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Angry Video Game Nerd

My wrist began hurting imagining trying to use that thing seriously. Using a joystick for line drawing is bad enough, but a joystick that looks far worse than even Atari 5600's with the freaking button on top of it...

AVGN also made me realize the genius of etch a sketch's method of input which, while difficult, still allows you to eventually create rounded shapes and master pieces given enough time and skill.

Deleted member 57681

Unconfirmed Member
whoa props for the Witchfinder General shoutout.

Also those last few words were nice :)

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
lol I like how a good part of it was devoted to other paint programs. I can't complain since Video Art...was so shallow, I mean, what else could he show?

Deleted member 57681

Unconfirmed Member
lol I like how a good part of it was devoted to other paint programs. I can't complain since Video Art...was so shallow, I mean, what else could he show?
I liked how he still held the Video Art controller while rocking out to the Mario Paint save music.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
On the 12th Day of Shitsmas the AVGN gave to me!
12 Shitty Paint Programs
11 Universal Rides
10 Card Readers
9 80s Sex Comedies
8 Buddy Cop Comedies
7 Charlie's Angels Rip-Offs
6 Olsen Twin Products
5 Old Cartoons!
4 Disguised Dalmations
3 Fake Genesis Games
2 Aliens
And a dragon trying to catch another

(made up on the spot, I know it's shit)
Going by the 'console' image there are two rollers on the machine, are those not fill buttons? can he not explain more about the console? come on now AVGN.


Holy shit I just remebered I actually used this as a child. A flood of blocked memories just poured over me, as he ripped off that wrapping paper....so weird.

Deleted member 57681

Unconfirmed Member
I just looked at two other reviews. Neither seemed to have found any sort of flood fill functionality.
Yeah those are both "clear" buttons, whatever the fuck they do. I also learned that this thing takes the usual Genesis controller, etc.; that would have been nice to see.
And I think that color slider on the controller is kinda neat

I just watched the Tiger Games one for the umpteenth time and am still laughing my ass off. That is one of his newer classics. He actually had really good ones consistently, only 2014 was a bit lacking (for obvious reasons) I think.


I owned that LJN thing as a kid and could swear I used a fill function with it. I could be mixing it up with a "game" from the thing below as well since I owned that around the same time.



intangibles, motherfucker
I owned that LJN thing as a kid and could swear I used a fill function with it. I could be mixing it up with a "game" from the thing below as well since I owned that around the same time.


I owned that. That had a fill option for sure.


Also, I decided to look up LJN Video Art and so far only found commercials (and a review, but I can just wait for AVGN's own review). But I did discover there's a YouTube channel dedicated to defending LJN games. I'll be checking that out for sure.

Link? Would like to see that too!

Yeah.. sigh. I had a Video Art. I forget the circumstances under which we got it, I think it was a gift for my younger brother one year. I don't recall if he even played with it for much longer than 30 seconds.

The thing was dire. it was absolutely unfathomable to go from using something as incredible as a NES to this. Sure, it was cool because it was "different" and had some of the most ultimate wacky 80s styling I'd ever seen in a console design. But man was it te mother of all turds.

I remember trying to conserve space on the wall outlet and plugged the NES power adaptor, or something, into the Video Art's AC slot instead. It immediately friend the thing and it would never turn on again. I was indifferent.

Good AVGN episodes, enjoyed (almost) all of them. Good to see he is back on his game, and it feels like he is enjoying doing this (enough) and not just shitting them out or trying to keep it going just for the sake of it. If so, he's a really good liar!

Would love to see him review the Animator 2000 next..
That LJN Art one was awesome. Especially since he devoted some time to talking about Mario Paint. That was one of my favorite games while growing up. So many fun little things to mess around with. And seeing him rock out to the funky robot saving song made my day.
I've never heard of the LJN Video Art prior to this video, man that thing is terrible.

I did play Art Alive, which was mentioned in the video. Liked that game as a kid.
I've never heard of the LJN Video Art prior to this video, man that thing is terrible.

I did play Art Alive, which was mentioned in the video. Liked that game as a kid.

I also had Art Alive. I used to make movies (or books/slideshows) on it and recorded them on VHS tapes. I was amazed I ever did anything with it now that I imagine controlling the cursor with the D-pad. But the idea of digitally creating art struck me as something incredible while growing up. I specifically remember making a phony sequel to Final Fantasy II.
I don't know if this has been asked here or answered already, but why all all the comments on Cinemassacre recent videos about Mike's "giant schlong"? Do I even want to know?

Edit: Nevermind. Saw the post above.


I really enjoyed James' 12 shitty Christmas gift videos and I was surprisingly moved by his self-reflective closing speech for the last video.

Not to sound boastful, but Christmas for me is indeed also a time to slip into the role of a (lousy) comedian, or entertainer to put it more broadly, as I try to get and keep everyone's spirits up at my parent's place. I'm not always successful, but I'll keep trying by introducing new (non-shitty) games, board games and movies. The right game at the right time especially can make or break our holiday break I've found, with some past success stories being Wii Sports + Play, Bejeweled 3 and Nintendo Land (success here being games that everyone takes turns to play during multiple days). I also appreciate and agree to his point that shitty old stuff essentially gets validated and re-valued by AVGN style videos and our entertainment from them.

On a side note: why oh why don't we have a new Mario Paint for Wii U by now? Seems like the perfect fit! Maybe Mario Maker will fill the void somewhat, but still.

On a second side note: might there be any chance of a new Board James as well this Christmas? His past videos led me to buy and play Key to the Kingdom around Christmas time, so I can always use more nostalgic tips on board games.


Watching the guys play Toyshop Trouble was a little annoying because I felt they were playing bad just for the video. The game made sense to me immediately, but for gamers like them, it felt like they were just being slow with the game.

Almost like the Sonic 06 video. Mike and James skipped every pop-up tip that was presented, and then had no idea what to do in the game. Um, you were skipping passed the tutorial?

However, I still love Cinemassacre!


The part with Mario Paint brought a flood of memories back to me. The sounds especially. I remember how Nintendo Power even spoke of how Samus could be created in it was similar to what they did when they created her for the game.
I've never heard of the LJN Video Art prior to this video, man that thing is terrible.

I did play Art Alive, which was mentioned in the video. Liked that game as a kid.

I used to rent it from the video store, we had no pc in our home until much later on and it was enjoyable to draw stuff as a kid, the tools on art alive were not too shabby.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Man Mario Paint looks way more fun than it has any right to
It was magical. I got it for Christmas one year and played the hell out of it. I actually went to the mall the next day and bought the "strategy guide" (seems silly, I know) with some of the money I was given; I loved the song-writing section.

I just found this, too:

The Mario Paint strategy guide is so 1992 it hurts

Holy crap, the Wayne's World stuff; so much nostalgia.
I kind of want to go back and watch some James and Mike episodes. What are some of your favorites? I think my two are Sonic 06 and the Universal Studios one. I remember toe jam and earl also being a good episode.


I kind of want to go back and watch some James and Mike episodes. What are some of your favorites? I think my two are Sonic 06 and the Universal Studios one. I remember toe jam and earl also being a good episode.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Double Dragon, all the Super Ghouls N Ghosts and the Battletoads video. All the ones where they play a hard game. It's fun seeing them get frustrated and how the AVGN persona isn't that far removed from how they usually are playing tough games.


I owned that LJN thing as a kid and could swear I used a fill function with it. I could be mixing it up with a "game" from the thing below as well since I owned that around the same time.


Ah, the Socrates educational game console. The WiiU tablet has nothing on the controller for this in terms of size. The little controller on the cord is attached to the larger keyboard controller that also has another little controller in it on the other side. Thing has to easily be a foot long.


I owned that LJN thing as a kid and could swear I used a fill function with it. I could be mixing it up with a "game" from the thing below as well since I owned that around the same time.


Oh man I wanted this thing so bad when I was a kid. I'm pretty glad I didn't end up getting it, though, as in hindsight it was pretty dumb.


I think part of the reason for the dip in quality was because he was trying to make the film and it was kind of this large monkey hanging on his back. Now that he's finished everything and released it James seems a lot happier and it shows in the quality of the videos that he's released over the past year have been drastic improvements over the stuff we got 2-3 years ago.

Totally possible. I actually hope you are right.

An unfunny guy trying to make quick cash out of AVGN's fame. Sounds like the irate gamer

I can't pull the video up right now but it sounds more like he's doing his own thing related to what AVGN did rather than copying.AVGN didn't exactly invent bad reputations for most of these games either.

In all honesty not all of the LJN games that get bashes in those types of videos are really bad. Back to the Future gets trashed and while it's not a great game on it's not really bad either. And this is coming from someone who got the game new, brought it home and was disappointed by it.
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