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Angry Video Game Nerd

Nerd is great. I have spent one entire work day watching all his episodes. Fantastic stuff if you played the games he talks about when you were a kid.
Majority of these are not obscure and a lot of them were in the arcade...

Not sure there was anything on there I'd want/need to play.

I'm with you. A good list but heavy on the hack and slash or shooting. I only played SNES at friends houses so I should be more excited by those games he showed cause I didn't even play the games they are knocking off but only a couple gave me an itch. It is tough when he limited himself to America as a lot of puzzle genre games that stayed in Japan. Thinking games have slowly dried up over the years and even the handheld home they had is now iffy with graphic advances. Ka-Blooey is game he should of mentioned.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Saying "no homo" is a great way to broadcast to the entirety of GAF that you should be ignored.

But think of the consequences if he hadn't bothered to type this. The internet might have thought he was gay or something. Oh the horror. :p

The Real Abed

Saying "no homo" is a great way to broadcast to the entirety of GAF that you should be ignored.
Seriously. Why even bother saying that?
It just means you're not secure enough in your sexuality that you're afraid someone is going to take your "I love that guy" as "OMG, I am so gay and wish I could marry him!" so you post a disclaimer.
Edit: Also what Bisnic said. ^^^^

Anyway... Gimmie more Nerd! I am soooo ready! I'm running out of internet review videos to watch.



I remember playing TMNT, man those were the dark days xD!

Love watching his videos, just got the email for his latest video, havent seen it yet!


I liked this! No overly ridiculous theatrics and while he skimmed the first few games, he went very in depth with the last. It was a funny episode because it wasn't forced like his newer videos have been. There was a lot of self satire in his language. Overall, I think this was about as good as a return as I could have hoped for.

He revisits a lot a themes and jokes he's done before, but I didn't mind.


I liked this! No overly ridiculous theatrics and while he skimmed the first few games, he went very in depth with the last. It was a funny episode because it wasn't forced like his newer videos have been. There was a lot of self satire in his language. Overall, I think this was about as good as a return as I could have hoped for.
I fully agree.

He revisits a lot a themes and jokes he's done before, but I didn't mind.
I think that was intentionally done, like "What were they thinking", "Did they test this shitty game before they released it?", and "Shit load of fuck".
You know, these games feels like it was made by Bethesada or something. The ugly art, the bad level design, poor controls, and just plain random shit.

Whew, finally finished watching. That ending was gold.
NES and movie license was a recipe for disaster.

It's funny how Nintendo's policy on the amount of games a publisher could release hurt quality pubs like Konami that were churning out gold, but those who were only pumping out crap weren't effected.


I fully agree.

I think that was intentionally done, like "What were they thinking", "Did they test this shitty game before they released it?", and "Shit load of fuck".

This one has, and always will be my favorite. The exact whine he has for it always gets me going and is one of my favorite quotes. Probably because I find myself asking this very same thing in many cases of modern game design.

Anyways, there were also other revisits as well, such as his cinematography. He revisits many visual jokes, such as:
The shot of him playing, something unexpected happening, then the camera going to his face as it goes from contempt to absolutely enraged has been done before.

It was definitely intentionally done. I feel these little nods are to relate with his past prime and get back the feel of the old nerd. I had absolutely no problem with it, and appreciated them.

I liked this. It didn't have any of the cheesy effects and had what I like best out of AVGN: James and his thorough reviews.

I feel bad because he wants to do all that flashy stuff since he is so into cinema. I just never felt it worked well with the nerd at all, and always found myself skipping these sections. This is all I feel he has to do to please his core fans. Review the game. Get informative with it. Get real mad. Do a little jig. Done.
NES and movie license was a recipe for disaster.

It's funny how Nintendo's policy on the amount of games a publisher could release hurt quality pubs like Konami that were churning out gold, but those who were only pumping out crap weren't effected.

No, companies like Konami worked with Nintendo to get around this limitation by opening a second brand name, thus Ultra games.

Licensed games on the NES are actually quite good. You got many amazing Disney games from Capcom.

Man, Capcom and Konami making great games. Saying that right now just blows my mind.


Neo Member
Huh, interesting that it was uploaded to youtube right away... thank god I don't have to deal with the GT player to watch!
No, companies like Konami worked with Nintendo to get around this limitation by opening a second brand name, thus Ultra games.

Licensed games on the NES are actually quite good. You got many amazing Disney games from Capcom.

Man, Capcom and Konami making great games. Saying that right now just blows my mind.

Most of Capcom's games are still great, they're just diluted with controversy and BS that makes us more angry.

Loved the episode, wasn't too funny but I just enjoy watching James play games
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