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Anchorman is hilarious!

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Probably one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time and with clever enough material to not fall into the trap of being just another comedy movie. The surprising lack of gross-out scenes is completely refreshing. And I don't care how dumb comedy movies might seem, but it really IS one of the hardest genres to write well for. Perhaps that's why this movie shines, though, as some of it is ad-libbed showing the actors' ability to create laughs even when not following a script. But it really is quite funny, Applegate looks stunning, there are plenty of good cameos, and Steve Carell just owns the entire thing playing retarded weatherman Brick Tamland (not that the others aren't funny, too). Everybody in the theatre seemed to really like it.

Admittedly, there are a couple slow spots, but as in most comedy movies they fall into the places where the writers were actually trying to insert some plot. Most of the rest is golden, though, and its far, far better than Dodgeball (and I liked Dodgeball).


Anchorman was really funny :)

Everyone cheered when Baxter came back, and when Ben Stiller made his cameo.


I just got home from watching it.

The first 15 minutes made it seem like it would suck, but after that I just laughed my ass off non-stop..... Holy crap that was good.



Does anyone else wanna see that Harold and Kubar go to White Castle movie after seeing that trailer? It looks really funny. :D


well not really...yet

Awesome. Some kid I know saw it today and said it sucked. I really hope he has a bad taste in humor.

Can't wait for tomorrow. 7.5 hours at Wendys, than ANCHORMAN.


I feared it would be like dodgeball, but it kicked ass. And my crush on christina applegate is renewed/


I guess I'll bring down the thread, but how God awful was this movie. The only parts I found semi-amusing was still the "I'm Ron Burgandy?" bit from the trailer, any of Fred Willard's conversations on the phone, and the sight gag of the 8 total squared Rubix cube on the desk. They went off on too many stupid tangents when they could have done so much with the main idea of the movie. I dunno eh.


I agree with smidget.

The movie was bad. Very, very few funny parts. In fact, I didn't even laugh once (or break a smile) during the first 30 minutes. The only memorable part was the fight sequence and when the guys started singing Afternoon Delight

Everything else was just plain boring. I expected more from Will Ferrell.

Oh the retard was pretty funny too, but he didn't say or do anything memorable.


Saw it and also loved it.. went over very, very well with the audience (as did the end of the Without a Paddle trailer where the R. Kelly music is blaring -- which is admittedly quite funny even if the movie as a whole looks awful). The humor in this is very different than Dodgeballs.. it's just quirky/weird whereas Dodgeball has a lot of physical humor. Shrek 2, Napoleon Dynamite, Dodgeball and Anchorman all in one summer make this like, the best season, nay years, for comedies in a long, long time.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Smidget said:
I guess I'll bring down the thread, but how God awful was this movie. The only parts I found semi-amusing was still the "I'm Ron Burgandy?" bit from the trailer, any of Fred Willard's conversations on the phone, and the sight gag of the 8 total squared Rubix cube on the desk. They went off on too many stupid tangents when they could have done so much with the main idea of the movie. I dunno eh.

Fred Willard is great in just about everything. I'm seeing this.


That reminds me, does Fred Willard have parkinson's disease? I noticed his right hand shakes an awful lot. He was on Leno the other night and it was disturbing. And it seems that they kept his right hand out of the picture. He was always talking on the phone with his left hand. Poor Fred Willard. :(


I saw Dodgeball this past weekend and laughed my ass off, although I STILL don't know why. Will I laugh in this movie? More importantly, will it deliver quotable lines like Dodgeball didn't do?

I thought Dodgeball was one of the stupidest movies I've seen in years, although I REALLY had a good time. Now I see a lot of DB hate, and while I understand most of it, I still had a great time seeing that damn movie. Good comedies are few and far between, can I count on Anchorman to deliver where DB failed?

I don't care if I laugh as often as I did with DB, I just want to REMEMBER why I laughed after the flick. DB I have no idea why I was laughing, I just know that I was. Perhaps I had some of those pot-brownies that The Sports Guy referenced in his column.


Grizzlyjin said:
Fred Willard is great in just about everything. I'm seeing this.

Fred Willard is my God, and dude from The Daily Show/God Almighty is my Jesus. Guess I'll have to check this one out even though spidey senses say no.


No quotable lines in Dodgeball? Damn dude, youre on crack. It's easily the most quotable movie in YEARS!


lacks enthusiasm.
Smidget said:
and the sight gag of the 8 total squared Rubix cube on the desk.

While I don't agree with most of your post, that bit was pretty clever and I don't think too many people spotted it.


Another thing that annoyed me was a lot of the things in the preview WEREN'T EVEN IN THE MOVIE!!!! I mean, wtf?!


Meier said:
No quotable lines in Dodgeball? Damn dude, youre on crack. It's easily the most quotable movie in YEARS!

Refresh my memory then. Like I said, I laughed my ass off at the time, it's just that the movie got worse in retrospect. I'd still recommend it to my friends though, it's just no classic comedy. Physical comedy is hard to quote.

and why was I the only one laughing in the theater when Christine Taylor got JACKED late by Stiller? That was my favorite part :) Also, why did Christine Taylor look like she had a moustache the whole flick?


Big fan of Rip in Freddy Got Fingered, go figure. Not too big a fan of Rip in this movie, although "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball" is one of my most quoted lines from this flick. Nothing else really impressed me, I'm not hating to hate like most of GA elite, just saying that this movie got worse the more I thought about it. I'd still recommend it, but I doubt I own it, at least until there is an "Ocho".


I concur. Dodgeball was overrated too, but I felt it was better than Anchorman. The thing that really brought down Dodgeball, I thought, was Ben Stiller's character. He felt so cliche and seemed like a dozen other characters Stiller has played in the past.


I've seen it 4 times and gets better every time. Funniest movie in years! Here were some of my favorites:

Peter La Fleur: Kate, it's time for you to put your mouth where our balls are.
Young Patches O'Houlihan: Dodgeball is a sport of violence, exclusion, and degradation.
Patches O'Houlihan: It's like watching a bunch of retards trying to hump a doorknob!
White Goodman: Cram it up your cramhole, LaFleur!
White Goodman: [Peter La Fleur enters his hotel room and finds White Goodman waiting for him in the dark] ¿Dónde está la biblioteca, Pedro?
Peter La Fleur: Yeah, uh, Patches... are you sure this is completely necessary?
Patches O'Houlihan: Necessary? Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine?
Peter La Fleur: Probably not.
Patches O'Houlihan: No, but I do it anyway because it's sterile and I like the taste.
Peter La Fleur: ...Okay.
Patches O'Houlihan: Always remember the five d's of dodgeball: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!
White Goodman: This doesn't concern you, La Fleur.
Peter La Fleur: Not nearly as much as your hair does.

Plus the Lance Armstrong bit and a bunch of the Pepper Brooks comments, the I've even seen a grown man satisfy a camel, the opium-addicted Chinamen part.. my friends and I from work havent been able to stop talking about this/quoting lines in weeks. Sheer genius.


Meier said:
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364725/quotes -- there's a listing of some people have submitted. Rip Torn/Patches offered up a ton of memorable lines in particular.

OK reading those quotes made me laugh more than I thought I would. How dare you make me laugh my own...laughs. The movie wasn't a classic, but perhaps it wasn't as bad as I remembered it. I forgot how damn funny Jason Bateman was in that flick.


Steve Carell is a Golden God. I went into this movie expecting to laugh at Ferrell, and I did, but Carell totally stole the show. Every time he did ANYTHING it was retardedly funny.


Back on topic -- Steve Carell definitely stole the movie. I was disappointed that some of the best parts of the trailer werent in the final cut.. I guess they'll be on the DVD as deleted scenes or something.


Raoul Duke said:
Steve Carell is a Golden God. I went into this movie expecting to laugh at Ferrell, and I did, but Carell totally stole the show. Every time he did ANYTHING it was retardedly funny.

He was the ONLY thing funny about Bruce Almighty, I'd expect nothing less from his scene stealing ass.
Steve Carell in this film gave me a sliver of hope for the American remake of The Office. Even though David Brent (or whatever they're calling him in the bastardization) is nothing like Brick Tamland it just solidified the fact that he's a damn funny individual who probably has the talent to pull it off.

Best scene(s):
Jack Black kicking Buster off the bridge! Anything with Steve.
Worst scene(s):
Everything else with Buster. I must secretly hate dogs, but those scenes just didn't do a thing for me.


Oh, did anyone hear that on the dvd there's going to be a second movie, called Wake Up Ron Burgundy, or something to that effect.
Meier said:
Back on topic -- Steve Carell definitely stole the movie. I was disappointed that some of the best parts of the trailer werent in the final cut.. I guess they'll be on the DVD as deleted scenes or something.

According to a roundtable interview the DVD will have basically an entire second movie on it as they had a 4 hour cut at one point :p So it might be in that


The movie wasn't funny at all. I'm not going to say god awful, because it wasn't, but nobody in the theater laughed except for the boner scene. At the end of the movie all you could hear was people saying "that movie sucked!" and "Well....I've seen worse!"


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
they got the best actors for this film. Youve got will farrell/ferell (dunno how to spell it) as the really funny man and youve got christina applegate who speaks for herself.

I havent watched the movie yet, it aint out where I live, but I saw a trailer of it and it didnt look too good.


metsallica said:
Worst scene(s):
Everything else with Buster. I must secretly hate dogs, but those scenes just didn't do a thing for me.
You must really hate him since that's not his name :)

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
can't wait to see anchorman, but the godzilla fest is happening around here this weekend, so will has been put on hold for a few days...


Caught a premiere screening on Wednesday, and the crowd was pretty into it. I definitely laughed...far and away, a funny comedy. Nothing spectacular, but definitely worth my...well, I WOULD have paid to see it, if I had had to.

To go beyond just this movie, I think that in general there is a "comedic divide" among the 18-30 set that started in the 90's.

I remember in high school, after the majority of the early 90's SNL cast had already left (Sandler, Carvey, Spade, Rock etc) and the Ferrel/Shannon handover became a reality, there was a distinct split amongst people who thought that the show wasn't funny anymore and among those who thought it was hilarious in a whole new way. I remember the cheeleader sketches and the "superstar" (whatever the fuck her name was) sketches were all the rage among people at school who I considered tragically lacking in intelligence and self-awareness. It seemed like that kind of humor put a premium on attempting to be as deliberately loud and dumb/flaky as possible, which can be funny at times, but also grating. Most of it also seemed extremely lacking in wit IMO, and for me wit makes the funny.

Ben Stiller's brand of comedy was already in line with the late 90's/early 00's SNL style of humor, dating back to his Ben Stiller Show days. Stiller always prefered "silly" to "slick", but he made silly work.

Now that this set of comedic talent has been years graduated from strictly televsion work, the comedic divide is surfacing in film. Some people think Zoolander, The Royal Tenenbaums, Old School, and Meet the Parents are among the funniest films in history. Then there are others who struggle to laugh consistently throughout them. I'm generally in the second set, but I'm not totally dismissive and have tried to be open-minded about what I consider funny.

I laughed during Anchorman, but there were a lot of times where I caught myself almost trying to laugh in spite of myself. Although I went to an early showing with few people in the theater, there weren't too many moments where everyone in the place busted out in hysterics (most of them involved Brick's Saget-esque myopics). More often than not I was laughing at the mood of the whole thing..the 70's suits, feathered hair, flaky lingo etc.

Dodgeball was funny also, but mostly because Ben Stiller took his character straight over the top (his fucking hair lol) and because Vince Vaughn's comedic delivery is masterful. Vaughn is one of the few of this new comedic set who can be genuinely witty. I'd say that Anchorman had more flat jokes than Dodgeball, but that Dodgeball took far fewer chances than Anchorman.

But back to the larger discussion, when I hear people talk about how funny Old School/Meet the Parents etc are, I can't help but think of how Super Troopers trounces the dogshit out of those movies. In fact many of the same people who dislike ST for getting lame at the end (sure the story gets corny but the jokes are just as good) are of the same ilk who praise films like Anchorman etc that swing far more lowbrow.

Anyway I have no clue where I was taking this..I guess I was just wondering if anyone else had noticed this kind of dichotomy of opinion with regard to new comedic films..


For everyone who saw the movie:

Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight
Gonna grab some afternoon delight
My motto's always been 'when it's right, it's right'
Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night?
When everything's a little clearer in the light of day
And we know the night is always gonna be there any way

Thinkin' of you's workin' up my appetite
Looking forward to a little afternoon delight
Rubbin' sticks and stones together makes the sparks ingite
And the thought of lovin' you is getting so exciting
Sky rockets in flight
Afternoon delight
Afternoon delight
Afternoon delight

Started out this morning feeling so polite
I always though a fish could not be caught who wouldn't bite
But you've got some bait a waitin' and I think I might try nibbling
A little afternoon delight
Sky rockets in flight
Afternoon delight
Afternoon delight
Afternoon delight

Please be waiting for me, baby, when I come around
We could make a lot of lovin' 'for the sun goes down

Thinkin' of you's workin' up my appetite
Looking forward to a little afternoon delight
Rubbin' sticks and stones together makes the sparks ingite
And the thought of lovin' you is getting so exciting
Sky rockets in flight
Afternoon delight
Afternoon delight
Afternoon delight

Afternoon delight!


Ned Flanders said:
Dodgeball was funny also, but mostly because Ben Stiller took his character straight over the top (his fucking hair lol)

"Check out White Goodman's hair, feathered and lethal -- you just dont see that these days."


Comedy movies in the past few years have pretty much stunk. I can't see how anyone thinks Dodgeball was hilarious. Is my taste in comedy bad?

Here's what I think are funny movies:

Dumb and Dumber
Happy Gilmore
Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back
Meet the Parents
Me, Myself, and Irene
There's something about Mary


Man, SuperTroopers is still one of my favorite films of all time, but Club Dread was only "kinda funny." I mean, I laughed, but not nearly as much as I did in either Anchorman or ST. I just hope Broken Lizard isn't a one-trick pony, because I KNOW how funny they can be. Ferrell, though, has almost always been funny to me.

And I, too, noticed today that they cut A LOT of stuff from the movie that was in the trailers/TV spots. [spolier] He doesn't get shot, for instance. [/spoiler] So it would kick ass to get the DVD and have almost another whole movie to watch. Definitely can't wait for that one to come out.


AssMan said:
Is my taste in comedy bad?

Definatly not, its just different. I dont think there is such a thing as a "bad taste" in comedies, just different. You like what you like, you know.

I loved Anchorman and I loved Dodgeball, hell two if the funniest movies Ive ever seen within a month of each other, but i could very easily see why people would hate the movie and not get the humor. But it was totally me, that was my humor and it really got to me. I think lots of things are funny and smile worthy, but very very very few things can get a genuine vocal laughter from me. Anchorman had me laughing out loud like Ive never done before. The 4 way news crew fight and the chat in Ron's office afterward was one of the funniest things Ive ever seen. Plus at the end credits when Ron is like "Hey Brick, you still having that celebrity golf tournament this weeked" he replies "No, too many people died last year". That was god damn hilarious, when you've seen the movie and gotten to know Brick's character.


Holds a little red book
Ned Flanders said:
But back to the larger discussion, when I hear people talk about how funny Old School/Meet the Parents etc are, I can't help but think of how Super Troopers trounces the dogshit out of those movies. In fact many of the same people who dislike ST for getting lame at the end (sure the story gets corny but the jokes are just as good) are of the same ilk who praise films like Anchorman etc that swing far more lowbrow.
Reno 911 is way better than Super Troopers, and it's improv. And it's on right frickin now.


Anyway I have no clue where I was taking this..I guess I was just wondering if anyone else had noticed this kind of dichotomy of opinion with regard to new comedic films..

I have to agree with you. But to me it seem more like a pale imitation of Monty Python's "theater of the absurd" than any new form of comedy. "Look at me I'm doing something weird so it must be funny!" It makes me laugh sometimes but leaves me with a hollow unsatisfied feeling afterwards. These movies succeed by employing the "Lets throw as much shit at the wall as we can and hopefully some will stick" theory. So the film gives you what you want ... some laughs and thats it. Anchorman is the crowning achievement of this philosophy. I never laughed that many times during a movie I disliked so much.

I went to see Dodgeball that same night. I loved it. I thought it had the same type of humor with one MAJOR difference. They actually tried to make a convincing story with good characters. For them to pull that off with a guy pretending to be a pirate is pretty fucking impressive. Anchorman could have been 10 unrelated skits and would have came off with the same amount of laughs and level of cohesion. I don't want to even bring up movies like Groundhog Day, because thats like compairing Air Bud to Jordan.

I disagree about Ben Stiller though. Lumping him in with Ferrel and Shannon is a crime. He only "acts" like a fool.
Anchorman rocked hard!!! Will Ferrel is the man. I'll probably see it again after I have a chance to check out Napoleon Dynamite.

My favorite quotes:
Ron Burgundy: I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch.

Ron Burgundy: I'm in a glass case of emotion! (My favorite scene. Fucking hilarious)

Ron Burgundy: Good evening. I'm Ron... Burgundy?
Ed Harken: Dammit! Who typed a question mark on the teleprompter?

Brian Fantana: They've done research. 60% of the time it works every single time. (HAHAHA)
Ron Burgundy: That doesn't make any sense.

Ron Burgundy: There he is, there's my little man.
Baxter: Bark. Bark.
Ron Burgundy: You pooped in the refrigerator? You actually pooped in the refrigerator? If I go and open up the door there will be poop in my refrigerator? How did you do that? That's actua... I'm not even mad. That's amazing!
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