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Angry Video Game Nerd

Back to the Future revisit, when he grabs the Sega BTTF 3, looks at it and throws it while screaming is the fucking funniest thing I have ever seen.


I love that he turns around and asks Jason if the Game Over scene was brilliant. Hey, that was funny.

AVGN really has no bad episodes. Maybe Odyssey and Pong consoles.
The Glitch Gremlin one really pissed me off when I first watched. Every video he does with a character gimmick is always annoying when he tries it, but the Glitch Gremlin one really made me shut it off before it was done. I eventually got over it though. I remember that huge Bugs Bunny episode he did got a lot of hate when it debuted. It was the only AVGN video that really came close to slipping below a 9.0 user rating on the GameTrailers site.


Glitch Gremlin episode might have been ok if a different person played the character. The way it was, it was just too obnoxious to bear.

First Bugs episode was hilarious, the second one was terrible though.
Rewatching the Ghostbusters episode... seems like a very modern game, full of shit you have to buy giving opportunities for microtransactions.


The newest video was fantastic. The great thing about AVGN, is that I can turn off my brain, and enjoy the stupidity, something I suggest some of you try doing.

Let James do what he wants with each episode of AVGN, and watch it for what it is.

Yes, in some forms of media, it's a good idea to give your input on what you did/didn't like, but I feel like with AVGN, the audience is too divided for the opinions to be constructive. One half likes angry screaming nerd, the other likes calmer, videogame review nerd. I say when it comes to the nerd shows, we should take them at face value and enjoy what ever James wants to put in to these videos. That's how they began anyway, right? Just James screwing around with a camera, doing whatever he wants.


Just saw the Ikari Warriors video again. I'll admit that I thought it was okay at first, but knowing some context behind the video made my second viewing a much better experience.

I really like the part when James was holding back his laughter because Kyle suddenly started singing "Where did the hair go?". Glad he didn't edit it out and even gave a snippet of raw footage at the end.


Lmfao!!!!!! Now this is a great way to start a Monday. Woke up to find a new board James and its glorious . Now I'm going to have that stupid song stuck in my head during classes
Yeah, the Glitch Grimlin episode is one of the main ones I use to introduce AVGN to people. Everyone loves glitches and the idea that mischievous gremlin is inside your game making them is very funny. That's one of his best.

On the other hand, I don't like the Friday the 13th one. The sarcasm for such a long period of time gets a bit annoying and the skit is predictable and unfunny. Halloween and Texas Chainsaw Massacre are of a similar style and vastly better.

My god, surely that would be enough to put people off of AVGN for life. I'd show the ghostbuster ones or bible games.. TMNT was hilarious too, mostly because I played that a lot myself though I expect.

Honestly, the idea of the 'glitch gremlin' certainly had potential, but the guy (Kevin Finn?) who played him seemed to think this was his chance to shine and become the next 'big thing'. He was just obnoxiously unfunny to the point where it was unbareable. He was alright in the Ninja Gaiden one, but he was held back and didn't say much. Keep him that way!! Or even better keep him AWAY.

Mike has definitely improved, it didn't help that his earlier vids he played crazy ass holes, but his latest reviews on the site aren't bad at all. He's still learning and him and James obviously continue to inspire eachother. He may be a bit annoying at times, I think he's just quite opinionated. It's quite funny seeing the vids with James and Mike, especially from a couple of years back, Mike seems totally at ease but James seems almost shy, quite funny considering how he acts when he's the nerd. One thing though, Motherfucker Mike sure can draw. A really talented artist.

Kyles ok, just a bit too much stupid singing in this one. He actually played Spiderman in one of the early vids. His Spiderman song was hilarious, much funnier than this hairless scrotom garbage.
Late to this, but OMG! I always thought Desk Guy was the final boss, and when I didn't find any hidden stairway I just called it quits and decided the game had bugged out - again. I remember getting stuck behind scrolling walls and being unable to continue. Such a shitty, shitty game.


There's an AVGN video game coming out, apparently.


And Cinemassacre got a new logo


New to me, at least. :p


He looks really happy.

I suspect the reason computer effects always look so shitty in indie films in particular is because, while they're relatively cheap per-movie for the big studios, the up front costs of them are much much higher for independents.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Who knew such words could come out of the mouth of an old man?

Also the ending was disgusting! :lol


Did not enjoy this one at all. Sure, I got a chuckle or two out of it. But most of the time it all just felt so forced.
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