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Angry Video Game Nerd

Great video, as usual... I wonder if the intro is a hint of subjects to come? The Lynx, etc... :)

As for the Intellivision... why does that make me kind of want one... oh right, because I can't help but buy old videogame consoles. Unless I actually see one (that actually works, which would be something for an Intellivision from what I've heard) in a store, though, I can resist.
It'll be interesting to see what he says about the Colecovision. By all accounts it was the superior system to the Atari, being the first to properly replicate arcade games in the home. The controller was ass, yes, but at least it was better than the Intellivision's.


0G M3mbeR
He didn't just bad mouth Thin Ice....one of the greatest games of that era.

Also didn't have the greatest intellivision game of all time on there,Diner!.
I can imagine that voice being pretty cool in the 80s.

I remember my first console speech was from Super Metroid. I must have chosen New Game about 50 times in one day just to hear that "The Last metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace" again and again. I couldn't beleive what I was hearing.


Did not ask for this tag
This one was one of the best eps in a while, I liked the opening song remix, too :D

Oh god, that Bomb Squad speech thing cracked me up :lol



I'm only like 2 minutes into this so far, but I gotta say it's pretty annoying he's using this video to showcase his friend's shitty singing 'talent'. Keep that shit out.

edit: "It's like trying to stick your dick in a Cheerio" :lol :lol


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
His hate for Mischief Makers is real. He responded about it in the ScrewAttack forums.

mischief makers is horrible. i played that crappy game on 64 before.

I don't see how anyone can like that crap but everyone's entitled to thier opinion.

I guess he has a problem with shaking balls?


By the way, what's with the complaints about this appearing in an AVGN video?


Never heard of it, but even if you think it's awesome and he does not, it's not like it's something big.
Wizpig said:
By the way, what's with the complaints about this appearing in an AVGN video?


Never heard of it, but even if you think it's awesome and he does not, it's not like it's something big.

You've never heard of it!? o_O

Do you live under a rock?! That game was awesome! Shake shake!

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Egh. Mischief Makers, while a moderately good game, is highly overrated.

ZealousD said:
His hate for Mischief Makers is real. He responded about it in the ScrewAttack forums.

I guess he has a problem with shaking balls?

That's not him. His account there is NintendoNerd or something.


I remember renting Mischief Makers when it was first released and...I hated it...

Couldn't figure it out and took it back right away.
Hated it ever since :lol


Lost all credibility.
oatmeal said:
I remember renting Mischief Makers when it was first released and...I hated it...

Couldn't figure it out and took it back right away.
Hated it ever since :lol
Yeah most Treasure games have weird learning curves, this is why I can't stand Stretch Panic.


AtomicShroom said:
You've never heard of it!? o_O

Do you live under a rock?! That game was awesome! Shake shake!
I was 8-9 years old when i got my N64 - and i live in Europe, so maybe that game never got released, for what i know. :lol

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
Great video, like always.

I wouldn't even be surprised if the Mischief Makers appearance was just put in there to provoke people. I doubt we'll be seeing a Mischief Makers review; the game is far too good for that. Even the best of the games that the Nerd has done; Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout, McKids, and Castlevania II are mediocre at best.


I had an Intellevision growing up, so I do have some passion for what he's calling shit. Tron Deadly Discs was the shit, and the control is not bad for the time. And when he said "most were shit", the game on the screen was NightStalker, one of the best games for the system. I'm saddened.

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
Bojangles said:
I want to stab the musician through my monitor.

I actually find the theme song catchy. The one with the medley of different covers was a bit much, though, as was the five minute long version at the beginning of the SEGA CD video. The one at the start of this video wasn't too bad, though.
Calm down, people. MM was put in there just for fun. This STRAIGHT from the Nerd's mouth.


It's funny for me, because I just put random stuff in my intros and see what the fans talk about. But I can never predict what causes a fuss and what doesn't. How about Fatal Fury Special on the Neo Geo? That's in there, and its a great game!

I never said Mischeif Makers was a bad game. Yes, I put it in the intro, but it might as well have been any game. Now you want to know the real funny thing? I've gotten many requests for Mischeif Makers. I even received the game as a donation with the usual note "tear this game a new one." And everybody seems to want an N64 review, so I decided to put it in there, just for shits and giggles. Now you DON'T want me to tear Mischeif Makers a new one? Are you all playing some kind of joke on me? Well.... it's funny. Good one.

But if you're wondering if I'm actually planning on reviewing Mischief Makers, the answer is NO. It was just a little clip for the intro, so relax."


people should just go to his website where he has around 40 or so videos, all of which are pretty funny. i've known of the nerd for a while and have seen them all. one of my favorites is Bugs Bunny's Birthday Bash, just because the nerd beats the shit out of him.
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