Ever hear of something called "video"?
Have fun watching that on a 4:3 screen.
Yea I believe the biggest usage of tablets is multimedia and its dumb on a 4:3 screen
Ever hear of something called "video"?
Have fun watching that on a 4:3 screen.
Google to release 5 Nexus devices on November 5th to celebrate Androids 5th birthday
Jelly Bean is going to be amazing!
People with Galaxy Note, I need you go to this poll and vote for Galaxy Note
Go go go! Just need 20 more votes.
you're right though...and that's what i was thinking as I was writing that post.
are the other factors enough to make me change the phone? probably should stick with the X
the only problem that really bothers me and that seems unchangeable is when i am in my car and i am charging my phone and have it plugged into the aux port.
this weird sound comes out of my speakers, basically forcing me to play some music or a podcast,
the sound stops whenever i am actually playing something or when i am not charging.
i could just "not do that" but i like to take my calls throught he aux port as well, voice plays back through the speakers and the mic picks up my voice well.
also thinking about getting the htc bluetooth receiver that plugs into the aux, but i'm not sure if i will be able to take calls while using that thing. not sure i would be able to have the phone still pick up my voice. should do some research as there are reviews starting to trickle out for it.
What reasons are there to use Swift key X instead of the SwiftKey 3 beta?
They both seem like the same thing
X is older, it is technically Swiftkey 2. The beta is for 3. It predicts better and the layout is better, in my experience.
So if the U.S. Galaxy S III comes with a dual core...then what is the point for a GS2 Skyrocket owner like me?
The GSIII is an evolution, not a revolution, over the GSII and Galaxy Nexus. If the spec bumps don't interest you, then there isn't any point. You're probably still under contract anyways so you should wait a bit before buying a new phone unless you enjoy paying $800 for it.
Seeing the GSIII only reaffirmed my decision to buy the Galaxy Nexus. If one of the "5 Nexuses" at the end of this year interests me, I might pick one up. If not, I'll hang on to my phone until my contract is up and then re-contract with Verizon.
So if the U.S. Galaxy S III comes with a dual core...then what is the point for a GS2 Skyrocket owner like me?
Really? I've been using my iPad for Hulu a lot since I'm on vacation now (which I couldn't even do with my GT 10.1, so the screen ratio doesn't matter in that regard), but otherwise video isn't the majority of my usage. Even still, it's still very enjoyable when watching video.Yea I believe the biggest usage of tablets is multimedia and its dumb on a 4:3 screen
Yea I believe the biggest usage of tablets is multimedia and its dumb on a 4:3 screen
Well I'm not sure if your post or pre paid but I use this.
It works pretty well for data on t mobile idk how well it works for others.
I enjoy watching video on my 52" HDTV. On my Touchpad I mainly like read manga, and it just so happens that your typical printed page fits a 4:3 aspect screen just perfectly.
But since this is a gcubed post it's safe to assume I'm being trolled here and responding was a waste of my time.
... i don't know your habits, but video (again, i need to look it up to confirm but i remember reading the survey) was the main item of consumption on a tablet. If your main usage of a tablet is video 4:3 is a poor choice.
Reading manga would certainly be better on 4:3. So sure, they hit it out of the park for the 7 people who read manga. (if i was accused of trolling in the previous post, i felt the need to at least do it)
When I had my touchpad the only thing I could do with it was read comic. Not even manga, because online manga sites are optimized for keyboards.
To me 10" tablet is completely useless without a tranformer-type keyboard.
And I pity the foo who watch video on tablets. You can get a 50" Panasonic Pasmas screen for $600.
When I had my touchpad the only thing I could do with it was read comic. Not even manga, because online manga sites are optimized for keyboards.
To me 10" tablet is completely useless without a tranformer-type keyboard.
And I pity the foo who watch video on tablets. You can get a 50" Panasonic Pasmas screen for $600.
All those fools watching videos on their tablet when on a flight, when a smart man would bring his 50" Panny plasma onboard.
Which layout/prediction is better? X or 3?
Also, Swiftkey X seems to have disappeared on my Play Market and says it's not compatible with my Nexus S anymore... what. I was able to install it before... that's odd.
Google+ App for Android update.
Now with 100% more horizontally stretched photos.
WTF google?!
Speaking of proper multimedia and tablets, why does the netflix app suck so hard?
It looks so horrible on a tablet.
You can hook all sorts of things to phones!Wait can you do this on phones?
Google's 7-inch tablet PC, which the company co-developed with Asustek computer, is set to start shipping in June with initial shipments to reach about 600,000 units. The machine will be officially released in the market in July, according to sources from the upstream supply chain. However, Asustek has declined to comment.
Google originally planned to release its entry-level 7-inch tablet PC in May, but design and costs did not reach its expectations, and the product was delayed to July for some minor adjustments.
The 7-inch tablet PC is expected to achieve total shipments of 2-2.5 million units in 2012.
With Samsung Electronics, Asustek Computer and Acer are releasing new 7-inch tablet PCs, competition in the 7-inch tablet PC market is expected to turn fierce in the second half of 2012.
Is there yet an android tablet with a screen comparable to the "retina" display on the new ipad?
That and lack of Hulu Plus is why I left my Galaxy Tab 10. Those are really the only reasons. Netflix app scrolled like shit if at all, it really is a POS.Speaking of proper multimedia and tablets, why does the netflix app suck so hard?
It looks so horrible on a tablet.
Does anyone know why? Are companies just afraid to go head-to-head with the ipad?nope
No, it isn't exactly easy to put that much resolution into a 10~ inch screen and sell it for a reasonable price. Apple can do it because they are cool and doesn't afraid of anything.Does anyone know why? Are companies just afraid to go head-to-head with the ipad?
Does anyone know why? Are companies just afraid to go head-to-head with the ipad?
Maybe you already answered my question, but Samsung is the manufacturer of the ipad screen. I guess they have a deal with Apple which disallows them from using their own screens?Apple invested a couple billion a year or so ago to build the factories and ensure exclusive access to their new screens. The other manufacturers are still working on getting their tech to the production line.
Maybe you already answered my question, but Samsung is the manufacturer of the ipad screen. I guess they have a deal with Apple which disallows them from using their own screens?
Ok, that makes more sense. Still though, they are corporate cousins, right? It's not like Apple is making the screens themselves using propitiatory technology.The Samsung that makes components for Apple is not the same Samsung that makes Smartphones. They are separate sub companies from a huge umbrella.
Maybe you already answered my question, but Samsung is the manufacturer of the ipad screen. I guess they have a deal with Apple which disallows them from using their own screens?
To go back to my original question, is there an Android tablet on the market with comparable screen density?Its not a particular interesting screen size or resolution. Anyone can use it if they really want to. I am sure Meizu will use this screen and resolution if they are in the tablet business.
No.To go back to my original question, is there an Android tablet on the market with comparable screen density?
To go back to my original question, is there an Android tablet on the market with comparable screen density?
Ok, I will keep waiting.No.
The ASUS Transformer Prime Infinity 700 XXX Ice Cream PadFone will have a 1920x1200 screen but who knows when that's coming out, it'll be pretty expensive as well.
The ASUS Transformer Prime Infinity 700 XXX Ice Cream PadFone will have a 1920x1200 screen but who knows when that's coming out, it'll be pretty expensive as well.
good news for a shitty situation, but isn't the official unlock still not a great solution for the one X, with limited functionality and the ***TAMPERED*** message?
good news for a shitty situation, but isn't the official unlock still not a great solution for the one X, with limited functionality and the ***TAMPERED*** message?