Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I grew up with an Odyssey 2, Commodore 64, Atari 2600, NES and other systems. Odyssey 2 was probably my first real gaming system.As a Retro Gamer myself, I literally facepalm every time a fellow Retro Gamer starts complaining about the new things all the time, like they didn't have any redeeming features.
Mike's complaining about the XBox One and both of them complaining about the PS3 makes them sound like a couple of bitter old men. Are frequent updates annoying? Sure, but their hyperbole is kind of annoying.
"Every time I turned the PS3, there was an update. Every single time". For how long did you not play your PS3 in order to have a new update when you turned it on?
"All the XBox One has is Titanfall and.... And that's it". Seriously? How uninformed can Mike be?
I love these guys, but they went overboard with the bitching on this one.
I think they went overboard with the bitching on this one.
I think games have become better, not worse. Sure, I sometimes have those rose-tinted glasses but games really are a lot more enjoyable in the sense you get more out of them then you ever did. People paid $50 or $60 just to shoot a few things that are nearly unidentifiable and brag about a score.
However, there is one thing that does bother me and it is updates. I wish games would be more polished when they came out avoiding having to patch them but I guess one can argue the more complicated they become, the more they require patches. PS2 games had a lot of complex, detailed games that didn't require patching and it still seems Japanese games for some reason are most of the times released without ever needing to update them. So, I don't know if it's because publishers want to rush games out and them taking for granted the frequent use of online capabilities or that games just are so extravagant that there's no way play testers are going to come across them and thus, we the consumers, becoming the play testers.
I mean, there's some things are just inexcusable, like games that seriously buggy on release like PS3 Skyrim as just one example. These are AAA games but AAA publishers/developers that have little to no excuse for releasing products in that condition and requiring patches.
Other than patching and any single player game that would require an online connection (read: DRM) I love this era. I could only imagine how great it would be if I were a kid growing up with the games today.