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Angry Video Game Nerd

HAHAHA Good god I did not expect that ending. I rarely laugh out loud, but when that Jesus tank came rolling through the door screaming MOTHERFUCKERS I lost it. And then it just turned epic.

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
What did I just watch?

I don't even know if I liked it or not, it was that surreal. The effect on the possessed consoles was pretty cool, though.


Hahaha. I think he was demonstrating how fucked up Mario 3 is by presenting his own version of what fucked up stuff is.


Iam Canadian said:
What did I just watch?

I don't even know if I liked it or not, it was that surreal. The effect on the possessed consoles was pretty cool, though.

For anyone confused, that Super mega death christ tank thing made an appearance in his Wizard of oz 3 spoof way back in 2006 before most new about AVGN.
M3wThr33 said:
Holy shit! Did you guys see that?
The holy grail of gaming! The Left-handed Power Glove!

I don't think so.

You can see a thick finger slot on the bottom where the thumb should go. I think he tucked his left hand into a regular Power Glove.
The Nerd is loosing his touch. Lately He seems to resort to gimmicks, crudeness (even more than before) and jokes loosely or totally irrelevant to the subject matter he's supposed to be discussing. He just doesn't rip into the games in a witty and insightfull manner like he used to.

Zero Punctuation is my new-found love <3
He was never what one would call witty or insightful, nor where his reviews ever supposed to be serious in any way.

He does better when he goes into the short film mode, like with the Texas Chainsaw game, Friday the 13th, Elm Street, and now this absurd battle. Film making is his passion and what he was schooled in, and it shows.

In terms of writing, no, he's not on the same level of talent as Yahtzee. No shame in that. James is more about the visual, and keeping the character of the AVGN consistent. While I'm sure he could write a more accurate, coherent review of some of these games, that would not be staying in character. He's not doing a humorous review of a game with clever animations, he merely uses games as a means of getting some material and context for another slice of the AVGN character.


That video was so good, I had diarrhea coming out of my dick. The only thing better than that video would have been if a magic leprechaun came and brought me beer.


"Gonna write your suicide note in your own fucking blood you whore"


TMNT is so much better

"Splinter is my ass and Shredder is my balls" WTF
This game loves hell?
"H" -> Hell?
"N" -> Necronomicom?
8 worlds + 5 spaces + 12 tanks + 12 jumps -> Hell
6, 6, 6!
"Other than being the total ephitome of evil, SMB 3 is a good game."
:lol :lol :lol :lol

Super Mega Death Christ 2000 BC version 4.0 Beta said:
"What the fuck is that shit?"
:lol :lol


God damn! Maybe it's just because it's late, but it seems like any person on this last page who trashed him or didn't like the latest video can't spell for shit.

Seriously, dudes. This is shit you should have learned back in elementary school.


Subete no aware
While I personally think his Top Gun and TMNT reviews were the best... this was just fucking awesome. I mean, it was just a 5 minute movie to set up his next episode, which will obviously be about shitty Nintendo peripherals, but still that was epic.

Come to think of it, it's almost like how he ended his Friday 13th review with the Power Glove, which was a teaser to the next episode.


yeah fuckers!!!!!



Aw man, the AVGN out-does himself sometimes. I love that guy. Gives me something to look forward to every couple weeks. :lol
Ok, so this is epic, but I can't believe nobody commented on his hilarious costume. I mean come on, would you ever have expected someone to dress up in all those NES accessories to make himself look like a... Space Marine!? That's the ultimate space marine, bitches!!!

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