Are you kidding me, that's the second nostalgia bomb on one page. Couldn't even remember I had (and loved) that thing until I saw it just now.I had these:
I actually loved both of them.
I know im late, but is this post for real? That's like the whole point of this guy and his videos.I've no clue why I watched this still.
Rambling on for 7 goddamn minutes on the couch, we get it you hate the games.
The Top 10 Hardest NES Games (that the Nerd has reviewed).
The Top 10 Hardest NES Games (that the Nerd has reviewed).
I dunno, I've beat these three but never managed to get through TMNT.
If Battletoads is his #2, Jekyll and Hyde must be mind-blowingly difficult.
There’s a scene where various people are shown talking on their webcams, responding to the Nerd’s videos. The purpose of the scene is to establish the world and show that the Nerd is a guy online who reviews games, and has fans. Not any different from real life. We feel the scene could be better by showing real fans around the world, speaking on their webcams.
You can be creative with it. Here’s some things that may help in our selections.
* Be excited about the Nerd’s videos.
* Tell us why you’re the biggest fan.
* Request E.T. Why hasn’t the Nerd done E.T. Yet? Tell him how bad the game is.
* Say where you’re from. A country or a major city that you’re near.
* A webcam or video camera is fine. Doesn’t matter. Just speak to the camera.
* Make sure the image quality is decent. Not too dark.
* Make sure the audio is clear. No loud background noises.
* No brand name shirts or large posters/images in background that show established franchises, trademarks, or logos.
That's neat. Rather than have a bunch of actors film a fan montage, why not get real fans to do it?
Someone needs to do a Let's Play where they beat the game and post it as a video response.
With both endings (yes, there's two endings).
And for those too lazy to click:
10. Fester's Quest
9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
8. Castlevania
7. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
6. Ghosts N' Goblins
5. Street Fighter 2010
4. Ninja Gaiden
3. Silver Surfer
2. Battletoads
1. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
C'mon man. This list is terrible. 8, 7 and 4 are nowhere near as hard as 6, and are 100% beatable if you play well. As a kid I was able to get to the final boss of 10. Sometimes I think he's just bad at games.
And for those too lazy to click:
10. Fester's Quest
9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
8. Castlevania
7. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
6. Ghosts N' Goblins
5. Street Fighter 2010
4. Ninja Gaiden
3. Silver Surfer
2. Battletoads
1. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Skykid (from the NES Marathon)
Bad at games? He's gotten the extra ending in ghosts n goblins ffs!
Then he should know that GnG is harder than Ninja Gaiden. I've beaten both, but only one of them makes me want to smash my NES every time I turn it on.
Bad at games? He's gotten the extra ending in ghosts n goblins ffs!
It's still up, at James' site: catch that top 10 GTA V deaths video that was deleted the day it was put up?
Shit got a fuck ton of dislikes because of Mike alone.
I think that's different person to person. I have way more trouble with Ninja Gaiden's pitfalls (and enemies that knock you into pitfalls) than G&G's two hit rule. Also, G&G is a lot more forgiving for deaths. Ninja Gaiden kicks your ass back to the start of the level if you die a few times.
Castlevania is the same, but less bullshit.
Honestly while gng is probably harder then ng, the nerd has stated he has never beaten ng while he's beaten gng twice to get the good ending.
Alien³ ending spoilers btw for anybody who cares.
No new AVGN, so don't kill me ;P
But he just posted a new video update on the AVGN movie:
James is also looking for fans to contribute to his movie:
Anyone catch that top 10 GTA V deaths video that was deleted the day it was put up?
Shit got a fuck ton of dislikes because of Mike alone.
I'm surprised that Transformers Famicom game didn't make his list. That shit is hard.