I just googled... it's Benzaie I only speak English and I like his vids.
Oh, I forgot about him! I actually saw him in the Smash Bros video between that man with the glasses and the AVGN and numerous others...
... But I wasn't speaking about him
I just googled... it's Benzaie I only speak English and I like his vids.
I'm still surprised that there isn't an official CGR thread on this board.
I love the nerd bt ow god that video player.................
Arino is way better and more entertaining than James and Mike.
How come there hasn't been any new AVG reviews? It only seems to be the memories vids lately.
How come there hasn't been any new AVG reviews? It only seems to be the memories vids lately.
While we wait for more videos from these guys, are there any other videos like this online anywhere? I get the Irate Gamer and the HVGN but they almost never update or they are just awful. I love watching old game reviews period. Any suggestions for anything else like this?
As for Mike, I enjoy his videos. He's not the AVGN, but I like his style, almost like just one of us doing a video for the heck of it. It works for me now and then.
Who is HVGN?
It's not reviews in that sense, but I have to recommend the Chrontendo series as well. It's more like a... documentary series or something. The guy, Dr. Sparkle, goes through and details each and every Famicom and NES game in chronological order. In that sense it's even better than reviews because you get to know most of the interesting facts about the games and the development of them, as well as how they play and hold up today. It's not really "entertainment" though. He's totally serious about it, so he doesn't joke around very much. It's very informational, but you probably wont find it very interesting unless you're like me and is totally obsessed about the 8-bit era of gaming. Still though, give it a try!
Here's episode 1:
There's also Chronsega (Master System) And Chronturbo (Turbographx-16).
I just recently discovered Chrontendo and I've been really enjoying it. You're right, it's not the kind of thing someone would want to watch if they're looking mostly for jokes, but it is a really fascinating documentary series. I think he does a great job of not only showing the games but sort of putting them into historical context and talking about what influenced their development. I think it's a terrific series for learning more about the Famicom/NES and by extension the video game market (well, mostly the Japanese video game market) at the time.
While we wait for more videos from these guys, are there any other videos like this online anywhere? I get the Irate Gamer and the HVGN but they almost never update or they are just awful. I love watching old game reviews period. Any suggestions for anything else like this?
As for Mike, I enjoy his videos. He's not the AVGN, but I like his style, almost like just one of us doing a video for the heck of it. It works for me now and then.
Wow this thread is 6 years old holy shit
And still going strong. Might be a record?
HVGN is amazing please don't lump him in with the human turd ''the Irate Gamer''.
As for good review shows;
Nothing sad about it, AVGN clones where terrible, the real sad thing is that everyone is now ripping of Redlettermedia/ the Plinkett reviews.
Just another member of Channel Awesome. You either like them or you don't. Most of them are more amature than the big guys like Red Letter Media and the Nerd. They mostly film theirs in their houses with minimal effects.WTF is this shit? An ungroomed unfunny asshole that films shitty reviews in his hallway? Yikes...
Now this is the AVGN I know and love! Great mini-episode.
Just another member of Channel Awesome. You either like them or you don't. Most of them are more amature than the big guys like Red Letter Media and the Nerd.
Mike's top 10 obscure SNES gems
I've enjoyed the past few game videos he's done. Gonna check this out now. 31 mins long!
Really great list of games I've never knew they existed before. Gotta try a few of them out.
Mike's top 10 obscure SNES gems
I've enjoyed the past few game videos he's done. Gonna check this out now. 31 mins long!
James just tweeted that he's editing a new AVGN right now.
Majority of these are not obscure and a lot of them were in the arcade...
Not sure there was anything on there I'd want/need to play.
YES.JonTron is really really good. Anyone ever heard of JonTron? He's really really good. He does video game reviews. And sometimes movie reviews. His stuff is good. He has good showmanship. And a pet "robotic" bird. Or is it robotic "bird"...?
His latest review is a movie. Birdemic. Obscurus Lupa reviewed it a while ago, but I think while hers was good, and I love Lupa, (She just reviewed three of the four Tremors movies. Burt!) his may actually be better.
JonTron: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzV8Q2fsN0o
Lupa: http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/teamt/ol/olp/30542-birdemic
I highly recommend his stuff. Especially:
Sonic Team Intervention: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WdUs19Y-lY
Sonic Colors Review?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ggo4RcynMrQ
Castlevania Adventure Drunk Review: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4IBqP8bc5o
As well as all of the others not listed.
Okay, back to your regularly scheduled Nerd thread. If there's an official JonTron thread I'd post it there, or I could hunt down the TGWTG thread if I have to. Of course someone MUST have posted about him in here already so disregard this, or don't. Because he's good.
Goddamn Capcpom....what happened to them...I think like half the list were cap games.All ten are worth playing. Of those, Knights of the Round is a really excellent game and worth playing today!
All ten are worth playing. Of those, Knights of the Round is a really excellent game and worth playing today!
Why has my existence until now been absent of the glory that is Hagane? This game is beautiful 2D-side-scrolling-platforming-action-fighting-'em-upper. Your character turns on a dime and attacks as fast as you can press the hitting button. Lots of ground and air control as I will elaborate. Basic control (can be configured in Options):
You've got four weapons - sword, chain, kunai, bomb. Sword is fastest. Chain can be aimed upward, including in mid-air. Kunais and bombs come in limited quantity.
Everything involving the Jump button can be lengthened by holding the button, including how high you jump.
Pressing Jump while airborne results in a horizontal spin; once you begin descending after a jump, you can no longer spin. You can attack in mid-air after spinning. Spinning into a wall yields a wall-jump; hold to ricochet up parallel walls.
Pressing Jump while crouched yields a slide useful for travelling under bullets.
Pressing Down while airborne results in a downward kick that bounces off enemies. Be careful not to hold Down after spinning or you can plummet into enemy attacks or bullets.
Switch Weapon
Cycles through four weapons. Select button cycles opposite. Weapons can be switched while the game is paused.
The L and R buttons function as dashes. Your direction determines whether each button yields a forward or backward dash.
Holding forward dash yields a somersault.
Pressing Attack during a forward dash makes your character lunge forward and punch before retreating with an automatic backdash.
Pressing Jump during a forward dash performs a flying kick.
Backward dash is faster than forward dash, making it more useful to turn around and hold a backward dash than try to tap forward dash and not accidentally get somersault in between.
Holding forward dash yields first a blue somersault; continuing to hold yields a yellow somersault.
Pressing Attack during a blue somersault performs an arching spin attack.
Pressing Attack during a yellow somersault yields a powerful explosion in close proximity.
Pressing Jump during a blue somersault performs a more powerful flying kick.
Pressing Jump during a yellow somersault performs a more powerful plummeting kick.
This is what I know from playing the first level of the game. Power-ups and HUD are easy to understand. There is a timer. Excluding both miniboss segments of Stage 1-1, you can backdash past every enemy. Now, go play this shit.
He was busy with his movie, almost a year since we had a new Nerd episode.Wait, he was gone?