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Angry Video Game Nerd


Really Really Exciting Member!
Ether_Snake said:
There isn't 100 reviews of games, there's a bunch of other stuff. And there are SO MANY bad old games to review, I never want it to end:)

Whatever I watched them all in like a week. Now I'm waiting for more:(

I loved the Metal Gear Nes one, holy shit I didn't remember it being this ridiculous!

There is 102 episodes of AVGN if we count the latest "making of" one, i'm not sure what you're missing. Unless you don't count episodes about consoles & video game accessories.

I hope he still have 100 more episodes to come before he stop, but i know he'll probably get tired of doing this before he reach episode 200.


That was really interesting stuff. He really does put a lot of effort in it.

I wonder how much money he gets from GT, maybe if he posted his stuff exclusively on youtube he'd get more hits and be able to work "full-time" on AVGN, like so many ohter youtube artists do.
Wow, this is a 35 minute episode. Ironic that he's doing smaller episodes now, but comes back immediately for a 35 minute monster. Yeah, I know it's mostly behind the scenes, but never expected it to be this long even with a mini-episode together.
It always seems to come through when someone really genuinely gives a shit about something, in his case video making. Pretty surprisingly honest on his writing process and stuff too, really interesting side episode.

Speaking of which, wow this thread is old as hell (although the title changes have been infinitely helpful). Maybe at some point we should have an appreciation/rewatch thread of the whole AVGN series with the full OT treatment.


That was an excellent look at how he does things. A lot of it is similar to how I go about doing my video reviews, but I don't keep track of how many hours I work on something. What I do is nowhere near the complexity of an AVGN episode, though.
AbsoluteZero said:
James seems like such a nice guy.

Yeah. I like the fact that he goes by the name 'The Nerd'. But compared to most gamers I've run across, he's actually really open-minded and and easy going, and he doesn't try to shove his opinion down your throat or anything. I like the last bit of his 'Zelda Timeline' video. Just one example of the kind of down-to-Earth, chill kind of guy he is.


Neo Member
In TMNT I remember the swimming level, fuck that was hard trying to swim past those electric weeds. I only ever got to the final boss once but i died.. never played it again after that.

A big CBF'ed.
jett said:
That was really interesting stuff. He really does put a lot of effort in it.

I wonder how much money he gets from GT, maybe if he posted his stuff exclusively on youtube he'd get more hits and be able to work "full-time" on AVGN, like so many ohter youtube artists do.
He gets more money from the ads in the video player he uses on his site, that is the same player TGWTG.com and PATV use.
They have better non skipable ads + the big difference is they get money even if you do not finish the video, they get the money as soon as you hit play.

He's fine.
He does so much himself + hosting his website at his own house.
Plus he does more commercial stuff that we do not always see.

Plus yes he is one of the biggest reasons people started going to GT more in the first place his vids do about 750.000 to +- 1.000.000 views in the first month of release. On GT alone.
Than you have the people on his website and people on youtube.


I loved this video. It really makes me admire him more. I am a huge fan of James and the people over at That Guy as well.

I just hate how the player doesn't have an iPad compatible version. Surely there is a way to still get the ads in there as well as get them the money on a device that doesn't use Flash. Surely some company has created the technology?

TGWTG just released their 3rd year anniversary miniseries (Suburban Knights) a few weeks ago. I watched it the other day. (It was amazing) They've really come along way since their first year "Brawl" between the Critic and the Nerd. James has a cameo in this one as well, but only as a voice. It's like obligatory that he cameo in each one every year I guess. Which is cool.


Really fun to watch this making of video. Just seeing the camera sweeping through the room with all the games and other stuff you've seen from the episodes really makes you feel like at home. Kind of sad in a way that it feels like you can get to know a person and it's surroundings, but they have no idea who you are, and you'll probably never meet.

Always knew it took a lot of time and effort to make these videos and it shows. That video/music/sound editing takes so much time. I hope he'll do a following up.
Jasoco said:
I just hate how the player doesn't have an iPad compatible version. Surely there is a way to still get the ads in there as well as get them the money on a device that doesn't use Flash. Surely some company has created the technology?
Use skyfire on the iOS devices and you can watch the video no problem ;)


James is the kind of guy i'd like to hang out with. I'm glad things are working out for him, he really deserves it


I didn't know the fact that he studied filmmaking; that only made him even more awesome =D

and suddenly his cinema geekness makes sense.


DogWelder said:
~40 hours on avg. a month? For some reason I thought it was significantly more. I wonder what his day job is.

I'd imagine it'd be directing / editing related. Not sure how much he makes from the AVGN videos either but- that's some pretty pricey equipment he has there. Must have quite a bit of pocket money to spend.

I love the AVGN videos and James himself seems to be a pretty cool guy (which really shows both in this video and at conventions.) I don't blame that he's wanting a bit of a break either- the nerd stuff seems to eat up a heck of a lot of his time. Really hoping the movie happens though- I think his material has kept on improving over the years and a feature film should definitely be the icing on the cake.


Awesome video. James clearly puts a shit ton of effort into this stuff. Also... how freaking organized is this guy? All those extra notes he makes are crazy. Respect.


The Dutch Slayer said:
Use skyfire on the iOS devices and you can watch the video no problem ;)
Can someone who has SkyFire do a quality test on TGWTG and Cine massacre and some other sites and let me know how it works? I don't want to waste $5 if it won't work at all.


Anth0ny said:
how freaking organized is this guy? All those extra notes he makes are crazy. Respect.
Exactly what I was thinking. Everytime you see his room in the videos its a mess and you think he is a messy guy. But when he showed the notes, cd's and everything he keeps note of.... I really have a lot of respect for this guy.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Interesting video. Nice to see some Nerd stuff again, even if it isn't a proper episode.

I've noticed that the videos James makes are either really awesome or really awful. He's been doing this new series lately called The Overanalyzers and it's pretty terrible.
so much respect for for all the hard work he does (cursing is an artform afterall). kind of want to re watch old episodes but i know that's a slippery slope for anything productive going out the window.
Fantastic video. I'd love to start making videos. This has given me a great insight into what is involved. It makes you appreciate the older videos more.

This is why I love the internet. You have the ability to create and share your passion, you're not forced to watch others.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Pretty interesting video. This guy sure puts a lot of work just for a single episode. And to think he made over 100 of those! I would never be able to do that.

By the way, any ideas how he is going to release his "movie"? Free on the internet like the episodes? Straight to DVD at the standard price? Theaters(that would be surprising though)? I really wonder how close his project is to be done. I miss his monthly episodes.
Bisnic said:
By the way, any ideas how he is going to release his "movie"? Free on the internet like the episodes? Straight to DVD at the standard price? Theathers(that would be surprising though)? I really wonder how close his project is to be done. I miss his monthly episodes.
He is stil in the planning stages not even pre-production yet. They have to find out how much it wil cost and how big the scale if of the hole thing.

He wants a "full theater movie" but at this point he simply does not know if that is do able yet.



Really Really Exciting Member!
The Dutch Slayer said:
He is stil in the planning stages not even pre-production yet. They have to find out how much it wil cost and how big the scale if of the hole thing.

He wants a "full theater movie" but at this point he simply does not know if that is do able yet.


Ugh, so that means we wont see any new episodes for the rest of the year at this rate. I'm sure it will be worth it, but i'm starving for some AVGN rage. :(


You know, I often wonder if this guy ever plays modern games or if he just hides all of that to keep the room he films in retro.
InsertNameHere said:
You know, I often wonder if this guy ever plays modern games or if he just hides all of that to keep the room he films in retro.

He does. He has a good TV set-up with a 360/PS3/Wii in another room that you don't see his in nerd videos. You can see it in some of his short films.
My VCR/DVD Recorder just arrived yesterday. While I won't be doing anything of this magnitude, I'm tempted to make a few longplays of SNES and NES games.
InsertNameHere said:
You know, I often wonder if this guy ever plays modern games or if he just hides all of that to keep the room he films in retro.

i dont have a time stamp but in the making of when he shows the switcher(s) and his chart he has xbox 360 labeled at the bottom
Bisnic said:
Ugh, so that means we wont see any new episodes for the rest of the year at this rate. I'm sure it will be worth it, but i'm starving for some AVGN rage. :(

He said he might do shorter mini-episodes again like in the old days so he'd have more time to work on the movie.


There was also the Christmas video where he traveled to the future and saw himself playing crappy Wii games.

I bet he owns pretty much every console at this point. In an early video he mentioned he didn't own a Saturn, and later on he received 4 Sega Saturns as gifts from fans. He shows this in one of the intros.
Loved that making-of video, really interesting to see the whole process... I've missed AVGN recently. I may set up a time and binge watch some of the old episodes, there must be some I missed in there with so many.

Also, I'm sure in one of the AVGN videos he explained that he has all the new consoles. He's also made fun of Wii a few times and mentioned the 360 specifically once or twice.


It's hard to believe how long he's been going with these. It seems not that long ago that I first watched the TMNT video, but it's been five years now.


Unconfirmed Member
I love AVGN, primarily because I understand that he doesn't keep a regular schedule, so it's like a pleasant surprise whenever this thread gets bumped. With other sites with regular content, I get kind of pissed when they don't update when they're "supposed to".

whitehawk said:
Oh wow, 5 year old thread.

Not sure who the phantom mod is who keeps bumping it and changing the title, but hats off to them. It's nice to see contingency with a single series of videos that stretches waaay back into GAF history.


He must have an awesome wife to let him maintain his mancave like that. My wife wont even let me display my Chrono Trigger Formation Arts.
i love avgn, but it seems like this movie is gonna take up all his time (and maybe his money too)...things have been slowing down a lot with the show and they're only very early into the movie. I think I would rather just have a steady stream of episodes. There are thousands of bad games and the show has a pretty great formula.


Smision said:
i love avgn, but it seems like this movie is gonna take up all his time (and maybe his money too)...things have been slowing down a lot with the show and they're only very early into the movie. I think I would rather just have a steady stream of episodes. There are thousands of bad games and the show has a pretty great formula.
In fact he is producing alot of other sutff on a weekly basis. He does Board James , You know whats bullshit, Overanalysers and Various movie/cartoon/tv show review.

Here are some of his great videos not AVGN related :
Top 20 TMNT Cartoon series Flubs
Board James - Crossfire
TMNT cartoon series review
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