Why does the OS use up so much battery on my gs2?
It's an ICS unlock method. However, it's up to the device maker to use it and include it in the device.
Case in point : Nexus S doesn't have face unlock (presumably because the ffc isn't the greatest), while the Galaxy Nexus does.
is beyondpod still the best podcast app? i need to really figure out and stick to one of these programs b/c podcasting (along with board games) is the only thing where i'm not 100% converted over from my itouch
I guess that's why since the last charge cycle had the display use like 60%.given how long its been on battery, it's probably that in comparison it's doing a lot, because nothing else is doing anything.
Why does the OS use up so much battery on my gs2?[/QUOTE]
It's a percentage. Not a raw number.
[quote="AstroLad, post: 33548067"]is beyondpod still the best podcast app? i need to really figure out and stick to one of these programs b/c podcasting (along with board games) is the only thing where i'm not 100% converted over from my itouch[/QUOTE]
Doggcatcher and PocketCasts.
What's the best notes app? Preferably one that syncs via Simplenote/dropbox or links up with Microsoft's OneNote. And it shouldn't adsor at least there should be some way to pay to remove the ads.
I've only used PocketCast and haven't felt the need to try any other. Simply amazing.
Got a GS2 on Sprint on Amazon.. First time Sprint user. Anything cool I should know?
Which build are you using, Kushdeck? I've been tempted to switch from CM to ICS, but the previous alpha build was horrible.
I guess that's why since the last charge cycle had the display use like 60%.
Did you turn the screen on more during that time?
is beyondpod still the best podcast app? i need to really figure out and stick to one of these programs b/c podcasting (along with board games) is the only thing where i'm not 100% converted over from my itouch
Yes it is.is beyondpod still the best podcast app? i need to really figure out and stick to one of these programs b/c podcasting (along with board games) is the only thing where i'm not 100% converted over from my itouch
Htc sensation and galaxy sii
I recommend against putting the entire dalvik cache on the sdcard because that can prevent the phone from booting because the sdcard isn't mounted yet (in my experience).I'll post again since my last post was about 3 months ago:
I've got a Samsung Gravity SMART with Froyo. It's pretty gimped in terms of built-in memory, and the frustrating part is that the dalvik cache is on the internal memory so even apps that install to the SD card eventually eat up all the memory and I start getting "memory full" errors.
The only saving grace has been rooting the phone and removing some of the crapware, but I think the only real long-term solution is modding it so the dalvik cache isn't stored on the internal memory.
Is there any way to do this safely, or do I have to wait until someone gets around to porting cyanogenmod (if that ever happens)?
There comes a time in the life of every piece of computer code that, no matter how much you update it, no matter how many bug fixes and new features you apply, it will always be behind the curve. I think Android, with the Ice Cream Sandwich v4, has reached that point. Android is as good as it’s going to get. The sales will continue, the brand name will live on, but the time for great leaps in usability and functionality has passed.
ICS its jarded the greats, idk what hes calling it. I might jump over to kush since hes now on 4.0.3.
I wish I could get paid to write shit like that for a living.
"Writing at the cross-section of technology, media and human nature"
That is some amazing trolling there. I mean wow...
Anyone tested UberMusic?
Actually the Mytouch 4G Slide camera is better than the Sensation as it has the backlit sensor.
But neither of the three are the best. The Nokia series and the Altek Leo (14MP with analog zoom lens) are probably better by a pretty fair margin.
Before 3.0 came out, I was hoping android offer a way to run two apps on the same screen like wiandow 8 does with the adjustable split screen.Ah hahahahaha. "everything that needs to be invented already has been".
His lack of vision disturbs me.
Ah hahahahaha. "everything that needs to be invented already has been".
Before 3.0 came out, I was hoping android offer a way to run two apps on the same screen like wiandow 8 does with the adjustable split screen.
Either android work on it soon or get chrome running on android soon.
Anyone tested UberMusic?
Would love to have a dose of the Metro interface on my tablet.
Speaking of which, are there any more apps that use the Metro design philosophy for non-rooted devices?
Why does the OS use up so much battery on my gs2?
The reason you have bad battery life is because something is preventing your phone from sleeping (look at all the period where it's awake despite the screen not being on)Looking at mine....
That does seem a bit high.
Ah hahahahaha. "everything that needs to be invented already has been".
His lack of vision disturbs me.