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Angel's Wesley Rox Thread

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Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>So what did happen with Gunn, between then and when he got stabbed I mean? Seriously, I stopped watching. And I had a Nielsen box at the time... Oops, I killed Angel. And oops, I've said too much...

What happened between Gunn and Wes...<<<

No, not what happened between 'them', but what happened between 'then' and now, as in, what was Gunn's arc from Season 3 until now?
TAJ said:
>>>So what did happen with Gunn, between then and when he got stabbed I mean? Seriously, I stopped watching. And I had a Nielsen box at the time... Oops, I killed Angel. And oops, I've said too much...

What happened between Gunn and Wes...<<<

No, not what happened between 'them', but what happened between 'then' and now, as in, what was Gunn's arc from Season 3 until now?

Gunn's main story arc is that Fred found out her professor was the one that sent her to Pylea. She wanted vengeance and was going to go kill her professor. Gunn ended up stopping her and telling her that killing would really mess up her life so she should let the professor live. Once she agreed Gunn walked over to him, snapped his neck and threw him in the portal. From that point on Fred never really trusted Gunn and they ended up breaking up. Gunn basically had no purpose then and ended up getting his memory fixed at the end of Season 4 to give him a purpose, one that makes him really intelligent. Ofcourse what ends up happening is his memory starts to fade so he wants it fixed, to do that he signs some paper that ends up bringing Illyria to W&H who kills Fred. Wes finds out and stabs Gunn. That's basically an overly simplified explanation, but it's what happened.
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