Coco pls.
I know, but it's not like I have a choice. Samsung killed good sub-4" phones.
So, I'm having issues.
I downloaded Cyanogen for Droid X and added to my SD card, booted into Droid 2 bootstrap recovery, wiped everything, installed zip via SD, and everything completed fine.
When I rebooted my phone boots to the Google logo then keeps repeating even after a battery pull. I also can't get back to the recovery mode, as I get to where the Android with the "!" mark pops up, but hitting the search button doesn't bring up the menu.
What do I need to do?
I don't remember the exact details, someone else will be of better help, but I just wanted to warn you: If I remember correctly from being in this situation, your fix will involve using a special program to send a specific file to the phone to essentially factory restore it. Triple-check to make sure you have the exact file needed for your phone, model, etc. because sending over the wrong one = brick.
I hated the Menu button and that's gone. Now, I hope Key Lime Pie gets rid of the Back button. Knowing webOS, though, that had a Back gesture.
So is the case with this image of an alleged future Windows Phone keyboard, which curves out of the bottom right-side of the phone into an arc for one-thumb typing. As you can see, the image doesnt look very well put-together. But WMPowerUser claims that this image was leaked from an internal presentation, so its entirely possible that its a render.
Yeah, not sure where the Windows Mobile thread is, or which one to post this at. I found this very interesting:[IMG]
Still, I think Windows Mobile and Android are pushing mobile in the right direction. Not sure if I would use this, but it is something "NEW" that I could have never foreseen. Closest thing I could think of is the on-screen controls on the Android Browser.[/QUOTE]
That, implemented with a swype-like system and automatically switches side depends how you're holding the phone, would be pretty awesome.
How slow are Samsung generally in rolling out updates for Galaxy Nexus here in Europe?
Wait, what? Samsung Europe is in control of the updates, even if you buy it off contract and unbranded?
Wait, what? Samsung Europe is in control of the updates, even if you buy it off contract and unbranded?
GSM/HSPA+ Models
takju - USA region- and carrier-independent firmware released on models sold in the USA through the Google Play Store
yakju - International region- and carrier-independent firmware released on models sold throughout western Europe.
yakjudv - Variant for Australia
yakjujp - Variant for the Middle East
yakjukr - Variant for South Korea
yakjusc - Variant for Japan
yakjuux - Variant for Canada
yakjuxe - Variant for Russia and the former Eastern Bloc
yakjuxw - Variant for certain carriers in Western Europe
yakjuzs - Variant for China and Hong Kong
mysid - Variant for Verizon in the USA
mysidspr - Variant for Sprint in the USA
Using any file manager app, go into your /system folder and open the file called "build.prop". Find the line that starts with Whatever comes after the equals sign (=), that's the firmware you have.
Google updates the following firmware variants:
Every other variant is updated and maintained by Samsung.
So, I'm having issues.
I downloaded Cyanogen for Droid X and added to my SD card, booted into Droid 2 bootstrap recovery, wiped everything, installed zip via SD, and ieverything completed fine.
When I rebooted my phone boots to the Google logo then keeps repeating even after a battery pull. I also can't get back to the recovery mode, as I get to where the Android with the "!" mark pops up, but hitting the search button doesn't bring up the menu.
What do I need to do?
Wait, I thought Verizon guys were updated by the carrier since they got 4.0.4 really late?Have a seat brot.
The good news is that you can covert any GSM phone from whatever version it is to takju/yakju as you please. The current JB build is on takju which I flashed onto my yakju GN.
Wait, I thought Verizon guys were updated by the carrier since they got 4.0.4 really late?
O. So google does the testing for the GSM models before hand so T-Mobile doesn't have to?Google submits the update to Verizon for approval and testing before sending it out.
O. So google does the testing for the GSM models before hand so T-Mobile doesn't have to?
O. So google does the testing for the GSM models before hand so T-Mobile doesn't have to?
cyanogen mod can only be installed from a GB kernel. Also, after flashing CM, the button to get into recovery changes (when you see the exclamation point).
Which guide did you follow? Maybe I can help?
Yeah, I'm guessing I need to go back to stock with RSD Lite. Just makes me mad because I don't have my cable with me at work to hook my phone up to my PC.
Have a seat brot.
The good news is that you can covert any GSM phone from whatever version it is to takju/yakju as you please. The current JB build is on takju which I flashed onto my yakju GN.
Is it okay to say that the Nexus program is a joke, or do I have to go to the iOS/Windows Phone thread for that?
Is it okay to say that the Nexus program is a joke, or do I have to go to the iOS/Windows Phone thread for that?
i didn't know that Sprint's Nexus isn't treated the same and Verizons. Thats... interesting
Ha. All is well! My Droid X is running Cyanogen 7 and I have all my google apps!
Took a bit longer than expected coming from Apex, but everything looks fine now.
Sprint backs everything Google for brownie points.
the CDMA version has no bearing on the 27 other GSM variants around the world that don't get support from Google. The CDMA variant at least gets updates, if not quickly, anything other then yakju/takju are still on 4.0.2The intent of Nexus line died when they released a CDMA version of the Nexus S.
They're sorta coming back around though, with the N7.
Turn on 16bit dithering in the cyanogen mod tweaks. Improves browser scrolling performance quite a bit.
Ah, thanks. Now to find that section... I'm new to Cyanogen.![]()
I'm more inclined to say that it is at this point. Tons of variants that get no support from Google and both the Nexus One and Nexus S with their promises of fast updates and support took months to get the next version of android. Wonder if the galaxy nexus will get treated the same way this fall.Is it okay to say that the Nexus program is a joke, or do I have to go to the iOS/Windows Phone thread for that?
But Sprint's version isn't on the list for official updates from Google, so that doesnt count
the CDMA version has no bearing on the 27 other GSM variants around the world that don't get support from Google. The CDMA variant at least gets updates, if not quickly, anything other then yakju/takju are still on 4.0.2
Hey, Samsung gotta make sure no other Galaxy leap-frogs their precious SIII, in the software department. If that wasn't the case all the Nexus in the world would be on Jelly Bean come mid-July. They foresaw this coming, so they made arrangements with Google.
I really hate the relationship Google has with Samsung, and on a separate note with Verizon.
But Sprint's version isn't on the list for official updates from Google, so that doesnt count
the CDMA version has no bearing on the 27 other GSM variants around the world that don't get support from Google. The CDMA variant at least gets updates, if not quickly, anything other then yakju/takju are still on 4.0.2
The Sprint Nexus S was the precursor to not handling all the software in-house. The alternative would have been to let Google handle the entire thing.
It took them like 8 months to get an ATT compatible Nexus One/Nexus S, they probably still wouldn't be shipping GNs out of the Play Store if Samsung wasn't selling them in different regions.
i'm confused by your post but i'm tired and getting over a cold. Either way, its a bastardized program and the rule of thumb is if you didn't buy it directly FROM google, its not a nexus.
its not a joke if you live in the US.
Other than that, yes, it is, at least this go round. I think the N1 and Nexus S were all straight up Nexus phones.
There are some official kernels for your phone that can cause a hardbrick. See this.For people who cares, I got quite a few freezes with KingDroid v6 on my International Note. I thought it was hardware issue so I flashed to UK official 4.0.3 in order to return it. Interestingly I haven't had any crash with this ROM, and it seem to be smoother than the Hong Kong official 4.0.3 ROM I tried earlier.
With the HK official ICS ROM sometimes I got the "press home button but no responds" issue which was a major turn off for me. The HK ROM also ran benchmarks slightly higher. I didn't think there was quality control issue with official ROM but now I know.
So it's more like Xbox Live Gold. Pretty neat and maybe even worth the prince, but useless outside the US.
yeah. Well, to be fair, thats the majority of Android
you couldn't afford Prince
now here's something we can all agree onFuck LG.
There are some official kernels for your phone that can cause a hardbrick. See this.