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Angry Video Game Nerd


sykoex said:
Really? I felt he jumped the shark at that moment by playing a current gen system.
Blowing into the wii and dying to boogie are what did it for me.

Its childish humor, enjoy it, and don't read to much into it.


sykoex said:
Really? I felt he jumped the shark at that moment by playing a current gen system.

Did the long beard and gray hair not tip you off? How about when they came right out and said it took place in the future, did that trip any wires?


Lost all credibility.
JavaMava said:
Did the long beard and gray hair not tip you off? How about when they came right out and said it took place in the future, did that trip any wires?
What does it matter how it was presented? future, past, whatever, it was just an excuse to have Wii on the show.

Anyways, the Zelda video was awesome. Even though he wasn't angry, I still liked his commentary.


Lost all credibility.
turtle553 said:
In case anyone cares. He is on the Opie & Anthony show on XM 202 right now.
Is it awkward as hell?

I know he's an O&A fan since he has a WOW sticker on his TV.


sykoex said:
Is it awkward as hell?

I know he's an O&A fan since he has a WOW sticker on his TV.

It was kinda awkward. His answer to the first 5 questions were just "yeah". But he loosened up a tad towards the end, but wasn't quite as animated as his reviews.
Watching that Zelda thing made me think of Flagship and the Oracle/Minish Cap games - I know the studio was dissolved but any idea where the talent went? Back into other Capcom studios?

Seems like a huge waste of Zelda developing talent if they are just in random Capcom teams now, Nintendo should have stolen them! I really enjoyed the Oracle games.

Also for some reason watching the clip made me really want to go play Twilight Princess again lol.

As for the story lines themselves, I'd have to be on the split timeline theory side myself, just seems like it makes the most-less-sense that way. :lol I love how we sit there for 20min listening to him trying to figure it out then at the end hes just like but really who cares? :D


what is that weird NES machine he uses to play? Is it one of those wierd knock-off´s that were floatin around in the early 90´s?


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I wasn't really entertained by this and I sorta get now why he didn't even release it in the first place. It misses the typical Nerd energy. What he does nail is the overall uselessness of the Zelda timeline. Every time people start that shit in a Zelda game thread I just wish there was a 'zelda timeline trash goes here and nowhere else' thread. You can't find any coherence in the line of games and it's best to not even try. Just see every game as a seperate entity like he says. Even the Metroid games have a tighter grip, story-wise.


bgudna said:
what is that weird NES machine he uses to play? Is it one of those wierd knock-off´s that were floatin around in the early 90´s?
It's usually called the Toploader or NES 2, it was an official redesign released only in the US at the end of the NES's life.
I really don't understand why people are so obsessed with trying to see so deep into storylines.

It's obvious that the people who made the Zelda games never intended any of them to make sense or link togheter meaningfully. They're individual experiences that sometimes have connections to other games in the series for the fan service. Period.
The Metroid time line is fairly easy to understand, Zelda does have its moments, some of the stories are clearly related and easy to join... its just when you try and link the WHOLE FRANCHISE (one that has many many different games now) then it becomes a lot harder.

I don't tend to try and figure out how Ocarina of Time connects with Zelda II, but things like how OoT > MM > WW fit together are fun to think about.

I mean, doesn't WW kinda confirm there being 2 time lines?

Anyway, I see why he didn't release this video originally, while I enjoyed it now if it had come out the same time as the other Zelda retrospective would have been a bit pointless.
I actually got to meet the guy at local bar here in New Jersey. I had him sign my copy of Duck Tales as it was the only good review he's given. (I think. He might've done another.)

But anyway, he was all smiles and a really laid back dude. I thought he was going to be all flamboyant and shit but he seemed shy almost. My buddy and I bought him a beer and we probably talked for about a half hour or so. Very down to earth and nice guy. He said he really wasn't interested in all the next-gen stuff and I believe the only system he was considering getting was the Wii. Awesomely funny stuff. :)
What confuses me is how in Wind Waker you have the Rito and like 2 or 3 Gorons. Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess have the Gorons in greater numbers and the Zora. Now it's suggested that the rito are related to the zora. So did the Rito evolve into the Zora? Flying worked rather well, but water was everywhere so swimming would be handy. But then why did the Goron stay the same? And hell how did they manage to stop themselves dying out?

*edit* : aha someone else has thought about this http://www.cattopia.net/rant2.html Good old internet, never letting me down.


The only part of the timeline I understand is:

Adult Timeline(no Link): OOT > WW > PH
Child Timeline(with link): OOT > MM > TP

I don't think the earlier games before OOT were meant to have any real connection. There isn't enough evidence to link the older titles together, just fan speculation. Eiji Aonuma said in an interview awhile back that there was a split timeline after OOT.


OoT (child ending) -> MM -> TP
OoT (adult ending) -> TWW -> PH -> TMC -> FS -> FSA -> ALttP -> LA -> LoZ -> AoL
Thats generally accepted timeline, about oracles, id put them between LA and LoZ.
Last year Eiji confirmed split theory btw.

Anyway, this is indeed more "vg nerd" than "angry", but he presents a lot of good points. Seriously, these vids made me want to play some Zelda again, especially WW which i have already completed several times (art style <3) and TP (which i didnt love too much, but now as its over year since ive played it, its time to check it out again).
Zelda ftw


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Conrad Link said:
The Metroid time line is fairly easy to understand

Metroid comes out easier to understand than Zelda but there are still a fair amount of holes and inconsistencies. The Prime series really screwed things up in that respect, and Zero Mission is partly responsible too.


Decent video, there have been much better, that frog part was epic though :lol

I used to play that game so much as a kid, loved the music that played in the background.

Good stuff, I like the over-the-top theatric videos but these back-to-basics clips are always welcome. Rambo really was frustrating to play, mainly because there were so many good things about it (good atmosphere, close to the movie, good music, the fun factor rises once you get farther into it) that were ruined by the all around shitty control and the time that feels totally wasted blasting bugs and animals.

It's a damn shame we aren't getting a Rambo game this generation, a massive failure on all ends.
kurahadol said:
Decent video, there have been much better, that frog part was epic though :lol

I used to play that game so much as a kid, loved the music that played in the background.

I liked Rambo on the NES. I even beat it, without Game Genie. I guess I was addicted to the extreme difficulty back then. I can't put up with that kind of bull now.

That part where he was trying to cross the bridge, with the enemies knocking him into the water..... OMG I hated that part. BAD memories. The bad part was if you fall in the water, you have to use that warp thing, and it takes you backwards in the level. You have to work your way there again.

I HAAAATED that part. Almost ripped the game in two.


I love his rants on passwords, you can tell that he really hates that shit and is not just using his angry nerd character.
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