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Angry Video Game Nerd


AVGN Movie Update

They're done shooting! Getting close to the premiere.

That's absolutely nuts that they have more VFX shots to work on than Ironman 1 (granted the AVGN ones are much less complex).

I'm still going to guess that it'll be 2015. They're only at the rough cut stage at this point and you need 1) the rest of the finished VFX work, 2) sound, 3) Bear McCreary's score, 4) another editing pass, etc.
Nice, this was probably one of the better sets of AVGN videos in a while. I'd be OK if it were the ending to the series, which is something that seems like it is going to happen in the not too distant future.
I really enjoyed the Wish List episodes. Loved hearing about the Christmas catalogs, because I remember practically drooling over the NES pages in 88' when we only had a 2600. Those catalogs were the things of dreams.

Informative James is really great to listen to. I like hearing him tell about gaming history, much like how I enjoy his movie factoids throughout his Monster Madness series.

Soup Bar

He does know LJN and Acclaim are the same company right? Acclaim has published some good games, but man there's a reason why they went out of business.

wow. on any other console, the existence of that title might be considered a strange quirk - some ill-conceived idea for a higher brow video "experience" that just probably did not live up to what its developers originally envisioned (because i have a hard time believing somebody intentionally created that).

but on a DOA console that retailed for $700, it's just flat-out hilarious. who was the audience for it?


wow. on any other console, the existence of that title might be considered a strange quirk - some ill-conceived idea for a higher brow video "experience" that just probably did not live up to what its developers originally envisioned (because i have a hard time believing somebody intentionally created that).

but on a DOA console that retailed for $700, it's just flat-out hilarious. who was the audience for it?

I'm sure they only needed one person to buy it for it to be profitable.


He does know LJN and Acclaim are the same company right? Acclaim has published some good games, but man there's a reason why they went out of business.

Well, LJN published games for 3 years before Acclaim bought them. Plus LJN was strictly a publisher. They didn't develop any games at all. Some LJN games were made by Atlus and Rare. Rare made that awful Who Framed Roger Rabbit game.

The guy that founded LJN went on to found THQ, lol.
wow. on any other console, the existence of that title might be considered a strange quirk - some ill-conceived idea for a higher brow video "experience" that just probably did not live up to what its developers originally envisioned (because i have a hard time believing somebody intentionally created that).

but on a DOA console that retailed for $700, it's just flat-out hilarious. who was the audience for it?
The CD-i was originally intended not just as a videogame console, but as a home entertainment and educational device. So, they released a lot of stuff for it that isn't gaming related at all. Just look at the original CD-i controller! It basically looks like a TV remote. Phillips only turned the thing into a gaming platform a few years into its life, for the most part.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Top 10 Problems with Games

10. Shitty Graphics (Example: Little Red Hood)
9. Annoying Sounds (Examples: Ghosts n' Goblins, Moses on CD-I)
8. Getting Stuck (Example: Action 52)
7. Ignoring Source Material (Examples: Rambo, Back to the Future, Star Wars Famicom)
6. Too Cryptic (Examples: Castlevania II, Little Red Hood)
5. Bad Controls (Example: Winter Games)
4. Long Passwords (Examples: Metal Gear, Rambo, Frankenstein)
3. No Pause Button (Example: Ghostbusters 2 NES)
2. No Continues (Example: Dick Tracy, Frankenstein)
1. Letting LJN Make It (Too many examples to list)
Top 10 Problems with Games

10. Shitty Graphics (Example: Little Red Hood)
9. Annoying Sounds (Examples: Ghosts n' Goblins, Moses on CD-I)
8. Getting Stuck (Example: Action 52)
7. Ignoring Source Material (Examples: Rambo, Back to the Future, Star Wars Famicom)
6. Too Cryptic (Examples: Castlevania II, Little Red Hood)
5. Bad Controls (Example: Winter Games)
4. Long Passwords (Examples: Metal Gear, Rambo, Frankenstein)
3. No Pause Button (Example: Ghostbusters 2 NES)
2. No Continues (Example: Dick Tracy, Frankenstein)
1. Letting LJN Make It (Too many examples to list)

haha the LJN rainbow colours explained is the best.


but on a DOA console that retailed for $700, it's just flat-out hilarious. who was the audience for it?

To be fair, I think the unrealized future for CD-I was for it to become a lot cheaper. It was really more like a really early attempt at HDDVD/Bluray interactivity than a game console. I'm sure there's POS slideshow things like this you can get in a bargain bin for bluray right now.
That Mapplethorpe CD doesn't even look entertainment or education related.

Looking at art is sometimes considered educational... amd also, that kind of disc, with pictures and words on it, was something very new back in the early '90s. Floppy disks and cartridge videogames could never have had that kind of stuff on them, and the Web was in its earliest days, so discs filled with images were fairly common on the PC at the time. The CD-i had some of that stuff too. Yes, more often it was encyclopedia-like stuff, or something with info, pictures, and maybe quiz questions or something, but as that disc shows, not always. So yeah, minimal content there, but it WAS doing something new at the time.


This man does his research.
La Mulana does a bunch of those things in the problem list so well, you'd think the creator read a guide on it.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
La Mulana does a bunch of those things in the problem list so well, you'd think the creator read a guide on it.
10. Shitty Graphics - La Mulana's graphics fit its style. It looks very good for what it is.

9. Annoying Sounds - Maybe some but not any that I can think of off the bat.

8. Getting Stuck - When you get the grail, I don't see this happening.

7. Ignoring Source Material - N/A.

6. Too Cryptic - Definitely this. Probably the most guilty thing. The game requires intense amounts of exploration and even I don't know where the fuck I'm supposed to go next most of the time.

5. Bad Controls - Great controls. No problems there.

4. Long Passwords - N/A.

3. No Pause Button - You can pause.

2. No Continues - Unlimited continues.

1. Letting LJN Make It - N/A.

The only one that really applies here in regards to La Mulana would be #6.
Mike and James Mondays: Bio Force Ape




Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Top Ten Most Hated Weapons or Items

10. The Rocks in Friday the 13th
9. The Skateboard in Back to the Future
8. The Slingshot in Bible Games
7. The Sword in Deadly Towers
6. Fester's Gun in Fester's Quest
5. The Dog in Little Red Hood
4. The Grenades in Predator
3. The Ghost Food in Ghostbusters
2. The Flame in Ghosts n' Goblins
1. The Cane in Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde


Chie is the worst waifu


Gives all the fucks
I think we are allowed, I've done it on a few threads with no repercussions.
I've done it a few times in here & had no issues. Figured some people would want to watch the video for themselves to see what the items on the top ## were.


Bio Force Ape's levels are enormous! Watch some speed runs on youtube, it's a crazy ass game.

The digit press thread was one of many amazing meltdown/trolls/drama that's come out of that site.
If they had Rocky 1 Rocky, they should have had young Mickey when he was a boxer. We know he was a real boxer because of the conversation he had with Rocky in Rocky 1 about another boxer putting nails in in gloves and punching him in the cheeks.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Top 5 Musical Episodes

5. Nintendo Power commercial cover in Nintendo Power.
4. Filthy Addams Family theme in Fester's Quest
3. Filthy 60's Spider-Man theme in Spider-Man
2. Double Vision (Foreigner) cover in Double Vision
1. "Where Did Their Hair Go" in Ikari Warriors


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Top 5 Musical Episodes

5. Nintendo Power commercial cover in Nintendo Power.
4. Filthy Addams Family theme in Fester's Quest
3. Filthy 60's Spider-Man theme in Spider-Man
2. Double Vision (Foreigner) cover in Double Vision
1. "Where Did Their Hair Go" in Ikari Warriors
So fucking good.

That last one is so classic. I remember the first time I saw it I was on the floor. lol.


Top 5 Musical Episodes

5. Nintendo Power commercial cover in Nintendo Power.
4. Filthy Addams Family theme in Fester's Quest
3. Filthy 60's Spider-Man theme in Spider-Man
2. Double Vision (Foreigner) cover in Double Vision
1. "Where Did Their Hair Go" in Ikari Warriors

When I saw the title, my first though was "If scrotum guns isn't #1, there is no justice in the world."

Thankfully, justice has prevailed.
Um just so I fully understand this Bio Force Ape thing... The version that was dumped looks different (title screen) and doesn't have the cutscenes shown in the "hoax" version... So what happened there? Were those drawn up from scratch by that Paul guy, or was that version actually real and never dumped? The gameplay screenshots look too real to be fake, and the cutscene art looks mighty fine, but obviously the "2k monies" thing could have only been created in response to the thread... What happened?
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