Google Music users learned of a frightful new policy this morning that dictates a user may de-authorize only four devices in a year, out of ten total activations. While the policy is likely to go unnoticed by the majority of consumers, it instantly created a great pain for those who regularly flash ROMs to their phones and tablets. It seems the road to de-authorization hell is paved with good intentions, however, as Google has since responded to critics with the revelation that it'll introduce an activation system that accounts for such nuances.
We've learned through our conversations with the company that users may, in fact, sign in to their Google Music account from any number of devices, and it's only when a tune is deliberately streamed that your smartphone or tablet will be added to the list of ten. What's more, we've determined through our own experimentation that Google has temporarily suspended the de-authorization limit of four devices, and while it's difficult to know how long this reprieve will last, we're hopeful that it'll remain in effect until Google implements this new system to recognize duplicate authorizations.
What's more, while the company was rather insistent that songs couldn't be streamed to multiple devices at the same time, it seems that Google's system of checks and balances is spotty at best -- we were able to simultaneously stream tunes to three devices without so much as a hiccup. Yes, the system eventually shook its finger at us, but it serves as a nice reminder to have fun while the insanity lasts.
resale value HAHAH....then I can sell the GS3 to get the next Nexus....the cycle continues...
I've learn from he pass that the higher memory model seem to have a higher rate of buyers/resale value....same way how a white phone tend to me more popular...
Looks like Sprint has officially delayed the Evo LTE launch. Sucks since it was suppose to be released 48 hours from now.
How long has this actually been going on. I was curious as to why there was such a big pile of secrecy over the official release date in the first place...
Wasn't it just recently? I thought it got delayed because of the US Customs stop the other day.
You are right, but before all of this happened, no one knew when the official release date was. Up to the day before all of this happened, the official Sprint site still said they weren't sure on the final details of release, but it would ship to those who preordered the first chance they got. Everyone thought it was the 18th, but it was never "officially" announced from what I gather.
It was announced yesterday before all this happened. Sprint put out a press release saying stores would open at 8am Friday.
The secrecy about the release date before then, I think in part, was related to having enough stock for the demand. With the Palm Pre and Evo, they announced a release date a month ahead of time. Of course they didn't have enough stock for the demand and people looking to get these phones were turned away. Dumbass people like myself camped at Sprint Stores just to make sure we could get one.
Sprint has some Evo LTE phones now and could have released it last week but I'm guessing the 2nd shipment that got held at customs was to make sure they had enough just in case the demand was high.
This is going to be an interesting story to watch since Sprint has the iPhone now .Sprint just says go to HTC for answers about this mess. If they weren't in bed with Apple, I'm sure Sprint would be doing an all out anti-Apple attack like they did 5 years ago.
so how likely will the US models of GS3 to get 2Gb of ram?
much more likely than yesterday. things are looking up!
yeah, dont know why they would have a separate model build just for one provider.
Why not, phones are more expensive in Japan. American models always get the lower spec version due to bigger market size.
Stylus acts as a headset?
Well, I'll be damned.It is known.
Haha. I like it.The Padphone should be renamed the "Why the Hell Not?" phone.
thats a relatively large change in the manufacturing process for just one provider worth of phones. I dont see how it would offset without pushing it to more
Slashgear has a hands on with the Huawei Ascend P1:
imo, it's seems like an interesting device. plus, it's pentaband
Slashgear has a hands on with the Huawei Ascend P1:
imo, it's seems like an interesting device. plus, it's pentaband
Wow. Impressed. Imagine what they could do with a higher-end phone. Love that it's pure Android too.
Slashgear has a hands on with the Huawei Ascend P1:
imo, it's seems like an interesting device. plus, it's pentaband
Good use of space on the bottom for the buttons. None of that unused space (logo) and then on screen buttons non-senese.
is this a prepaid market phone in the US? Thats an awesome budget phone
People honestly think on screen buttons are a bad thing? I love them on my GNex. If you are prepared to root you can get roms which customise the icons, the colours, the order of the buttons and which buttons you want. With the screen off the front of the phone looks incredibly clean.
People honestly think on screen buttons are a bad thing? I love them on my GNex. If you are prepared to root you can get roms which customise the icons, the colours, the order of the buttons and which buttons you want. With the screen off the front of the phone looks incredibly clean.
It's a lot easier to mispress a capacity button than a real button.
OTOH, real buttons don't last. I have stopped using the power button on my HD2 after the stories I have heard. I use the volume button to wake it up.
People honestly think on screen buttons are a bad thing? I love them on my GNex. If you are prepared to root you can get roms which customise the icons, the colours, the order of the buttons and which buttons you want. With the screen off the front of the phone looks incredibly clean.
Dude, it is a premium phone. It was the thinnest smartphone when it was announced. I don't know if it still is.
people who knock on screen buttons over capacitive buttons are just inexperienced. They will learn from their mistakes.
its now officially a last gen chipset phone. Its even last gen in its own lineup. Thinness alone doesn't make it premium.
Its still not a budget phone I don't care what your premium definition is.
The small computer has an AllWinner A10 single-core 1.5GHz ARM CPU, a Mali 400 GPU, and 512MB of RAM. An HDMI port on the exterior allows users to plug the computer into a television. It outputs at 1080p and is said to be capable of playing high-definition video.
The device also has a full-sized USB port with host support for input devices, a conventional micro-USB port, a microSD slot, and an internal 802.11 b/g WiFi antenna. The computer can boot from a microSD card and is capable of running Android 4.0 and other ARM-compatible Linux platforms.
$74 portable computer. Android/Linux/etc.
dat future.
Day one?
Shut up and take my money?
Dayum! If can release XBMC on Android this thing would be so EPIC.
Wait this thing has Google TV on it? What? How does that work?
much more likely than yesterday. things are looking up!
It's a lot easier to mispress a capacity button than a real button.
OTOH, real buttons don't last. I have stopped using the power button on my HD2 after the stories I have heard. I use the volume button to wake it up.
People honestly think on screen buttons are a bad thing? I love them on my GNex. If you are prepared to root you can get roms which customise the icons, the colours, the order of the buttons and which buttons you want. With the screen off the front of the phone looks incredibly clean.
nothing you just typed was compelling enough to forfeit valuable pixels
But if the on screen buttons arent there, isnt the screen usually bigger?
wait, what I meant was, dont they make the screen bigger to accommodate for the buttons? So you aren't really forfeiting space..?
But if the on screen buttons arent there, isnt the screen usually bigger?
wait, what I meant was, dont they make the screen bigger to accommodate for the buttons? So you aren't really forfeiting space..?
But if the on screen buttons arent there, isnt the screen usually bigger?
wait, what I meant was, dont they make the screen bigger to accommodate for the buttons? So you aren't really forfeiting space..?
Here's a screenshot comparison of the real estate space from both my Gnex vs One X
I toggle off the notification bar via Nova launcher.
Huh, could have sworn they added extra pixels for the screen to account for the software buttons. Carry on then.
Dude, your software button area is ugly as sin!You need to clean that up. If you want more screen real estate change the DPI or something.. can have the gnex give you just as much real estate with the same functionality, and still come out ahead since you don't need capacitive buttons.
I'd take a screenshot of mine to show you, but I'm on an iPad atm.
Has their been a high-end Android phone released yet that uses software buttons besides the G Nexus?
Are their any coming?