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Angry Video Game Nerd


Oh the memories... Had Castlevania II and TMNT 1. At the time I dont recall them being this annoying. Don't remember TMNT 1 being that hard either, but I probably just assumed I sucked that bad to not be able to beat a game intended for a child.
Pistolero said:
The speedboard ! :lol

Oh my god at the part where he shows the stupidity of the whole "with this gadget, parents will not be bothered since they won't hear"...by shouting : Fire ! Fire ! Fire ! :lol
:lol :lol :lol
It got to be a joke created by the team/person who desinged the box. It´s just to good to be an accident. :lol :lol


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
kay said:
His youtube account has been shut down. http://www.youtube.com/user/JamesNintendoNerd
If you look at some of the videos here, you'll see that GameTrailers took down some of them, the trailer ones. Could they have caused the account closure? Or was it just all the game footage? His other account is still up http://www.youtube.com/user/Cinemassacre

At screwattack, http://forum.screwattack.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=29130&sid=f2427a779ecdac01b102da58a0d64b18

Not cool GT...not cool


I'm gonna play devil's advocate here, I think GT asked Youtube to remove every GT video. Knowing the way Youtube deals with these things by just deleting every single video (see R* and GTA4, even after release date they're still removing videos), James' account had plenty of trailers of the actual GameTrailers videos, so maybe it was suspended for repeated copyright infringement, as Youtube didn't care whether they were just trailers or the real thing. Probably the last thing GT had in mind.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
KurowaSan said:
I'm gonna play devil's advocate here, I think GT asked Youtube to remove every GT video. Knowing the way Youtube deals with these things by just deleting every single video (see R* and GTA4, even after release date they're still removing videos), James' account had plenty of trailers of the actual GameTrailers videos, so maybe it was suspended for repeated copyright infringement, as Youtube didn't care whether they were just trailers or the real thing. Probably the last thing GT had in mind.

Hopefully we get some info on the situation from James


Not an asshole.
HK-47 said:
Hopefully we get some info on the situation from James

James said:
Yes, I know. I'm aware. Don't know what's going on. It sucks, but I'm grateful for all the fans that the account has brought in and being in the #8 - #10 Most Subscribed Channel (All time) was an honor, truly. Maybe it's a simple mistake or maybe it's permanent. Either way, it's not that big a deal. Give me time to re-link my videos and straighten it out. So you can stop the emails.


edit: beaten, but I'll leave it for those who don't want to navigate away i guess...


I loved when he used the whip on one of the games and really accidentally broke something in his house. Classic.


Holy crap @ The Temple of Doom game. Who thought that inventory system was at all a good idea.

And :lol @ him using the whip on the game near the end. "Oh shit!"


Wow. Even individually, any of those three reviews would have been among the best he's ever done. Of course, the games themselves were right up there with NES Dragon's Lair in terms of that WHAT WERE THEY THINKING factor and were already hilarious on their own, but it takes a special kind of skill to highlight just how absurd their flaws were and take the humor to a new level.


Best.Face.EVER! :D


(just a quick question: how is it possible that he made an other movie just in a week? I mean, the NES accessories thingy was put online just last week, right?
Jiggy37 said:
Wow. Even individually, any of those three reviews would have been among the best he's ever done. Of course, the games themselves were right up there with NES Dragon's Lair in terms of that WHAT WERE THEY THINKING factor and were already hilarious on their own, but it takes a special kind of skill to highlight just how absurd their flaws were and take the humor to a new level.

The 2600 game is actually remembered as one of the system's great games by many fans of the platform, it seems... stuff like that was normal back then (and note how he doesn't really say that the game is bad, just really confusing). Even on the NES that kind of annoying "you have no idea where to go and what you're trying to find is invisible, now find it" stuff was somewhat common...

Anyway, yeah, it was a great video. Those two NES games were pretty clearly not good games. :)
A Black Falcon said:
The 2600 game is actually remembered as one of the system's great games by many fans of the platform, it seems... stuff like that was normal back then (and note how he doesn't really say that the game is bad, just really confusing). Even on the NES that kind of annoying "you have no idea where to go and what you're trying to find is invisible, now find it" stuff was somewhat common...

Anyway, yeah, it was a great video. Those two NES games were pretty clearly not good games. :)

It was a good video. I found it funny how, when he says that good games indicate where to bomb, he shows Zelda LTTP.

Did we all forget about Zelda 1? That entire game was built around not knowing where the fuck to bomb/burn. Invisible secrets were very common back then.


Eh, even in Zelda 1 you could usually work down which walls you had to blow up by a process of elimination of looking at which rooms you'd been to on the (visible) dungeon map. Personally, I actually do appreciate the style of gameplay that involves not knowing which walls to blow up, but I can see how some would be annoyed by it.

With the Atari 2600 game in this video, it's more the rest of the inventory system, and the "everything kills you except this" room, and the idea of having to walk slower from screen to screen that I find hysterical than just the one wall. <_<
Jiggy37 said:
Eh, even in Zelda 1 you could usually work down which walls you had to blow up by a process of elimination of looking at which rooms you'd been to on the (visible) dungeon map. Personally, I actually do appreciate the style of gameplay that involves not knowing which walls to blow up, but I can see how some would be annoyed by it.

Dungeons are easy. What about the world map?


Edited my post, but yeah, I don't take issue with the wall to blow up in that first game. It's everything else that's funny. But to continue the argument for no reason anyway:

ComputerNerd said:
Dungeons are easy. What about the world map?
I don't remember any mandatory bombing in the Zelda 1 overworld except for the entry to the last dungeon, so it's still a bit different to me.
Jiggy37 said:
Eh, even in Zelda 1 you could usually work down which walls you had to blow up by a process of elimination of looking at which rooms you'd been to on the (visible) dungeon map. Personally, I actually do appreciate the style of gameplay that involves not knowing which walls to blow up, but I can see how some would be annoyed by it.

In dungeons? Sure, that was often true. But in the overworld? Forget about it! Important items hidden behind random rocks, dungeons under random trees, heart pieces behind random wall tiles... short of just bombing everything, you weren't exactly going to find a lot of those things quickly... including dungeons, particularly in the second quest. How in the world are you supposed to find those things without a guide? Random luck?

With the Atari 2600 game in this video, it's more the rest of the inventory system, and the "everything kills you except this" room, and the idea of having to walk slower from screen to screen that I find hysterical than just the one wall. <_<

True, all of those things are interesting... but as he admits at the end, it DOES fit Indiana Jones. :)

Oh yeah, and the sheer stupidity of the bosses in Ubisoft's Last Crusade game... giving them so, so much health...

Oh yeah, and actually, there was a Game Boy version too, and it does look pretty similar... :)


Also, there were two more NES Indy games, Young Indiana Jones Chronicles and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Taito). Not sure offhand if they were better... none of them are as good as the SNES game though, for sure, much less the graphic adventures.
Jiggy37 said:
Edited my post, but yeah, I don't take issue with the wall to blow up in that first game. It's everything else that's funny. But to continue the argument for no reason anyway:

I don't remember any mandatory bombing in the Zelda 1 overworld except for the entry to the last dungeon, so it's still a bit different to me.

Here's a few of the difficult dungeons to find:
Quest 1:
Level 7
Level 9

Quest 2:
Level 4
Level 6
Level 7 (Holy fuck this was hard to find)
Level 8 (also HOLY FUCK hard to find)
Level 9 (again, fucking hard to find)


ComputerNerd said:
Here's a few of the difficult dungeons to find:
Quest 1:
Level 7
Level 9

Quest 2:
Level 4
Level 6
Level 7 (Holy fuck this was hard to find)
Level 8 (also HOLY FUCK hard to find)
Level 9 (again, fucking hard to find)

Quest 2 Level 8 location was just plain unfair. Miyamoto and company sure knew how to be sadistic bastards back then.

Red Scarlet

Oh man, I hated Temple of Doom on the Amiga (like the NES one).

The SNES one looked kinda cool, I enjoyed Super Empire Strikes Back on SNES.
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