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Anchorman is hilarious!

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J2 Cool

nice, i really had a thing for christina applegate and it went away a bit. This has become an absolute must see just reading the reactions. Ferrell was awesome in Elf and it seems he's continuing here :)
Some people think Zoolander, The Royal Tenenbaums, Old School, and Meet the Parents are among the funniest films in history

The Royal Tenenbaums is my favorite film ever, but it is definitelly not, in my opinion, the funniest film ever. There aren't really many laugh out loud moments, just a lot of witty dialouge that will bring a smile to your face.

Besides, RT is totally out of place with those films you listed. Almost everyone my age (18-20 crowd) thinks Zoolander, Old School, and Meet the Parents are hilarious, but they absolutely hate RT. They think RT is slow, boring, and don't get why I think it's funny. Similar to when I watched Fargo with my one friend, he kept on asking why I was laughing, he didn't even think it was supposed to be funny at some parts.

And for the record, I think Super Troops is grossly overrated. I thought it was an average comedy at best. I don't understand why everyone seems to love it.
As far as Anchorman, I guess my high expectations soured things a bit. I remember watching the trailer and thinking this was going to be the greatest comedy of all time. I really liked it though, and Ferrell is easily one of my favorite comedic actors right now. If you aren't a Ferrell fan, I don't think you'll like it very much though.


Anchorman was seriously the funniest comedy I've seen in years, Out of 15 years worth of comedies, the only thing that comes close is zoolander. Everything that was supposed to be funny in this movie was.

Now having said that, would absolutly everyone like it ? the audience laughed at it more then dodgeball I can say that much. The humour however, is closer in nature to space ghost / williams street cartoon network jokes. It's not so much the lines but all delivery. Will farrel and steve carrel are great comedic actors, the cameos came somewhat unexpectadly but were well used. I just really really liked this film. With the exception of a single joke near the end that was too topical to be of any real worth...


Pachinko said:
the audience laughed at it more then dodgeball I can say that much

Man if that's true, than the audience that I saw DB with would need to be carried out on stretchers. I guess I was in Bill Simmons' audience.

Lil' Dice

This movie was , IMO, genius. I'm a big Ferrell fan, and if one can appreciate his brand of humor then you'll also dig this movie.
Dodgeball was funny, but mostly 'physical gags' funny, Anchorman was about assembling a great cast of comedians, and sitting back and letting them run wild with the script.


Lil' Dice said:
This movie was , IMO, genius. I'm a big Ferrell fan, and if one can appreciate his brand of humor then you'll also dig this movie.
Dodgeball was funny, but mostly 'physical gags' funny, Anchorman was about assembling a great cast of comedians, and sitting back and letting them run wild with the script.

I may have to see this movie yet. As my ex said when I told her of the mediocre word of mouth of this movie, "Some get Farrell's type of humor, some don't." We do, so maybe we need to see this. Like I said earlier, I laughed my ass off in Dodgeball, but the movie got worse in retrospect as I thought more about it. Perhaps The Anchorman can avoid that.

edit--I think that Ned Flanders has a great point that has been overlooked. There IS a comedy gap that took place somewhere. I can't agree with him on Meet The Parents not being a classic, it's one of my all-time favorite comedys, but it is also by far my favorite Ben Stiller comedy. I didn't LOVE Zoolander but do see the humor in Super Troopers. To say ST stomps all over every comedy made in the last 10 years is a stretch, but damn if that movie isn't underrated in it's subtlety. There is something to be said of subtlety, something we haven't had since "Beavis and Butthead". Southpark is funny as shit, but some people prefer to have to think for their comedy, and ST delivers that in spades. Dodgeball was the other end of the spectrum.


And Flanders does have a good point even though Royal Tenebaums is completely out of place in that list of things, the only thing connecting them is Ben Stiller pretty much.

My favorite comedy of all time is This is Spinal Tap. There's nothing that can get me to consistently laugh every single time as much as that movie. Others include Best in Show (see where this is going?), Rushmore, previously stated Royal Tenenbaums, The Big Lebowski, Oh Brother Where Art Thou?. I hate movies like Caddyshack and Vacation and though Old School and Supertroopers had their moments but wasn't really that funny overall. So I'm really not too sure where I fall under for my comedy, but I definitely love dark comedies, Fight Club, Fargo, and the TV series The Sopranos and Six Feet Under make me laugh extremely hard a lot of the time. But watching things like Anchorman or Dodgeball aren't for me.
Ugh. I just saw Anchorman last night with my gf....this movie is almost as bad as Freddy Got Fingered. Horrible, absolutely horrible. All of the actors in it can do much better than this. What a monumental waste of talent and horrible writing.

Lil' Dice

evil ways said:
Terrible movie. I really don't see what people find so funny about garbage like this, Dodgeball or Starsky & Hutch.

Then i think it's time you realized that comedy is just not your bag, and save yourself the ticket $$....


Those calling this a terrible film , I can honestly say have no taste in comedy and should just avoid the genre all togethor. To merely dislike it, fine. To hate will farrel , fine. To relate it to freddy got fingered and call it utter crap ? Sorry but no. Even if it is just your opinion , it's a fucking retarded one to have.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
It was funny, but I think I definitely prefer Old School. Anchorman had a few dead moments and some really random plot stuff, but my biggest problem is just that I had no sympathy for any of the characters. I just didn't care, possibly because they were all caricatures of one kind or another. I couldn't relate to them, while the guys in Old School, regardless of the crazy situations they found themselves in, I could relate to as real people. The narrator was also particularly annoying as it didn't mesh with the kind of movie this was.



May all the white boys of comedy leave the room now. It is settled
Pachinko said:
Those calling this a terrible film , I can honestly say have no taste in comedy and should just avoid the genre all togethor. To merely dislike it, fine. To hate will farrel , fine. To relate it to freddy got fingered and call it utter crap ? Sorry but no. Even if it is just your opinion , it's a fucking retarded one to have.

Hi. Fuck you too. I like Will Ferrell and I was very hyped about this movie. But it's a waste of all that comedic talent--with so many big comedic names involved it should have been incredible). I can see how this movie would appeal to someone in their early/mid teens, just like I assume the same demographic would have enjoyed Freddy Got Fingered (though at least Anchorman had a plot).


Anchorman had me either smiling or laughing the entire time. It was a VERY fun movie to watch.

As someone mentioned before, you don't begin to care for the characters. But I never thought it was the type of movie where that would matter. The film doesn't at all take itself seriously. Most comedies don't, and yet they'll play on sincerity at times. Anchorman doesn't at all, and is completely unapologetic in that respect. It's basically a collection of jokes off of very well-defined characters and spoofs on the 'business'. Yet, for me, that made it no less entertaining.

And yes, Steve Carell stole the film. Every time he was on the screen you just knew he was going to do something funny. He easily got the biggest laughs at the theatre I was at.

DJ Demon J said:
I'm an idiot.
At least, that's how it read for me.
I thought Carell was easily the biggest let down of the film. His character was one joke that repeated over and over. Though he was funny, like the others are saying, it was a waste of his potential.


Just saw The Legend of Ron Burgandy tonight, and yes it is a funny movie... Will obviously knows what he is doing...

Great movie in fact, I highly recommend it...

I also saw Sleep Over (
also with a Steve Carell supporting role, and was about as funny in either film, not much, but some smiles
), lets just say the movie pretty much sucked, so stay away...


Just got back from Anchorman, and I must say its one of the funniest movies I saw this year, and it easlily ranks in my top 15 comedies of all time. I do have to say that Steve Carrel (sp?) stole that entire movie. He had me rolling.

My favorite scene in the whole movie was

When they are finishing the news, and he looks at the camera, straightfaced and says "Thats the news. I'm Ron Burgandy, Go fuck Yourself San Diego"

That scene had me rolling.

Also when he tells Veronica
I'm gonna punch you in the ovary. A nice straight punch

Man this movie is a classic comedy.
DJ Demon J said:
Hi. Fuck you too. I like Will Ferrell and I was very hyped about this movie. But it's a waste of all that comedic talent--with so many big comedic names involved it should have been incredible). I can see how this movie would appeal to someone in their early/mid teens, just like I assume the same demographic would have enjoyed Freddy Got Fingered (though at least Anchorman had a plot).

I just can't see the connection between enjoying anchorman, and enjoying Tom green having sex with animals, playing with meat and getting inside a corpse.

You can't compare the two on content as they are nothing alike. At least come up with a viable reference/argument for your dislike instead of picking two movies you didn't enjoy.


Zoolander was hilarious. Meet the Parents and Old School had a few good moments but generally weren't very good, and I do get a little confused about the love those get. Talking about how cat's don't have opposable thumbs, or saying "You're my boy Blue" just doesn't do it for me like "Really really ridiculously good looking" did. Dodgeball was good fun, defintely better than either of those. I loved Madison and Gilmore, but Sandler is just getting a bit old IMO. Mike Myers should kill himself. Super Troopers was funny, though I don't remember much about it except for one guy calling a couple people chickenfuckers, and really cracking up. Rushmore, Bottle Rocket, and Royal Tennenbaums are great, but differ way too much in style to most other comedies.

I definitely don't think there's (or at least don't see) the kind of comedic divide that Ned spoke of. I hated Cheri Oteri, Kataan, and Shannon, and stopped watching SNL for years as a result, but still, Ferrell is great. Most people I know have pretty pluralistic tastes, with their likes and dislikes evenly distributed without any clear camps.

Anyways, Anchorman was hilarious. I can't think of the last time I laughed so hard so frequently. Steve Carell needs to get a lead role in something soon...


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Manders said:
That music video disappointed me. It wasn't even funny. I'll stick with the movie version.

If you don't think this is the best song ever... I will fight you. That is no lie.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Gruco said:
Steve Carell needs to get a lead role in something soon...
Well, he's doing the American version of The Office.

And just this week he signed to star in Furry Vengeance.
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy co-star Steve Carell will topline New Line's Furry Vengeance, the comedy bought as a spec script last month.

Carell will play a cutthroat real estate developer who meets his match in the animals that will be rendered homeless if he's successful in turning their forest into a housing development.

The script was written by Mike Carnes and Josh Gilbert.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The main dude... whoever that is. I honestly haven't seen the show.

Gah, apparently he's in Sleepover.

And he'll have a role in Bewitched with Ferrell and Kidman.
Christ Anchoman was the funniest thing since Dumb and Dumber, so great.

My girlfriend HATED it though... I should probably dump her for that, that'll learn her. Maybe she'll figure out what a sence of humor is after, too.


ItalianStallion said:
Christ Anchoman was the funniest thing since Dumb and Dumber, so great.

My girlfriend HATED it though... I should probably dump her for that, that'll learn her. Maybe she'll figure out what a sence of humor is after, too.

She should dump you for butchering the english language.

sence? SENSE

"That'll Learn her"????? That'll Teach Her
aparisi2274 said:
She should dump you for butchering the english language.

sence? SENSE

"That'll Learn her"????? That'll Teach Her

Come on, everybody says "That'll learn ya, bitch!" As for "Sence", I have no excuse for that.

But let's get serious here, I have hand in this relationship. I made it, only I can destroy it! BWAH!!!

Who wants intelligent people who can read and write anyway, they're total nerds... suck in bed, too!


i was VERY dissapointed with anchorman. there were a bunch chuckle moments but i didnt find anything really funny. the ben stiller and jack black cameo's were awesome though...


i found dodgeball to be MUCCCHHHH funnier, that was hysterical.
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