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Angry Video Game Nerd


Then major first party games like Metroid Prime came out, and had fatal, game-crashing bugs (rare, but they were there)

Metroid Prime was definitely not a buggy game. At all. I own the PAL Gamecube version and also the Wii version. Never had a single freeze.

Also I never argued against the ability to patch games. But patching games shouldn't be the norm on consoles. Companies should test their games out properly before releasing them. And that's simply not the case anymore. It's actually an exception, when a game does not freeze my PS3 every few hours.

I even had to replay 3/4th of Red Faction Armageddon because one of the freezes happened right during auto-save and Sony doesn't seem to be able to make their saved-game-code handle such a situation. That's actually a pretty easy thing to do. Game wants to overwrite a saved game? Just don't delete the original immediately, but only after the new saved game file is fully written to harddrive. And then rename that new saved game file. Done. We don't use memory cards anymore with extremely limited space.

someone explained that the increase in code size from one generation to the next meant an exponential increase in the likelihood of bugs, and an exponential increase in the difficulty for testers trying to find them

Using that excuse on everything is simply bullshit. The last generation had so many restricted corridor shooters, but way more bugs. They can't even get those right. Just compare those with the open and non-linear Metroid Prime games. I can accept more bugs in really large open world games, but why would zero frames per second Skyrim be acceptable?

There are plenty of games, even from so called skilled companies like Naughty Dog, that are buggy as hell even after plenty of patches. For example Uncharted 3. I had so many things going wrong especially in the extremely limited and linear story-coop. Freezes. Game hanging. Me staying in the previous area after a cutscene, the whole team getting stuck in an area, because the last enemy got stuck outside the level and other shit. I bought the game months after release and plenty of patches were already applied. It's really shameless.

Now just take a look at all those Nintendo games. Plenty of them feature perfect 60 fps (joke post about 59fps Mario Kart incoming). Something that I was actually used to during the PS2 generation. For example Jak & Daxter. The only 60 fps game from Naughty Dog. And the games simply aren't freezing and full of bugs, despite them being HD and also being fairly complex.

Do you really think that for example that awful Syndicate FPS is way more complex than any Nintendo game ever released?

They still need to catch the majority of bugs, otherwise they piss off their customers

Battlefield 4 says hi. It seems the typical PS+Xbox customer doesn't seem to care. Sure they complain, but they will buy the successor anyway. So releasing a buggy game and not fixing it doesn't have actual consequences.

Just look at Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. Fallout 3 played like shit on PS3 and performance went from bad to worse the more you played the game. Gamers complained. And then bought Fallout New Vegas on PS3. Same issues, but even worse. Gamers complained. And then bought Skyrim on PS3. Same issues, but even worse etc. I sense a pattern here.

As Miyamoto once said, a bad game is bad forever. Not true with patches. That was around the time I stopped laughing at Microsoft.

That could work in theory, but actually? Nope, doesn't work. Companies normally get the most money within the first weeks. They primarily care about preorders and those first few weeks. After that they normally don't care and the developers are working on the successor or DLC. Got no time to fix dem bugs.

Nintendo games typically stay high in price for quite a long time. Which means it would make more sense for Nintendo to release alpha/beta-versions of their games first and patch them later. But they don't.

Anyway it didn't work properly on PC. That's why I changed to consoles 15 years ago or so.
And now most consoles are basically acting like PCs. Just play a bit of Uncharted 3 story coop and you will see. I also had plenty of freezes, when just trying to play back certain recorded matches. Select a certain recorded match. Select play. Freeze. How hard is it to fix something like that? It's not freezing in the middle of the match (well it also did that too). It freezes right at the start. At least show me an error message and stop the freezing, but nope. Or just not offer this "feature" in the first place, when it's buggy as hell. It's embarassing. I play plenty of games, that were released years ago. Which means plenty of time to patch bugs. Do most of them still freeze and have plenty of bugs? Yes. Most companies just don't give a shit anymore and sadly the majority of customers doesn't give a shit as well.
Hate this guy's reactions, his latest episode looked so forced.

It's been phoned in quite a bit in the last couple years though, he seemed to be replying to fans who just wanted an AVGN fix and didn't want to see his big goofy theatrical episodes.

Well fuck those 'fans'. His theatric's like pooping on Bugs Bunny's face, having fights with game characters, etc.. That stuff is hilarious, and you can tell he gets into it.

That's the Nerd I always liked. Hopefully his film has the heart that made his better episodes so great.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I can't remember but did the Nerd ever say "this is bullshit!" once during the episode about Desert Bus? Because that would have been a great reference.
10 years?! damn... heres my favorite AVGN classic pic.



Gets me every fucking time.
Who can honestly beat Desert Bus?o_O

Well the game takes 8 straight hours of driving to reach the destination spot. And once you get there, you are rewarded with 1 point, then you get the option to drive all the way back which takes another 8 hours and it can earn you another point.

The game is on a whole other level of sadistic torture, but at the same time it's totally brilliant in its concept and execution. A true to life monotonous job simulator.

It's hard to believe he's been doing this for 10 years now, it doesn't even feel like it has been that long ago since I saw the first Angry Nintendo Nerd episode.
I'm really glad he mentioned Desert Bus for Hope. I watch and donate to them every year, and it's always nice to see someone give them some recognition.

I really hope that ending means the movie's gonna be coming soon, like in the next month or two.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
IMO, this is the best joke he's done. It's from the Friday the 13th review.

The Friday 13th review in general is absolutely brilliant. I laugh every time I watch it, the sarcasm when Jason's there is just incredible. That and the Nightmare on Elm Street review are top tier for me.

"Snakes, punch em! Spiders! Oh, you want some too?!"

"I think I might actually have an explanation for this. See, in the sequel Nightmare Part 2-... nah, they just fucked up."



That was a great episode, best in a long time.

He had me goin' there for a minute... I was getting worried.

Also - what is coming next?

Double also - love his frown face.
No one joke was the best in the Bible Games episode, but that's by far his best episode. When he blew a fucking snow mans head off with exploding pancakes I was /dead


The best thing from Bible Games was when he said "You'd rather listen to your only child puking to death than the music of this game."

He doesn't really do fucked up humor anymore.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
My second favorite moment is


Just the abrupt change in tone and expression.

Also from that same episode:

"You can just walk over it? ...You can just walk over it."

No one joke was the best in the Bible Games episode, but that's by far his best episode. When he blew a fucking snow mans head off with exploding pancakes I was /dead

"Well, there's Noah. He moves pretty fast for an old guy. The object's to get the animals in the ark. Holy shit! You just pick them up? Is that how Noah did it? He did it all by himself by picking the animals up and carrying them in the ark? Well, according to Bible Adventures, that's how it happened."



Subete no aware
Top Gun is still my favourite because it was the first time I completely understood how he felt and connected with him. That fucking carrier landing.


Top Gun is still my favourite because it was the first time I completely understood how he felt and connected with him. That fucking carrier landing.

For me it was the Turtles "You can just walk over it" Step. Fuck that stupid fucking game. I was only 8-9 at the time.


Some of the most memorable episodes for me:

Atari 2600
The one with Bugs Bunny
Nintendo World Championships


"So, uh, that's it, the game sucks, I wanna nail Roger Rabbit to the fucking cross"

The casual way he says it kills me.
i see many people have the bible game episodes marked as favs. rightfully so.

"Now, instead of this stripping chick, you get this annoying bitch who does nothing but nag you. "Get your ass to Sunday School!"

edit: this is what we should do in this thread. gather all the best quotes!
i see many people have the bible game episodes marked as favs. rightfully so.

"Now, instead of this stripping chick, you get this annoying bitch who does nothing but nag you. "Get your ass to Sunday School!"

edit: this is what we should do in this thread. gather all the best quotes!

That's from the second episode which is good but not as good as the third one.


Nothing will ever top his Halloween Trilogy with all three Slasher classics. Halloween, Nightmare and Frieday the 13th. When Movie Fan James crosses Videogames Fan James, AVGN is the best.
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