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Angry Video Game Nerd


I knew nothing about this game until this episode and even I flinched at the end when they broke the fake ones. I thought they did a really great job of bringing ignorant people like me into the fold of why these games are rare and important to own as a collector. Some of the acting and dialog was a bit hard to get through, but great episode overall. I really wanna know now much that Pat guy paid for his 2 copies (especially the gold one).
This brings up the question. Why wouldn't Nintendo use nes cartridge in their next consoles? NO loadtimes, no piracy, the carts look muck better etc etc

bring back the joy of being a kid in the 90s. Let collectors start new collections

Bring back the competitions like nintendo world championship competition. I want a new era of 8 bit but in 3d


Anth0ny said:
My god, Pat owns BOTH? Does anyone know how much he paid for those things?

I'm not a hardcore collector, so I'm not sure how it works, but do you pay for these kinds of things over time? Does the seller accept monthly payments over time? Do the buyers get a loan from the bank or something? I have a hard time believing you bid on it on ebay, and then send $10k over Paypal with a single click.

Or maybe Pat is a multi-millionaire? :lol

People buy cars on ebay!
Maybe Paypal is not really the best paiement method in that case, but still.


Lovely Salsa said:
This brings up the question. Why wouldn't Nintendo use nes cartridge in their next consoles? NO loadtimes, no piracy, the carts look muck better etc etc

bring back the joy of being a kid in the 90s. Let collectors start new collections

Bring back the competitions like nintendo world championship competition. I want a new era of 8 bit but in 3d
Disk media is much cheaper to produce compared to pcb boards + chips.
It's possible that Pat got the game from a flea market too you know. He could have gotten it for 10 bucks from some unsuspecting idiot and would have avoided paying 10K+ to get it.


Lovely Salsa said:
25 years later and its still expensive? I call bs on this one
You do know what Flash storage is, right? And you do know how much it costs to use it, right? If you wanted to make a game with 50GB of storage space, you'd have to sell it for $100 in order to cover the cost of the media as well as the labor.

A DVD or Blu-Ray is a buck or a few each to press.

Why do you think cartridge games were so expensive back then? Chips are a lot more expensive than a plastic disc with bits and bytes on it.


Cow Mengde said:
It's possible that Pat got the game from a flea market too you know. He could have gotten it for 10 bucks from some unsuspecting idiot and would have avoided paying 10K+ to get it.
A friend of Pat's worked for a used game store, and somebody traded in a box of "worthless" NES games for pennies. When the employee realized that a grey WC cart was in the box, he called Pat for advice. They had no way to contact the guy who traded it in, so they figured the only responsible thing to do was tell the store owner what he now owned.

Pat bought the grey WC privately from the store owner for an undisclosed amount, and it seems to be implied that he got a good deal on it, but it was still thousands of dollars.

His owning of a gold WC cart seems to be a new development.
Holy shit! My heart skipped a beat when they smashed the NWC carts!

Great episode! Geekdom at its best!

I wonder how many people stopped watching before the credits finished rolling?


Only just caught this episode today, and loved it. Reminded me how much I want to collect older games (not to the extent of these guys though!)
Nuclear Muffin said:
I wonder how many people stopped watching before the credits finished rolling?
My borther accidentally closed the window then couldn't fast forward due to the stupid flash player not letting him. He had to wait 20 minutes for me to finish watching it.


Lovely Salsa said:
25 years later and its still expensive? I call bs on this one

Cartridges, as in what the NES, SNES, and N64 used, are still expensive, and always will be.

Hell, they're probably more expensive now than they were back then, because there are fewer factories capable of manufacturing them.

Now Flash based media, like the DS, 3DS, and Vita is cheaper, but it's still very expensive compared to disc based. Portables are able to get away with it because the games are much, much smaller than current gen console games.

A 50 gig flash drive (same size as a Blu Ray disc) costs about $150 currently.
Nessus said:
Cartridges, as in what the NES, SNES, and N64 used, are still expensive, and always will be.

Hell, they're probably more expensive now than they were back then, because there are fewer factories capable of manufacturing them.

Now Flash based media, like the DS, 3DS, and Vita is cheaper, but it's still very expensive compared to disc based. Portables are able to get away with it because the games are much, much smaller than current gen console games.

A 50 gig flash drive (same size as a Blu Ray disc) costs about $150 currently.

Being fair though, the amount the space and size ratio is catching up. It isn't unfeasible to make a modern game run in 8GBs which flash drives are more than capable of doing.


Er, I doubt ROM is any more expensive to produce now than it was then. It's not a significantly different production method than any other kind of integrated circuit, and there's plenty of factory capacity for that kind of thing. Not to mention that ROM-using devices still abound in the form of appliance devices that didn't even really exist back then.


Finally watched the Ninja Baseball BatMan episode. I was laughing pretty hard just watching the video and listening to him - quite literally - describe everything on-screen. I'd never heard of it, but now I must play it. :)
While we're posting recent videos, new Board James went up the other day to mark the lead into next month's Monster Madness.

TimmiT said:
Also, James Rolfe reviewing Castlevania 4 in 1992: http://cinemassacre.com/2011/09/26/castlevania-4-review-1992/

Some of this sort of footage is on the extras on the DVDs (main one I remember is some stuff from Mario 2). Pretty neat to see recordings, complete with commentary, from a kid playing these games when they were modern.

friskykillface said:
what a shit bump, thought there was a new episode :(

I always see responses like this. Do you guys just not use Twitter or Facebook or anything? New episodes are always advertised there as soon as they go up if you follow the Cinemassacre/AVGN accounts. Quit relying on GAF for content updates when there are perfectly good sources straight from the actual providers.
Rufus said:
Or fucking RSS-Feeds.

That too.

The point is that here are so many ways to be alerted to the availability of this stuff that relying on GAF threads for updates, then coming into them and jumping on someone who wants to discuss something that's related to it but isn't necessarily a new episodes seems kind of silly.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
friskykillface said:
what a shit bump, thought there was a new episode :(

I think he's said the next ep will be the Halloween one so I wouldn't expect it before October.
Dark Castle was originally made for the Macintosh computer utilizing the keyboard/mouse. It was a lot more fun to play on a Macintosh than that awful Genesis version


I know it isn't really possible, but I wish he could somehow do recap episodes where he gets developers of these awful games to come in and talk about what it was like working on such pieces of shit.
Damn I remember when I was gonna pick this up at the store, but for some reason I didn't. If it made it on AVGN I should feel lucky. Always enjoy seeing episodes based around games I know nothing about. Can't wait to watch it tomorrow.


makes good threads.
Wow, I played Dark Castle a hell of a lot back on the C64. I made it quite far in the game but was never able to finish it. I still want to check out the sequel that came out fairly recently (but i don't own a MAC to play it).
Yeah, the Genesis version of Dark Castle is infamously bad. It's got to be one of EA's worst Genesis games, along with Sword of Sodan.

However, I think that the original (B&W) Mac game was a bit more highly thought of. Was that actually a better game, or is it just because the Mac had so few games... I'll assume it's for the latter reason, but the Mac version has a couple of sequels so it clearly was more popular.


Great ep, the cd version was hilarious, the character was just tripping and getting owned left and right :lol, that should've been the focus of the ep and watching him go through it.


Im happy he has found some success and has many different projects going, but I miss new episodes of Angry Nerd released often. Episodes can be a hit or a miss, but it seemed when he was doing more episodes, he got on a roll and was constantly putting out funny episodes. His game collection has really grown over the years and it is very impressive now.

bender said:
I'd never heard of this game before the AVGN video. It's pretty crazy that you can complete the game in under a minute.

That video was pretty funny. The guy in the gimp mask and leather bikini is a tough looking guard.
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