It is mind boggling that we even have to suggest a Shinobi game, as its a high concept that sells itself and the best chance of a sure fire hit for both companies. To this day I'm surprised it wasn't the very first thing discussed and agreed upon between SEGA and Platinum Games.
Apart from Shinobi, my wish is the same as it has been since its debut title Madworld, namely Madworld HD in 1080p, 60 fps with more levels, bosses and replay value.
Madworld is a game that has so much potential, so any chance, even a minor House of the Dead: Overkill update would be welcome but ideally a major overhaul with a greatly expanded moveset, deeper GTA 1 points progression system that rewards experimentation with even more variety and creativity in the environmental kills.
Even now if the team wasn't the same (believe some have left for Tango) would still like to see it happen and when you consider Bayonetta 2 on Wii U there is still a chance were SEGA, Platinum Games and Nintendo to strike a deal.