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Angry Video Game Nerd


So not worth it
I have had Key To The Kingdom (Dutch version, named De Schat en de Sleutel) since childhood. My boardgamegroup and I still play it every now and then. I would fucking love a sequel.


He better talk about this masterpiece



Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Who are these people? I'm completely out of touch with this community. I don't even know what kind of community is that supposed to be.

Most of them are just friends of James.
Brentalfloss is known for "What if (insert video game here) had lyrics?" and music in general.
Brett Vanderbrook was once known as Captain S. He also did that Ghostbusters Tour video with James.
Two of the roasters are with Cinevore and did "The Overanalyzers" with James.
Keith Apicary is an Andy Kaufman type character that goes around conventions and causes trouble. He also has his own show or something. He once appeared on G4 during E3 asking about the Dreamcast 2, and it got him kicked out of the entire show.
Don't know who the other people are.

As for the pre-recorded stuff. Stuttering Craig is the asshole that runs ScrewAttack, Doug Walker is the face of ThatGuyWithTheGlasses, Fraser Agar runs Video Games Awesome and has known James for years, and Pat the NES Punk did a video with James once.


Who are these people? I'm completely out of touch with this community. I don't even know what kind of community is that supposed to be.

Currently watching it and was about to post "What am I watching?".
I mean, I know a couple of those people (I think we call them vloggers now, a mix of bloggers and video) and follow some of the shows (since their counter parts in France are horrible) but what's the purpose of this video?

That's like not very good one man show stands up from people who doesn't do that habitually and in order to make some collective self advertisements?
I'm not convinced, there is no idea behind that. At least the brawl video between the AVGN and Doug Walker a while ago was fun and led to the common Ninja Turtles video...


Currently watching it and was about to post "What am I watching?".
I mean, I know a couple of those people (I think we call them vloggers now, a mix of bloggers and video) and follow some of the shows (since their counter parts in France are horrible) but what's the purpose of this video?

That's like not very good one man show stands up from people who doesn't do that habitually and in order to make some collective self advertisements?
I'm not convinced, there is no idea behind that. At least the brawl video between the AVGN and Doug Walker a while ago was fun and led to the common Ninja Turtles video...

A comedy roast is just an excuse to make fun of a friend and have a good time. Its like a mockumentary with bad jokes.


Who are these people? I'm completely out of touch with this community. I don't even know what kind of community is that supposed to be.

Stephanie Yuhas and Matt Conant worked with James Rolfe on a series called OverAnalyzers.

Brett Vanderbook was Captain S and did come crossover videos with James.
I remember playing TMNT and Roger Rabbit when I was really young and all I remember is I got stuck pretty early on in both games and never played them again.


Most of them are just friends of James.
Brentalfloss is known for "What if (insert video game here) had lyrics?" and music in general.
Brett Vanderbrook was once known as Captain S. He also did that Ghostbusters Tour video with James.
Two of the roasters are with Cinevore and did "The Overanalyzers" with James.
Keith Apicary is an Andy Kaufman type character that goes around conventions and causes trouble. He also has his own show or something. He once appeared on G4 during E3 asking about the Dreamcast 2, and it got him kicked out of the entire show.
Don't know who the other people are.

As for the pre-recorded stuff. Stuttering Craig is the asshole that runs ScrewAttack, Doug Walker is the face of ThatGuyWithTheGlasses, Fraser Agar runs Video Games Awesome and has known James for years, and Pat the NES Punk did a video with James once.

Thanks. I did recognize a couple but overall that was pretty strange. It was funny that they all made jokes about being nobodies. :p Too bad James is such a bore out of character, dude had nothing to say.


Something is busted with his bowling one. I had that growing up and never had an issue hitting pins, loved the fuck out of it. It and Karate King worked perfect for that technology because they were simple.


James and Mike play series is very fun to watch. Loved the 2600 videos. The dudes are one of few retrogames guys who played Atari 2600 as a child.


What's the ETA on the movie? Seems like it has been in production forever.

He posted an "update on the update" on the movie he filmed that's coming out in mid-September


James Rolfe said:
I’ve been getting a lot of requests for an update on the AVGN Movie. The last update I did was in April 2013, but it doesn’t feel like that long ago to me. That was right before my daughter was born, and since then, the months raced by. Seriously, to me, April felt like a month ago. So here’s an update on the update.

I recorded another vlog. It’s extremely rushed. Almost no editing. Also, we’re about to reveal the official poster! (It’ll be on sale at ScrewAttackStore.com) I plan to release the poster at the same time as the update. It should come early to mid-September.

What to expect in the update: Not much new to report, but I manage to talk for at least 15 minutes. The short version of the story is I’ve been busy trying to get my personal life under control. With the little time I’ve had, I’ve been working on Monster Madness (It may be the best yet!), trying to get it ready in time for October. Now, I’m working on a new AVGN episode. Between all that, I’ve been working on the movie sporadically, but haven’t had much time to focus on it. This frustrates me more than anyone. Fortunately, in the Fall, I expect my time will open up a little more and I’ll make some significant progress.
Yeah, the R-Zone definitely is a top contender for worst videogame console ever released. No question.

If I saw a cheap R-Zone Head Gear, though, I'd buy it... :)


That was good, I can't say I was that fond of the Tiger games since yeah they suck we all know it. But it felt like the first while he was back in fine form instead of feeling forced.


This was the only Tiger handheld I remember having. It kept me entertained at least


I also think I had some sort of wrist handheld? I think it was Roadrunner/Wile e coyote related, and had some sort of explosion cover on it. Searching for the wrist games is kinda hard though


Oh yeah, I forgot about the game watches I had. I had a Super Mario World one which came in a really slick box but the game it self was pretty crappy. I also had a Dick Tracy one. I would play that game all the time, even at home when I had plenty of other "real" games to play. I never did beat it but it was amazing. I even found it the other week and the batteries in it still worked! The voices in it are burned into my head forever.



I remember having a legend of zelda wrist watch game when I was a kid.

It was cool as hell to have and show off at the time but boring as shit to try and play.
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