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Angry Video Game Nerd


Nice, it's finally all coming together, very happy for James!

I regret not donating while they were fundraising, so I'll have to wait until it hits digital download to show a token of appreciation (theater not likely, since Europe).
I've been watching AVGN since his first few videos were out, and I must say he has really taken a decline. I can't even remember the last time an episode hasn't been, in my opinion, bad. I feel like he gave up on his actual show to work on a movie no one asked for.

He lost what made the show charming and entertaining. As he improved the "quality" of the reviews, it lost the authenticity and real hatred that made the earlier videos so fun to watch. The cameras got better, the sound got better, the video capture, the special effects. All of this takes more time and effort and money to do better, and nobody puts all of that effort in on something that they genuinely fucking hate. It was no longer a work of hate, but one of love.

The early reviews weren't so much reviews as psychotic rantings of some random dude on the internet about games from his early days. The recent reviews are genuine reviews about games that I've never playerd never heard of, and don't really care about from an analytical perspective. The anger and the bile doesn't feel real anymore. The comedy isn't as funny because of it, and the reviews can't stand on their own for me like, say, Half in the Bag or Plinkett, because I just don't care that much about the games themselves.


I've been watching AVGN since his first few videos were out, and I must say he has really taken a decline. I can't even remember the last time an episode hasn't been, in my opinion, bad. I feel like he gave up on his actual show to work on a movie no one asked for.
It's been his lifelong dream to be a filmmaker. So, doesn't really matter what you asked for. His character, skills, and financial situation allowed him to get to the point of being able to do it.

As far as the special effect quality being down, he can't spend time doing that right now when he has a lot vfx to do on the movie.


I'll be attending the movie in Phoenixville, PA. Couldn't be more excited! I'm actually in the movie, lol. Never would have thought in a million years.

I don't understand the dislike for Mike. He has been extremely friendly and personable every time I've seen him in person. Some of his humor isn't for everyone, but that's ok. I think the video where he talks about his experiences working with James and how shy he was at first give a pretty good perspective on him. It's called something like 'AVGN Experience'. Not sure if I can link it.


Alas, I'm in the U.K, so I won't get a cinema screening. I can live with that though, knowing I'll hopefully, finally, have a Blu-Ray of the film by Christmas!
I don't understand the dislike for Mike. He has been extremely friendly and personable every time I've seen him in person. Some of his humor isn't for everyone, but that's ok.

I don't mind Mike. Most of the time he is fine and I have no problem with potty humor. However, sometimes on the "Mondays" vids he'll go on a rant about something that he clearly knows nothing about and it's hard to take. I can ignore people being wrong in short bursts but occasionally he will go on some tear about a topic and be factually wrong about the whole thing. Luckily I can just fast forward or go to the next episode. Wish I could do that in RL.


I don't mind Mike. Most of the time he is fine and I have no problem with potty humor. However, sometimes on the "Mondays" vids he'll go on a rant about something that he clearly knows nothing about and it's hard to take. I can ignore people being wrong in short bursts but occasionally he will go on some tear about a topic and be factually wrong about the whole thing. Luckily I can just fast forward or go to the next episode. Wish I could do that in RL.

It can be cringeworthy when he talks about the new consoles and things like that. He's definitely not entirely up to speed on a lot of tech topics and whatnot. It seems like he's getting there though :)


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Mario Kart 8 – Nearly Perfect – By Mike

His main complaint is the Battle Mode and I 100% agree.

He also complains about the placement of the "Next Race" menu item, and I also completely agree.

Mike knows his shit.

Watching the old footage of battle mode really bums me out. =/ Looks so much more fun.


Gives all the fucks
I agree with the "Next Race" option, as my mind is pre-set to keep pressing A so I can go on & I've accidentally hit "Highlight Reel" a few times. & wow, didn't know Battle Mode removed the radar as well (Well, maybe aside from on the Gamepad as an option, I assume). But yeah, perfectly agree with him that it's a great game with very minor issues & the whole battle mode deal.
I've thought about the Next Race placement and I've come to the conclusion it was right for Nintendo to place it under Highlight Reel. If Next Race was placed as the default, someone could accidently press A and miss out on the chance to create a highlight reel should they want to. There is no going back in that case, so I feel like Nintendo probably erred on the side of caution.


I've thought about the Next Race placement and I've come to the conclusion it was right for Nintendo to place it under Highlight Reel. If Next Race was placed as the default, someone could accidently press A and miss out on the chance to create a highlight reel should they want to. There is no going back in that case, so I feel like Nintendo probably erred on the side of caution.

Is this really something anyone in the history of ever has actually 'missed out on'? What the game thinks is interesting is usually about as interesting as watching paint peel. I think it's much more likely that someone is disappointed they pressed it than that they didn't. And really, if you want a highlight reel you're probably going to be waiting for the menu so you can *choose* to. It's not exactly a spontaneous choice.


I like this new format with the nerd with another guy it works far better than the old one, and the new guys seems to say whatever he likes, which is great.
I've thought about the Next Race placement and I've come to the conclusion it was right for Nintendo to place it under Highlight Reel. If Next Race was placed as the default, someone could accidently press A and miss out on the chance to create a highlight reel should they want to. There is no going back in that case, so I feel like Nintendo probably erred on the side of caution.

I've just started playing on the Wii U but hmm.
In NSMBU every time I beat a level after getting all three coins and/or without taking damage I get this pop-up saying "Hey good player! You should make a comment about this thing!" when I just want to move onto the next stage.

It's kinda annoying because it puts forth the expectation that I should be sharing my experiences rather than focusing on playing the game.
I don't mind sharing experiences, in fact when playing Vita/PC games I take a ton of screenshots. The difference is it rarely breaks up the game-play (unless I'm trying to get a specific shot).


Aβydoς;119400434 said:
Pretty weak, I also I don't really like Pat, but the hype for the movie is getting extreme.

Site says it was written by Pat the NES Punk and not produced by Cinemassacre, so it's not an "official AVGN" video.
Site says it was written by Pat the NES Punk and not produced by Cinemassacre, so it's not an "official AVGN" video.

well fuck. I am so happy this movie is finished. becuase Ill get to watch it this holiday, (dont live near any screenings) and he'll be able to get back to making episodes again. Unless the movie takes off and he starts making movies ofr a living, in which case I couldnt be more happy for him, and sad I wont get any new AVGN's for me.
Aβydoς;119400434 said:
Pretty weak, I also I don't really like Pat, but the hype for the movie is getting extreme.
I don't think it was weak. The interaction between the two was funny and the callbacks were clever.

Fox Mulder

man, NES Punk's delivery is fucking brutal.

he's goofy when playing a character, was the same even on pawn stars. I still like watching his stuff because he's got knowledge on stuff and puts out reviews, flea market videos, and even has a video podcast thing on YouTube.
James is an actor, shouldnt he try to stay in shape.

Avgn doesnt look like avgn anymore.

Was an ok episode but it seems the last year or so AVGN has lost what made it funny in the first place, james is either trying too hard or doesn't have it in him due to making the movie.


I think Pat's super...not deadpan, more like overacted and SUPER obvious? style doesn't mesh well with the AVGN. I thought that in the world champ episode too, that said, I don't hate Pat, and I don't hate this episode, it's just hard to consider it part of the 'series' because Pat is Pat and he isn't the AVGN, period.

I don't think it's remotely accurate to blanket statement 'eras' of episodes as bad or anything, Big Rigs was fucking amazing and it was a modern PC game episode of a game we'd all seen a hundred shitty reviews of, but he nailed the AVGN humor.
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