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Angry Video Game Nerd



Wtf. While I get the argument that James doesn't care about all the political stuff in the gaming industry and just wants to play games, he is giving a huge platform to a fucking idiot spreading hate on YouTube.

Whatever. I get that most people don't care. And he certainly can have anyone on his shows that he wants. I would guess that either him or Mike knows what Alpha Omega Sin is all about. Either way I suppose for now I will just not watch or support his or Mikes channels. I know this has little effect on anything but I am just not down with supporting a channel that hosts people like that.


Can we leave the dumb gamergate stuff out of 1 thread on GAF for once? AOS is just playing the game here, nothing to freak out over. My god.
Can we leave the dumb gamergate stuff out of 1 thread on GAF for once? AOS is just playing the game here, nothing to freak out over. My god.
No, we can't (and it's not dumb). If someone is going to willingly associate themselves with a hate movement people should be made aware so they can choose to not patronize them if they wish.

If AOS was a member of the KKK would you be saying this? Edit: I see you are from the Netherlands so, what if AOS was a member of the NVU?


Well, this thread is about AVGN and his video content. I do agree it might be better to focus on that. There are other topics available in the offtopic forum that are about the topic of Gamergate. I feel that would be better suited for such conversation.
Well, this thread is about AVGN and his video content. I do agree it might be better to focus on that. There are other topics available in the offtopic forum that are about the topic of Gamergate. I feel that would be better suited for such conversation.
If a gamergater was a guest on PS I Love You or the GiantBombcast we'd be talking about it in those threads too.


If a gamergater was a guest on PS I Love You or the GiantBombcast we'd be talking about it in those threads too.

I feel that would be a little different, though. Those are podcasts with an open floor of different discussion topics. The comments made on the show would let to a discussion here.

AVGN videos are primarily about just playing a retro game though. Comments made on their videos are similar to have a discussion here, but more about "Do you like Pilotwings?" or "Is Bootsy better than Mike at playing Pilotwings?" Things like that. I personally don't think that discussing someone's character outside out of the intended video would be ontopic. If there was an issue with AVGN having AOS on his show, I would suggest creating a separate topic in the offtopic forum. But, focus this thread about the heavily different video content AVGN puts out on a weekly basis - which primarily doesn't have AOS in it.

Just my personal thoughts.


I feel that would be a little different, though. Those are podcasts with an open floor of different discussion topics. The comments made on the show would let to a discussion here.

AVGN videos are primarily about just playing a retro game though. Comments made on their videos are similar to have a discussion here, but more about "Do you like Pilotwings?" or "Is Bootsy better than Mike at playing Pilotwings?" Things like that. I personally don't think that discussing someone's character outside out of the intended video would be ontopic. If there was an issue with AVGN having AOS on his show, I would suggest creating a separate topic in the offtopic forum. But, focus this thread about the heavily different video content AVGN puts out on a weekly basis - which primarily doesn't have AOS in it.

Just my personal thoughts.

The thing is that this kind of crossover is not just a neutral act, it's one of the primary means for youtube content creators to build an audience through crossing over their audiences. AOS stands to gain significantly from appearing in even the most basic and unscripted of AVGN content, and while that is meta it is also important and related directly to AVGN.

James and Mike have opened themselves to this discussion by doing something that promotes him.


The thing that bugs me about AOS is that I am a metalhead with long hair who's into retro games and I feel like he makes me look bad.

Nah. Most people I know who look like him would laugh at the stupid shit he says. Mellow kind of guys who wouldn't get worked up like I do haha.

Either way he does not represent you.


I am sure this is the exact right place to discuss the content of AVGN youtube videos. I mean there really isn't enough to start a new thread. I just don't see how James and Mike could be clueless to what AOS is all about.

Although he was given a time slot and room to speak in at the Portland Retro Gaming Convention last year. So again the people running it either didn't know or don't care. Either way it was a big negative to an otherwise cool event.


If anything this shows it won't be the end of the Nerd at all, its just James saying he wants to make the videos the best he can so they're well made and funny.


Great 30 minutes and that ending was terrific.
Didn't expect just talking about old scripts to be this entertaining.


This is pretty cool. I didn't know that Ryan built an actual set for videos.


I'm just going to ignore all of their videos, regardless, for a few months since they keep spotlight a person who perpetuates hate on the Internet.

What an absolute bummer. Why do they keep doing this?


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.

I'm just going to ignore all of their videos, regardless, for a few months since they keep spotlight a person who perpetuates hate on the Internet.

What an absolute bummer. Why do they keep doing this?

Because they don't care about politics, and they get along with him.
And the views are barely affected by his appearance.


Who is it?

I tried to watch some Mike videos thinking my dislike of him was not warranted but nope, just doesn't do it for me.

And yeah I know it's not Mike, so who is this guy who promotes hate?


James couldn't get past the 1st screen of Resident Evil 2??? How is that possible?=O

He also couldn't get past the tutorial section of Conker's Bad Fur Day. It's sad how much of an idiot he is when it comes to games made after SNES. I'd rather him come out in support of Gamersgate than see him make comments like that.

There's no reason for it. He wasn't 60 when RE2 came out. He's the same age as me. He was a teenager.
Man, I half expected to come into the thread and see that most people like Alpha Omega Sin. I'm glad I'm not alone. It's not just that I disagree with most of his views on certain subjects, but he really detracts from the James & Mike chemistry. He overpowers conversations and makes things about him, rather then being about friends playing video games.

This is pretty cool. I didn't know that Ryan built an actual set for videos.


Yeah! If you look at the older videos with Mike & Ryan, you can see how he's been slowly changing and updating the look to be more 80s. He did a good job.
James is pretty typical of the average 36 year old who isn't a gaming enthusiast. He grew up with games yeah, but they weren't the premier form of entertainment for him. Cinema, especially horror, was that for him.

His passion is filmmaking not gaming.


Yep, I'm done. I have loved his content through the years and I will never deny that. But luckily I have other avenues for my entertainment from people who don't give such large exposure to fucking idiots like AOS.

I realize me not watching will have no effect on Nerd or his income. I am just not down with this.


I know nothing about this AOS person, but I generally don't watch outside of James/Mike/Bootsy content anyway. What is the controversy with this dude that everyone's dancing around here?


I know nothing about this AOS person, but I generally don't watch outside of James/Mike/Bootsy content anyway. What is the controversy with this dude that everyone's dancing around here?
Gamergater, misogynist, breitbart fan, constantly makes videos about "evil" sjw's and feminists etc.

That's what I been told.


I know nothing about this AOS person, but I generally don't watch outside of James/Mike/Bootsy content anyway. What is the controversy with this dude that everyone's dancing around here?

I don't really think it is much of a controversy. I have not seen anyone actually talking about it besides this thread. Maybe elsewhere some are.

And I won't lecture anyone on what they should or should not watch or donate to. It would be completely hypocritical if I did so. Afterall the Portland Retro Gaming Expo had AOS at the event last year. He was allotted a time slot and room just like Pat & Ian, Howard Scott Warshaw, and others. Every time I walked past AOS (it is not a big event in terms of actual size so you will see everyone a lot) I got a bit irked about it.

But PRGE was so much damn fun and so worth it that I will be back. And I am guessing he will too. I will just have to deal with it. So as I was saying I will not worry about people watching Nerd even if they know what AOS is all about. I am just not going to. Despite how much awesome shit he has made and will continue to make, I can live without it. I can't live without PRGE I will probably go every year now. So many games and so many cool people.


Ah, ok. I just saw the posts saying he was bad or whatever, but no one was saying why. I don't really keep up on any of the gamergate stuff, so I had no idea or frame of reference.


I can completely understand James not getting past the opening area of Resident Evil 2. If you aren't accustomed to the tank controls and perspective it's quite difficult and frustrating. If you don't know to just run past all the zombies you can easily get stuck trying to shoot them down.
Gamergater, misogynist, breitbart fan, constantly makes videos about "evil" sjw's and feminists etc.

That's what I been told.

I didn't find that out until after I was already annoyed with him. I first saw him in the Cinemassacre video that had a bunch of people trying to play Jekyll & Hyde. He was just so loud and so obnoxious, I couldn't take it. I looked him up afterward and realized that he really wasn't good people.

I usually skip the Cinemassacre videos with him in it, but I really wanted to see and hear Mike & James talk about the Resident Evil Chronicles games. It's a shame that the video, and their commentary, was wasted.

Ryan, on the other hand, is awesome. I wish they'd do more videos with him.


I can completely understand James not getting past the opening area of Resident Evil 2. If you aren't accustomed to the tank controls and perspective it's quite difficult and frustrating. If you don't know to just run past all the zombies you can easily get stuck trying to shoot them down.
But he played the 1st one and the tank controls in 2 are the same in 1, plus I doubt most would want to shoot them at the start.
I've been occasionally watching AOS for about a year now (and mostly commentaries on games I care about) and I had zero clue he had negative rep with people. Outside the fact that he tends to ramble a bit too regularly (and he is a bit overpowering in these videos), I literally have zero problem with the man... So, not being an avid watcher I guess I'm clueless as to where people are getting a lot of this from.

But meh, can't be bothered to deal with random youtuber drama.
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