Their App store is floundering
Maybe that's partly because they don't offer it to most of the people in the world. Cretins.
Their App store is floundering
HTC makes pretty widgets but a horrendous UI. OneX has some great hardware (in the US arguably the best because of the screen) just poor software.
As a poster who appreciated WP7s UI I took liberty in assuming he likes a nice UI. To tell someone to buy a new phone and install a custom ROM on it is counterproductive and exactly why Android gets a bad rap.
You're not missing much.Maybe that's partly because they don't offer it to most of the people in the world. Cretins.
Giant bezel, what the hell.
Tablets need a thick bezel. Why is that so hard to understand?
A thick bezel is one thing, which I agree with but that looks too thick on the bottom even more so than the top, which makes it awkward looking and feeling in landscape mode. Maybe its just me though.
Cross-thread pollination!
Google Maps' offline mode is SWEEEET:
You can adjust the size of the grid and it will estimate the amount of storage required. Seems the largest tile I'm able to create is just above 80MB.
Network service discovery
Android 4.1 adds support for multicast DNS-based service discovery, which allows you to find and connect to services offered by peer devices over Wi-Fi, such as mobile devices, printers, cameras, media players, and others that are registered on the local network.
The new package contains the new APIs that allow you to broadcast your services on the local network, discover local devices on the network, and connect to devices.
To register your service, you must first create an NsdServiceInfo object and define the various properties of your service with methods such as setServiceName(), setServiceType(), and setPort().
Then you need to implement NsdManager.RegistrationListener and pass it to registerService() with your NsdServiceInfo.
To discover services on the network, implement NsdManager.DiscoveryListener and pass it to discoverServices().
When your NsdManager.DiscoveryListener receives callbacks about services found, you need to resolve the service by calling resolveService(), passing it an implementation of NsdManager.ResolveListener that receives an NsdServiceInfo object that contains information about the discovered service, allowing you to initiate the connection.
Gapless playback
You can now perform gapless playback between two separate MediaPlayer objects. At any time before your first MediaPlayer finishes, call setNextMediaPlayer() and Android attempts to start the second player the moment that the first one stops.
How big of an area does 80MB cover?
did they say that Google Now will only be on Jelly Bean? Or will it be released as a new app for at least ICS too?
Again, some of the software they ship on the One X is great. Is it less efficient than it could be? Probably, but it doesn't matter that much, because the phone's powerful enough to take it in its stride, and it's a single click in the Play store to replace pretty much anything you don't like.
Only that was a final option, not an initial suggestion. Buy the phone and run Sense on it is fine for the vast majority of people, because it's not as bad as you're saying, to the point that I doubt you've actually used a One X. If you really don't like it, you can replace the software on the stock ROM. The point is that even if you're deranged enough to have an almost religious hatred of Sense (does that describe anyone here?) you can buy the gorgeous hardware and run stock ICS on it, if that's what turns you on.
it definitely describes me. I've used Sense on the One X. I'm not saying it doesnt preform well, i'm saying its ugly... clearly i'm not alone, but in the end its just my opinion.
Just got like 10 update notifications from Google apps. Google going Balls out.
No.This is probably an immensely stupid question but does Flash work in Chrome?
You update/uninstall from the web Play Store now.
Holy fucking shit.
I don't know if it's because I flashed 4.0.4 yesterday or got a new Galaxy Nexus yesterday or WHAT but Facebook push notifications are now working for me on my phone. This is like, megaton worthy.
Has anyone else noticed this?
So I've been using my new phone for an hour or so. Not sure what I think yet except that it's not drastically different than using an iPhone.
Most of the differences you'll see as you start interacting with stuff in between apps, emails, etc.
Most of the differences you'll see as you start interacting with stuff in between apps, emails, etc.
If he uses the phone the way he would an iPhone, I'm not surprised by his findings. Leveraging the strengths of the platform to handle your daily tasks/routine is what's key.
Of course, if all he does is browse the web and Facebook.....
Got it a couple days ago, alone with it making the LED blue for its notifications on my GNex.
So did they finally fix Facebook on Android or what? Why is it all of a sudden working?
Facebook notifications? They've always worked for me.
They haven't, and do not work, for a vast majority of Android users. Push notifications have always been finicky on Android.
I'm glad to see gestures being progress on for the navbar.
Guys I need help picking a new phone. It's between the Razr (not the MAXX) and the Rezound. I'm having trouble picking. The Rezound seems to have a better display (but that doesn't really matter too much to me) and I can get a replaceable/extended battery for it. The Razr has a better design though, and since I'm terrible with screens I would like the comfort of knowing that the screen is gorilla glass.
So help me out gaf, Razr or Rezound. I have only a few hours to pick. My brother is ordering them soon.
Galaxy Nexus
Guys I need help picking a new phone. It's between the Razr (not the MAXX) and the Rezound. I'm having trouble picking. The Rezound seems to have a better display (but that doesn't really matter too much to me) and I can get a replaceable/extended battery for it. The Razr has a better design though, and since I'm terrible with screens I would like the comfort of knowing that the screen is gorilla glass.
So help me out gaf, Razr or Rezound. I have only a few hours to pick. My brother is ordering them soon.
Ideally, but I don't have an opinion on this. It's between the two.
Wut? FB push notifications, maybe. Everything else, no. Also, FB push notifications have worked perfectly since they introduced them for me.
Why not the Maxx?