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Angry Video Game Nerd

That has to be the worst AVGN episode.
I liked it. This is the first time I've seen AVGN review such a creepy game, and I mean creepy in a disturbing way, not a funny way like Plumbers Don't Wear Ties or the Atari porn games. That looping music is eery, the text is absurd and if that actually is an image of an actual dead person... that's messed up.
... Was that game made by some seriously China-hating person in Hong Kong or Taiwan? Sure looks like it... crazy stuff.

I liked it. This is the first time I've seen AVGN review such a creepy game, and I mean creepy in a disturbing way, not a funny way like Plumbers Don't Wear Ties or the Atari porn games. That looping music is eery, the text is absurd and if that actually is an image of an actual dead person... that's messed up.
Yeah, if you take the story seriously it's a pretty hateful game.

They play it the way most of us played games back then -- by throwing out the manual. Half the time it was full of incomprehensible gibberish anyways. Some games just did a better job of teaching you in game than others.

I know some people did play games that way, but I never did. It probably helps that the first gaming platform I had was a PC, and with PC games you really had to read the manual (or help file) to figure out how to play at all, but in the '90s I always read manuals before playing games. Maybe that is more important on PC than consoles, and I probably do read manuals less now than I used to, but still I usually do read them, when I have one that is. Of course once I started collecting old games I couldn't always read the manual, because I don't pay for complete games and so I've got lots of loose games. Most of the time games aren't too hard to figure out, but sometimes you need a manual (or guide). Sometimes one exists online, other times not.

Still though, despite that, I do think that if a game doesn't explain how to play the game but does in the manual, that's fine. It's the player's fault for not reading the manual, not the games' fault for not explaining itself ingame.


I know some people did play games that way, but I never did. It probably helps that the first gaming platform I had was a PC, and with PC games you really had to read the manual (or help file) to figure out how to play at all, but in the '90s I always read manuals before playing games. Maybe that is more important on PC than consoles, and I probably do read manuals less now than I used to, but still I usually do read them, when I have one that is. Of course once I started collecting old games I couldn't do that, because I don't pay for complete games and so I've got lots of loose games. Most of the time games aren't too hard to figure out, but sometimes you need a manual (or guide).

Still though, despite that, I do think that if a game doesn't explain how to play the game but does in the manual, that's fine. It's the player's fault for not reading the manual, not the games' fault for not explaining itself ingame.

PC gaming in the 80s and 90s was completely different. PC games were almost always more complex, one way or another. And half the time you needed to at least look at the manual to get copy protection bullshit out of the way. And especially in the 90s you had the time while you were installing the game with nothing else to do but read the manual and swap disks.

On consoles you'd just put the cart in and there's the game. Unless you needed to, why would you bother looking at the manual at that point? There was even good odds you didn't *have* the manual because unless you were loaded you rented most of your games, and you either had a damaged-beyond-recognition photocopied copy of the manual or some awful reductive version of the manual the rental store made up.
A game about the Chinese takeover of Hong Kong? What the hell... lol
... Was that game made by some seriously China-hating person in Hong Kong or Taiwan? Sure looks like it... crazy stuff.

I've heard of this game before, it had an HG101 article a few years back. The developer, some homebrewers who called themselves "Happy Soft," had an address in Japan. Perhaps that was just a satellite office with a mailbox, or Happy Soft was made up of some Hong Kong expats in Japan who didn't care much for the mainland.
Next Tuesday, the AVGN will be reviewing TMNT 2014 with the Nostalgia Critic.

Their last major crossover was 6 years ago.


Thanks for posting, but what are you talking about? He's playing on an emulator, he even says it.

There really wasn't much to say about the game and the monologue at the end was pretty funny. Decent episode, definitely not the worst.

Yeah, the game was so basic that there was very little to say about it. It does have some really weird anti-Chinese message to it. The goal of the game is to keep Hong Kong free from mainland Chinese immigrants by exterminating them all as Jackie Chan. People asking for more politics in their games? Well, here you go.

I wonder if he used an SNES version of the Everdrive to review this?
I was only allowed limited amounts of playtime when I was a kid. You better believe I read the shit out of those NES and SNES manuals. :p

I could only rent games back then, and they didn't include a xerox or anything, so I did what I still do to this day... press buttons when first starting a game to figure out what they do, and then start playing it.
Weird episode, I understand that he didn't want to say "use an emulator" but he's not been afraid of playing rom hacks on cartridge before. Even if he didn't want to specially make or order a custom snes cart of this game he could have at least put an SNES controller in his hand or a usb pc controller. It would be a little touch but would have probably made the episode not feel as awkward


Lol, nice episode.

Pretty clever ending, too.
"The thing that keeps life going is reproduction and food, which becomes shit...the game's fucking shit."


Nostalgia Critic was kind of awkward with his off-the-cuff comments. He might have been trying too hard or something.


Sooo, I caught up with some of their latest stuff. Some great material!

Loved the vids with Jontron. I am not too fond of most yt gaming personalities, but I absolutely love AVGN and Jontron vids, so this was fun to see (even though they were being themselves here). Second vid had good chemistry I think. Nostalgia critic was indeed trying too hard, but the concept of the episode was fun and it was a good watch. Latest AVGN was fun too. Boardjames and some of the Bullshit eps were great as well (never really watched those).

I have to say, I used to think those James and Mike mondays were boring as I probably just wanted some Nerd rants, but now I really love watching those guys just casually talking about games/playing them. And they seem to change things up frequently (guests, hardware focus, live at a conference with fans etc.).

Also, still have not seen the AVGN movie yet. Was it any good? Will buy it anyways, since this channel has freely entertained me for many years now (is there any convenient way to ship a physical copy to Europe? Otherwise I will just pay for that YT version).


Also, still have not seen the AVGN movie yet. Was it any good? Will buy it anyways, since this channel has freely entertained me for many years now (is there any convenient way to ship a physical copy to Europe? Otherwise I will just pay for that YT version).

As a long time fan since the start of AVGN, the movie is beyond bad, but I guess I wanted something different out of it. I was hoping the movie would be a fun, cheesy, stand alone film that I could show to anyone that isn't familiar with the character and enjoy it. Instead it's very much a for fans only type of film. Aside from that, it is overlong and only has a few genuinely good laughs, and it's also a bit self important. That said, I would still suggest watching it. You might really like it.


Can't say that I'm a fan of the direction Board James is taking. The creepy psycho James doesn't really do it for me and I miss having Mike and Bootsy playing the games with him. Dream Phone was a great one-off but I don't like that it's now part of the Board James canon.
Can't say that I'm a fan of the direction Board James is taking. The creepy psycho James doesn't really do it for me and I miss having Mike and Bootsy playing the games with him. Dream Phone was a great one-off but I don't like that it's now part of the Board James canon.

Rolfe has always been a fan of b-movie type horror, so I guess this fits a lot better for him. I've personally embraced these videos, because really, there's nothing quite like them.

We have lots of nostalgic, angry reviewers. Not many board reviewers with good writing.
New Episode: Hong Kong 97

But... it's him not playing it, but watching a video online and just talking over it? I'm confused.

Oh man, THIS GAME. Hong Kong 97 and AVGN were made for each other.

A lot of people throw around the phrase "worst game ever made," but not only is this game mechanically bad to an Action 52 extent, the music instantly tiresome, the difficulty instantly almost impossible, it also finds you, the player, singlehandedly committing genocide
in much more explicit terms than Metroid II ever was
, and for your troubles, at the end of it? The game over screen is a camcorder still of what appears to be a genuine human corpse. From Atari 2600 shovelware to the most cynical and talentless mobile game, this may be, mechanically and conceptually, actually the worst game I've ever played.

FWIW, I bought 3-D Worldrunner used, cartridge-only, far after its heyday and playing it for the first time gathered that the poles were the equivalent of Mario question blocks within the first ten minutes. Shout out to sunny, happy Nobuo Uematsu music.



I will always be left puzzled why the only thing About April O'neil that stuck from the mirage comics was her engineers coveralls from the first issues, and then eventually from that the color yellow.

I always wondered what the process behind that was.

'Okay, so, her name is O'neil, which sounds Irish, so well change her from black, to a white red haired chick.'

'Yeah, and lets make her a reporter instead of an engineer! April O'neil sounds like a reporter name.'

'Yeah, ok, that kinda makes sense. And lets give her a news reporter style business suit.'

'What? Hell no. Shes still wearing her engineers coveralls. God damn I love coveralls.'

'Well, OK, but lets make them bright ass bananna yellow instead of that navy blue thats used to downplay all the grease stains.'

'Perfect, this nonsensical bullshit is so goofy it will become Iconic! The kids will love it!'

And we did.
Can't say that I'm a fan of the direction Board James is taking. The creepy psycho James doesn't really do it for me and I miss having Mike and Bootsy playing the games with him. Dream Phone was a great one-off but I don't like that it's now part of the Board James canon.

I agree, while I don't hate the direction he's taking it, I much preferred it with Mike and especially Bootsy. He really comes out of his shell in these vids, to the point where even James and Mike seem surprised and genuinely amused by the shit he does. The Shark Attack one especially was hilarious.

I hope he brings back Mike and Bootsy somehow, I do believe he will, he's just making the most of being able to really go for 'horror crazy mad man' character for a few episodes perhaps. As someone said, horror is this guys game, he lives and breathes it. No surprise to see him taking advantage of a genre he's so passionate about.
This actually feels more like classic AVGN than most modern AVGN eps at times (I like both). Good ep, love that we will get more board james episodes.
Totally agree. There has been some kind of... punch that has been missing from AVGN. He launched into some barbs in this episode of Board James that felt very much like vintage AVGN.
I always hate reviews for board games that end up focusing less on the game and how it's actually played and end up being more a comedy/horror sketch about the game or using something from the game. Occasionally it can work well but you have to do it very sporadically.
The Omega Virus video explains why he did the Hong Kong 97 video; a fan request that was easy to produce while he worked on the Board James episode.
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