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Angry Video Game Nerd




These are the best kinds of videos he does, when he just sits and tears apart a game with no staged gags or acting, just pure unadulterated rage. I mean, holy shit at that ending. :lol

Once again it's a case where the Sega version of a license is better than the Nintendo one. The Mega Drive game of Dick Tracy wasn't actually that bad. When NES games are bad, they're REALLY bad. :lol


rofl. Sounds like a version of ghost busters that's both better and shittier at the same time. Kind of surprised he didn't go ahead and cheat, though.


can't wait to see this, too.

this was the first game to make me map out a level in a school notebook so i could figure out all the best routes to places.
Hillarious, that story about renting the game for the weekend was like a flashback for me, I remember renting Dick Tracy when I was a kid and being thoroughly baffled at how awful it was.
Holy crap, video is made of sparking gold WIN

I loved Dick Tracey NES as a kid, I also wrote down all the clues and address names in a vain attempt to try and beat it.
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