Rank 22 in multiplayer (which is how I did it).Does Bayonetta count towards the Unlock All Characters achievement? It could be a bug too, or maybe I really am missing someone.
I finished Black and White side campaigns and I'm fairly certain I have unlocked all of the characters but I never got the achievement. Am I missing something?
You need to go back through it starting on the side you didn't start on before, I believe, and play through that red side.Does Bayonetta count towards the Unlock All Characters achievement? It could be a bug too, or maybe I really am missing someone.
I finished Black and White side campaigns and I'm fairly certain I have unlocked all of the characters but I never got the achievement. Am I missing something?
There is a secret character. You have to beat both Red sides to unlock him.
Do you have Gargoyle? Complete Red side of campaign (ask someone else how that works) or reach Rank 22 in multiplayer (which is how I did it).
You need to go back through it starting on the side you didn't start on before, I believe. Not completely sure though.
Bayonetta doesn't count.
They're similar designs, so I could see where you got that impression.Ohh Gargoyle, thanks. I thought Garuda was the "secret" character for some reason.
So what are the odds of getting a decent 360 lobby going tonight?
I am addicted. ADDICTED to survival mode.
I'd be up for some matches.
When are ya'll gonna be on 360? Kinda harder to find certain gametypes this late.
There's a perk that improves your ability to guard (in modes that support perks), where the descriptor even says it's great for dealing with rampages, iirc.How do I escape the rampage once caught in it?
It's like Survival, but with boss characters instead of minions(and usually 3+ each round). Each team of bosses is usually some sort of theme, like robots or curvy women or something. Do it! Nice avatar, btw.I'm wondering whether I should redeem my DLC just for Mad Survival, I had completely forgotten there was a game mode in there! I was just going to offer it around again but now I'm not so sure. Is it just a wave based thing?
How do I escape the rampage once caught in it?
Last post about this. Pinky swear.
We're doing a GAF-only giveaway for a US copy of Anarchy Reigns + its Bayonetta and modes DLC in the Gamesies Ep5 thread. Just check out our newest episode (it's a video), and tell us what you think in the thread. It's open to everyone in the world, ends on Tuesday 1/22. Here's the thread:
So is the multiplayer the main core of this game?
Edit: So is this like the successor to MadWorld? Because I loved MadWorld (as well as God Hand). I'm only a few missions into Leo's game, so according to the Eurogamer review it hasn't gotten really crazy yet.