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Angry Video Game Nerd


I thought it was one of his best videos. I was actually getting upset at the Atari game. TWO controllers to play? WTF? :lol

That printer video was spot on, too.
Himuro said:
When is he going to go beyond bad NES games? What about SNES, Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, PSX...?

We know he has the systems.
He said in the Halloween video he'd review N64 games eventually.

He does do SNES games pretty frequently.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Himuro said:
When is he going to go beyond bad NES games? What about SNES, Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, PSX...?

We know he has the systems.

He bounces around. I love the guy and appreciate the work he puts into these things, I just wish he would go back to his older style. None of these hokey skits and what not.


Subete no aware
I loved the PC version... but thankfully, I think it was a much different game than the NES version.
Still, I loved that "fight"... and of course he'd kill the Metron. :D

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
TheGreatDave said:
I would love some PSX/N64 reviews...

He has done one...he did Independence Day for the PS1. But yes, more might be good, since there were a lot of terrible games that could use some exhuming and trashing at the hands of the Nerd.

This one wasn't bad, but I felt the games the Nerd picked weren't...well, bad enough, and there wasn't enough for him to get angry over. I find a lot of the humour comes from the lack of quality in the games he's dealing with and when the game can't provide humorous material, the reviews sometimes fall flat. Still, the Nerd's fight with the Klingon was pretty good (though not on the level of him versus Bugs Bunny) and I really liked the "you want Genesis? Here, take it!" scene.


I liked it better when he played an angry nerd that used booze to heal his temper when classic games do something unfair. I could relate to that.

Now it's all skit based crap, with games I have no nostalgia for.

Oh well still good for the ocasional laugh.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
The PC version of 25th Anniversary was freaking awesome, albeit completely different from the NES version there (which I wasn't even aware existed).
Star Trek had some awesome games on the PC back in the day, action-adventure style

Too bad so many of the recent ones have sucked except for a few


That NES game did look like awesomeness. And I'm not even a star trek fan.
Episode was alright, fight was the best part, even though I'm not into these skits that much either.


JavaMava said:
I liked it better when he played an angry nerd that used booze to heal his temper when classic games do something unfair. I could relate to that.
Pretty much in agreement. I don't even drink, or swear for that matter, but yeah, it was understandable. But at least he still seems to switch between both styles... The recent video with four Indiana Jones games was great for pretty that much reason.

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
JavaMava said:
I liked it better when he played an angry nerd that used booze to heal his temper when classic games do something unfair. I could relate to that.

Now it's all skit based crap, with games I have no nostalgia for.

Oh well still good for the ocasional laugh.

I enjoy both styles, but yes, I prefer the way he did his older reviews as well. However, he does go back and forth, which is good for fans of both, and he's a talented enough filmmaker to make the more elaborate productions work.

The only time it felt out of place was in the Wizard of Oz review, where the Cowardly Lion wasn't so much funny as he was annoying.
Sinatar said:
The PC version of 25th Anniversary was freaking awesome, albeit completely different from the NES version there (which I wasn't even aware existed).

Yeah. There are so, so many bad Star Trek games out there... why spend the second half of this video on a good one?
Sinatar said:
The PC version of 25th Anniversary was freaking awesome, albeit completely different from the NES version there (which I wasn't even aware existed).
I thought I was the only one who owned it, I have no idea where it is now though.


I never saw whatever episode has Metrons. I thought he was saying Metroid, even though the shape seemed wrong, though it was too bright to maker out anything.


I actually thought that star trek game for NES was fun, I am not sure why he decided to go ballistic over it. I think the nerd has lost it a bit.

When he reviewed simon's quest, turtles etc and those games he was fun, now he is borderline annoying.


ghibli99 said:
I'm guessing we'll soon see an animated .gif of him just jumping into the wall by himself during that Klingon fight. That's the only thing I laughed at (and I normally dig his stuff). This one was pretty dull, though.
I was thinking of rickroll when he does that.


Haha, I was just on his site wondering if he had a new one.

Good episode...seems like Superman is destined to never be in a good game (except for that Sunsoft Death of Superman game...I liked that one) - can't wait for the next one!


I enjoy the nostalgia critic/that guy with the glasses more than the AVGN. They have similar styles, but the nerd has been resorting too often to physical comedy and gimmicks lately. :/

..and yes I know TGWTG does movies where as AVGN usually does only games.


Oh damn, Superman 64! Only E.T. will be left from THE worst games ever. Can't wait for next episode. Two weeks damn, hope it will be earlier than usually


He forgot to mention in the Superman game (though he showed it) how the people are saying things to Superman that they should say to Clark Kent ("Got any news?" at 6:50) and vice versa ("Hi, Superman" at 6:45)


Have you guys noticed how in the NES game a NPC knew the guy was Superman?
Little problem is: he was Clark Kent in that moment :lol :lol :lol
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