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Angry Video Game Nerd


The Big Rigs episode reminded me of a guy I had to do a group project with in a marketing class about 7-8 years ago. While working on our project he professed his love for semi-truck simulations. He was really serious about it and would talk about them the way I would talk about World of Warcraft back then.

I saw him playing one on his laptop once many years ago and it looked better than I would have expected, but didn't think of it again since. Until now. Doing a youtube search of semi-truck simulations has shown me that there are now some really impressive looking games in that...genre.

Euro Truck Simulator 2
The Big Rigs episode reminded me of a guy I had to do a group project with in a marketing class about 7-8 years ago. While working on our project he professed his love for semi-truck simulations. He was really serious about it and would talk about them the way I would talk about World of Warcraft back then.

I saw him playing one on his laptop once many years ago and it looked better than I would have expected, but didn't think of it again since. Until now. Doing a youtube search of semi-truck simulations has shown me that there are now some really impressive looking games in that...genre.

Euro Truck Simulator 2

Euro Truck Simulator 2 is a truck simulator game done right. It even has Oculus Rift beta unit support: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMT98U_iilY&feature=player_detailpage#t=335


Which is quite impressive.

And after watching the latest Nerd Video, I had no idea they released later versions of Big Rigs.... one that fixes the "You're Winner" win screen, and another that makes the enemy truck move? Holy crap! That's hilarious.
There are speedruns of big rigs, this is one I found.
Game doesn't care which way you pass the finish line as long as you've passed the checkpoints. Then after finishing the first race you automatically win all the others. Nice memory management...


It's really kind of "cheating" for James to be reviewing PC garbage from Eastern Europe. So much of that stuff just gets dumped on the market with no regard for quality at all. He says it's the worst game he's ever played, but that's only because it's his only experience with bottom-end PC shovelware.

I hope this is just kind of a one-off review due to all the requests, and that he doesn't touch PC garbage any more. Part of what's amusing about (almost) all the bad games on AVGN is that they did go through some kind of QA, and that they at least aspired to something. Big Rigs obviously just had zero aspirations other than a minimal level of functionality. It's so bad but so easy and empty I don't see how you can really get mad about it.

All that said, both parts where he throws the truck into reverse and goes like 500 miles per hour were hilarious.


It's really kind of "cheating" for James to be reviewing PC garbage from Eastern Europe. So much of that stuff just gets dumped on the market with no regard for quality at all. He says it's the worst game he's ever played, but that's only because it's his only experience with bottom-end PC shovelware.

I hope this is just kind of a one-off review due to all the requests, and that he doesn't touch PC garbage any more. Part of what's amusing about (almost) all the bad games on AVGN is that they did go through some kind of QA, and that they at least aspired to something. Big Rigs was obviously just had zero aspirations other than a minimal level of functionality. It's so bad but so easy and empty I don't see how you can really get mad about it.

All that said, both parts where he throws the truck into reverse and goes like 500 miles per hour were hilarious.

I agree, still enjoyed the episode as well but yeah I hope he knows there are tons of garbage PC games like this one.

Also, I still can't believe I crack up even though the jokes are predictable. "Load of shit" made me spill my drink even though I saw it coming.
I don't mind exaggeration as long as it comes from a place of truth. That's what makes it funny. You can't truly justify getting that pissed at a video game. The concept of being an "angry gamer" is an exaggeration in and of itself.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Very familiar with the game. I actually own a sealed copy from when it came out, to own the worst game ever made.

And I had no idea they patched it three times! So funny.


disappointing as many as the recent episodes..it seems to have lost the passion...in front of me there's no avgn,just someone trying to act like him.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Is this for real or did he actually have to try a few times to get the game to glitch that bad?

I can't imagine how anyone would let a game that doesn't even function out the door like that. If I worked on that game, I would have been ashamed of myself.


Is this for real or did he actually have to try a few times to get the game to glitch that bad?

I can't imagine how anyone would let a game that doesn't even function out the door like that. If I worked on that game, I would have been ashamed of myself.

it's real,it's DAMN real.
it's not considered the worst game of all time for nothing.


This was one of the best episodes in a very long time. This is right up there with some of the classics from 2006-2008 in terms of how much it made me laugh.

And yeah... this might truly be the worst game ever made... I mean... when you can say your game is drastically worse than Superman 64...

As the nerd said, games like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or Superman 64 may be worse experiences to play through than this one, this one is definitely a worse game.

I was practically crying when he was traveling 3000+mph in reverse.
The last few minutes of this one were great. The commercial and the speed test were hilarious.

I've come to the point in which I enjoy just the normal videos moreso than the AVGN stuff. I really like the Monday videos they've been putting out.

Deleted member 57681

Unconfirmed Member
I mean I knew about the passing through objects and the boundaries thing and You're Winner, but holy shit.

Holy shit, the reverse acceleration caught me off guard. Classic AVGN moment.

Edit: his few 2012 Episodes were really good I think, as were Bill & Ted and Tiger Electronics of course. This was at least on par with most of those. He still got it.
disappointing as many as the recent episodes..it seems to have lost the passion...in front of me there's no avgn,just someone trying to act like him.

Even Tiger Electronics? I mean, he seemed like he was genuinely confused and angry at how they ever did as well as they did.

Deleted member 57681

Unconfirmed Member
Tiger Electronics is one of the all time greatest episodes.
Very funny episode, but a lot of that is simply because of how hilarious Big Rigs is as a game...it speaks for itself, it's so ridiculously silly in so many ways! But regardless, it was a good episode for sure. I like that he was thorough and played all three versions of the game, too.

It's really kind of "cheating" for James to be reviewing PC garbage from Eastern Europe. So much of that stuff just gets dumped on the market with no regard for quality at all. He says it's the worst game he's ever played, but that's only because it's his only experience with bottom-end PC shovelware.

I hope this is just kind of a one-off review due to all the requests, and that he doesn't touch PC garbage any more. Part of what's amusing about (almost) all the bad games on AVGN is that they did go through some kind of QA, and that they at least aspired to something. Big Rigs obviously just had zero aspirations other than a minimal level of functionality. It's so bad but so easy and empty I don't see how you can really get mad about it.

All that said, both parts where he throws the truck into reverse and goes like 500 miles per hour were hilarious.
You're right that bad PC games are worse than the worst console games since there can be no QA, but you're also wrong -- I don't think there has ever been a retail game as unfinished as Big Rigs. Even the very worst PC games generally function in some sense... games like Skydive, Extreme Paintbrawl, etc. technically at least sort of work. Big Rigs doesn't. It was released in probably pre-alpha state. There's nothing else, at least nothing else sold for money, quite like it.

On that note, Extreme Paintbrawl would be a good one for a review, if he wants another of the worst PC games ever published. :)

Oh, the same people who did Big Rigs did make a second PC racing game, which is kind of just a more complete Big Rigs (same tracks!). It's Midnight Race Club: Supercharged. It's not as unfinished as Big Rigs, unfortunately, so it's just completely terrible, not hilariously unfinished. Though it probably isn't completely done either -- I think you still can't lose.

Isnt the guy behind Big Rigs the same one responsible for War Z? So yeah...
Not the same programmers or development staff, but yeah, the same guy produced both games, that's true...though he claimed that he had no responsibility for Big Rigs actually being released in the state it was (http://www.yourewinner.com/index.php?action=stitovinterview).


It's really kind of "cheating" for James to be reviewing PC garbage from Eastern Europe. So much of that stuff just gets dumped on the market with no regard for quality at all. He says it's the worst game he's ever played, but that's only because it's his only experience with bottom-end PC shovelware.

I hope this is just kind of a one-off review due to all the requests, and that he doesn't touch PC garbage any more. Part of what's amusing about (almost) all the bad games on AVGN is that they did go through some kind of QA, and that they at least aspired to something. Big Rigs obviously just had zero aspirations other than a minimal level of functionality. It's so bad but so easy and empty I don't see how you can really get mad about it.

All that said, both parts where he throws the truck into reverse and goes like 500 miles per hour were hilarious.

That´s definitely true, but Big Rigs is the seminal classic of broken PC games. It´s not simply a random shovelware game - it´s THE shovelware game.

But you´re right, it´s not a great overall genre, and with a lot of these games there isn´t even that much to say.

His ad reminded me a lot of the Microsoft Monstertruck Madness commercial. YOUR TICKETS GETS YOU THE WHOLE SEAT - BUT YOU`LL ONLY NEED DA EDGE

Deleted member 57681

Unconfirmed Member
I'm actually surprised he didn't do Robocop this time.
Oh my god, my face hurts from laughing so much at that ending.


And yes, a full on RoboCop retrospective video would be awesome. Hopefully he gets to that in the future.
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