What phone is generally recognized to have the best camera in the android ecosystem?
What is the best low price tablet on the US? My coworker wants to get one for his kids in gradeschool for games and stuff. Anything decent for about $150? What about a rooted OG Nook Color?
Kindle fire.
Anybody here have a Kindle Fire? I hear the browser isn't all that but I mainly want it for my 9 yr old and 15 yr old to play games, watch youtube, that sorta thing.
What about those no named tablets with 2.3 on them?
So I'll be able to update my Nexus S with the "system updates" option in the settings menu? And it'll pop up sometime in the next month? I don't really want to do it manually.
What phone is generally recognized to have the best camera in the android ecosystem?
Htc Vivid/Radier and galaxy sii
was able to successfully flash my mobilicity nexus S with ICS. so any of you wind guys should be good to go with t-mobiles update as well.
Got a GS2 on Sprint on Amazon.. First time Sprint user. Anything cool I should know?
Got a GS2 on Sprint on Amazon.. First time Sprint user. Anything cool I should know?
Galaxy S2 line.
Case in point, took some of my first pictures with my Skyrocket yesterday and was blown away by the clarity. Really great camera!
Got a GS2 on Sprint on Amazon.. First time Sprint user. Anything cool I should know?
ICS is much better on the evo now that they got HW acc working. Its like a whole new phone.
Touchwiz has a few neat features built in:
-Slide on your contacts to go to either phone or message.
-Slide on the status bar to adjust brightness if not on auto.
-Home + Power for screenshots
Probably some more, I haven't really played with the OS.
Haters gonna hate, touchwiz is fine.
Touchwiz has a few neat features built in:
-Slide on your contacts to go to either phone or message.
-Slide on the status bar to adjust brightness if not on auto.
-Home + Power for screenshots
Probably some more, I haven't really played with the OS.
Haters gonna hate, touchwiz is fine.
Question: why do the android browsers always "refresh" or reload when I come back to them after going home / minimizing it and using another app? This has happened to me in every Android phone I've had and I'm curious as to why this happens. Is it a memory issue?
Question: why do the android browsers always "refresh" or reload when I come back to them after going home / minimizing it and using another app? This has happened to me in every Android phone I've had and I'm curious as to why this happens. Is it a memory issue?
Any updates on a manual update link for the AT&T Nexus S ICS ROM? Can the T-Mobile one be used without problems?
PowerAMP sounds better and has a GREAT equalizer/preamp+gapless audio. It's probably one of the best music players I've ever used after the 2.0 update. The interface is skinnable now but I haven't seen anyone make any sadly.Has anybody used both PowerAmp and PlayerPro? Which do you prefer, and why?
I find it extremely convenient. Unless you like the autobrightness (which I find too bright in dark environments) I don't see why you wouldn't use it.I hate the slide on the status bar to adjust brightness. I have never done it intentionally. Arg.
PowerAMP sounds better and has a GREAT equalizer/preamp+gapless audio. It's probably one of the best music players I've ever used after the 2.0 update. The interface is skinnable now but I haven't seen anyone make any sadly.
Most players do but poweramp has its own I believe. Also gives you the option of using its own media library that doesn't have the same tag issues as the stock android one.I've read a number of user comments on forums which say PowerAmp sounds better and I'm still not sure why. All these players go through the Google media framework in the Android OS and should sound exactly the same with EQ/preamp disabled, right? I guess I'll download both and listen to the same thing on both since they both have free trials.
Pretty sure they fixed around 2.2 update.
Whaa? It still happens on the droid x and happened today on my GN... I'll see if it happens again.
I'll post again since my last post was about 3 months ago:
I've got a Samsung Gravity SMART with Froyo. It's pretty gimped in terms of built-in memory, and the frustrating part is that the dalvik cache is on the internal memory so even apps that install to the SD card eventually eat up all the memory and I start getting "memory full" errors.
The only saving grace has been rooting the phone and removing some of the crapware, but I think the only real long-term solution is modding it so the dalvik cache isn't stored on the internal memory.
Is there any way to do this safely, or do I have to wait until someone gets around to porting cyanogenmod (if that ever happens)?
Seriously?....that never happens on my N1 with CM.
Hold down on the album art to change it while in the now playing screen. Unfortunately I don't think he's implemented batch tagging yet. I really appreciate being able to tag singles I download straight from my phone though.PowerAMP:
+ the equalizer is very powerful and has tone controls for bass and treble
+ volume control is finer than Android default (and other players)
+ lots of options for manipulating music files, including tag editor
+ nice lock screen widget
+ is updated regularly by author
- interface is hilariously convoluted compared to stock player and PlayerPro
- album art downloader often downloads wrong art and no option to change it yourself
- has the problem where audio skips a moment when screen turns off (known Android issue)
+ interface is very clean and intentionally resembles stock Android player
+ album art downloader lets you choose what you download from Internet search
+ downloads artist pictures which are overlaid under the lock screen widget
+ nice lock screen widget
- uses Google framework, so you can set volume too loud or too soft but never just right
- not smart enough to ignore the Last.fm "no picture here" placeholder images and downloads them
- audio skips when DSP Pack is used on Galaxy Tuna and screen turns off (known problem with Tuna/ICS)
- hasn't been updated since July 2011, has author abandoned it? it works fine on Tuna though
The biggest problem I'm having is with comparing audio quality between the two players. Because PowerAMP and PlayerPro don't follow the same volume settings, trying to get the volume level on both exactly the same for an A/B comparison is virtually impossible. PowerAMP gives me much more granularity in volume controls, but it's album art downloader sucks. PlayerPro lets me get exactly the right album art with Internet search but the volume control is retarded on stock Android and has always been, and PlayerPro inherits this.
If the author of PowerAMP is planning on adding the ability to select your own album art using Internet search, then I would definitely go with PowerAMP at this point. Maybe I should post in the forum for that app and ask.
So the face recognition thing to unlock on the nexus, is that a nexus thing or an ice cream sandwich thing?
its ICS but does require the front facing camera
So the face recognition thing to unlock on the nexus, is that a nexus thing or an ice cream sandwich thing?