"You have started a voting" Ahahahahaha!I wish websites would stop posting obviously bullshit rumours looking for hits.
The icons take up half the bar! The status info should be just enough to let you know everything's ok. The rest of the space should be clear so that the notifications stand out when they're there. Clear status bar, clear mind.
Also, the visual style is more Matrix/Tron than Gingerbread and Honeycomb were.
"You have started a voting" Ahahahahaha!I wish websites would stop posting obviously bullshit rumours looking for hits.
That's some hideous shit.
GS4 Mini would be s solid phone, but they have to go and shit it up with a qHD display. Why not just give it a full 720p display?
Yeah. Are 720p displays still that expensive?
So your saying with a 64 gig version you couldn't have movies on your phone?
I get all of that. You're still not hitting that 64 gig cap (even the real number of usable space). Like I said I get needing more space than the typical 16 gig phone, but holy fucks you can store a shit ton of movies, music, and games even on a 32 gig version let alone a 64 gig version.
I still don't understand the appeal of smartwatches. No one wears watches anymore, and a smartwatch conceivably only saves you a second or two from just picking up your phone.
Not normalThe fuck happened with the font Google?
Pulling out your phone in a meeting is a big no-no. A watch lets you be surreptitious.did you miss the guy who said looking at the time on your phone is rude, but looking at the time on your watch isn't?
Yeah. Are 720p displays still that expensive?
well, if they want to use AMOLED, yes.
Indeed. Just put a bloody LCD screen in it.If only Samsung would see the light...
The fuck happened with the font Google?
Indeed. Just put a bloody LCD screen in it.
After getting my Nexus 4 I can't stand looking at a SAMOLED screen anymore because my face starts hurting all over. Can't believe I used to think that looked amazing.
Oh no, I agree. But it's also because of the stupid oversaturation Samsung puts on their displays. It's just unnecessary and doesn't look good to me. The OLED on the Vita for example is amazing, however and had pretty good colour saturation.I sort of agree with this. I was stunned by how much better the Nexus 4 screen was compared to the G Nexus. But I don't put that down to SAMOLED I put that down to pentile. I was always happy with my G Nexus screen until it was side by side with my 4. And LCD's have got way better at displaying black levels.
If only Samsung would see the light...
Indeed. Just put a bloody LCD screen in it.
Oh no, I agree. But it's also because of the stupid oversaturation Samsung puts on their displays. It's just unnecessary and doesn't look good to me. The OLED on the Vita for example is amazing, however and had pretty good colour saturation.
Oh no, I agree. But it's also because of the stupid oversaturation Samsung puts on their displays. It's just unnecessary and doesn't look good to me. The OLED on the Vita for example is amazing, however and had pretty good colour saturation.
The GS2 had this as well, but then it just became way undersaturated instead. Is it better now?for the people who care, GS3, Note 2 and GS4 all have settings for near 'proper' levels.
Yeah, that's why I turned auto off. I do it all manually now.Sure but on auto, the nexus 4 tends to be too dark... Really annoying.
the smaller screen = low end device trend is one of the worst things in the mobile industry :|Oh man, just saw that SG4 Mini, looks like a piece of shit. If Samsung price it like the GS3 mini then the Xperia SP is going to wipe the floor with it. Faster processor, better screen, similar size and a similar price.
HTC have a real opportunity here to release a 4-4.3" 720p high end device. Neither Sony or Samsung have a high end in that size range, they need to pounce now.
Its the burn in and image retention that annoys me most on my galaxy nexus, my brothers n4 blows it awayAfter getting my Nexus 4 I can't stand looking at a SAMOLED screen anymore because my face starts hurting all over. Can't believe I used to think that looked amazing.
Hmmm I'm not getting that. I quite like that though.
So? It's a status bar! It shows statuses of the phone. You want only the clock? Sure, the icons are a bit big, but no problem. It probably uses 1/3rd more space than stock android and suddenly it's bad (compare the recent screenshots posted before this post). It's not bad, it's decent, it's functional, it's ok-ay. You can still see and receive 3-4 notifications from different apps without completely filling up.
Well, to each their own. I seriously don't think it's a big deal.
The amoled on the gs3 is much better than the one on the gnex. Gnex looks crap next to a gs3.I sort of agree with this. I was stunned by how much better the Nexus 4 screen was compared to the G Nexus. But I don't put that down to SAMOLED I put that down to pentile. I was always happy with my G Nexus screen until it was side by side with my 4. And LCD's have got way better at displaying black levels.
The amoled on the gs3 is much better than the one on the gnex. Gnex looks crap next to a gs3.
RE: Watches
1. They're huge in the corporate world. I'm constantly checking the time and whipping out my phone each time just to do that is just gauche.
2. Don't think of smart watches as a traditional watch. They really shouldn't even be called that. It's wearable computing. A smart "band" would be better.
It's ugly and it wastes space. It's not the worst thing in the world but it's 100% worse than stock.
It's ugly, but that's a bit disigenuous. You posted all this extra stuff on the Touchwiz side. This would be a closer comparison. In my opinion stock looks way better, but still.
Fair enough. I didn't do it intentionally, though. I can't stand when they add a separate icon for "4G" though. I love how stock Android just adds the "4G" to the signal icon and doesn't show it at all if you're on wifi. Also, what's with the insistence on showing AM/PM? Isn't it rather obvious?
The amoled on the gs3 is much better than the one on the gnex. Gnex looks crap next to a gs3.
It's ugly and it wastes space. It's not the worst thing in the world but it's 100% worse than stock.
If there's a UI god, I hope he has mercy on humanity for our sins. "This is a huge improvement?" Those were your exact words and that's what you meant to say? Not, "it's somewhat more useful, although it's a stepping stone till the day I don't feel the need to obsessively check my battery level either because of personal betterment or because of improved battery technology?" Not, "I like the extra information, but I wish it was combined into a single, sleeker icon?" But you meant to say "This is a huge [editor's note: HUGE] improvement?" We're done, man. We're going to UI hell when it's all over. Skeumorphs, green Tron blocks, animated Under Construction sirens, 3D shading, the whole shebang.I like having an exact battery percentage in my Notification bar. This is a huge improvement that TouchWiz makes over stock.
If there's a UI god, I hope he has mercy on humanity for our sins. "This is a huge improvement?" Those were your exact words and that's what you meant to say? Not, "it's somewhat more useful, although it's a stepping stone till the day I don't feel the need to obsessively check my battery level either because of personal betterment or because of improved battery technology?" Not, "I like the extra information, but I wish it was combined into a single, sleeker icon?" But you meant to say "This is a huge [editor's note: HUGE] improvement?" We're done, man. We're going to UI hell when it's all over. Skeumorphs, green Tron blocks, animated Under Construction sirens, 3D shading, the whole shebang.
I like having an exact battery percentage in my Notification bar. This is a huge improvement that TouchWiz makes over stock.
Also, this screen capture is completely disingenuous and misrepresents what is visible in the TouchWiz Notification bar. I don't have anywhere near half that in my Note II's bar.
The GS2 had this as well, but then it just became way undersaturated instead. Is it better now?
Sense is the most offensive on a technical level, and on principle alone. Touchwiz is probably the ugliest visually.
This is of course not including all those random ugly skins from those random chinese companies or whatever.
That actually does look fairly disgusting.
The vomit shade of green doesn't help much, either.
It's ugly and it wastes space. It's not the worst thing in the world but it's 100% worse than stock.