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Angry Video Game Nerd


Shard said:
Well, in specific I am talking about The Nostalgia Critic persona, but regardless, Douglas Walker makes me laugh more James Rolfe, there it is, cut and dried.

James Rolfe's Monster Madness last year was great. I wish he'd do more stuff like that (though I understand that's a shitload of editing). He's not consistently hilarious, but he's pretty informative. The skits were kinda fun at first (Jason/"Kill me." and the whole Bugs Bunny fight), but they just got dumb later on (with the Cowardly Lion and Joker being the worst offenders). His frustration at Batman Forever's lack of a jump button was pretty great though, as was the unintentional whipping of something fragile offscreen in his Indiana Jones review.

I dig Douglas Walker too. I think he's funnier than James Rolfe, but that's not really saying much. I think the best Nostalgia Critic vids were his Captain Planet, Cartoon All-Stars, and TMNT 3 reviews as far as humor goes, and the top 11s are usually nice for a dose of nostalgia. Also, his five second movies were good on average.


morningbus said:
The Nerd Responds to some of the criticism he has been receiving lately:
It’s nice to read comments every once in a while, but this particular one is becoming very repetitive and tiring.[...]
How amusing to hear that from him. The guest characters are the most obnoxious elements of his videos, worse even than the retarded chain of expletives that passes for cursing. It's just not funny and got old after one video. I would skip all of that if it weren't such an effort.
Just talk about the game, throw in a "What were they thinking?!" where appropriate and leave it at that. Those are the good parts.
I like how everyone criticizes his "recent" videos, despite somehow forgetting that his recent Dick Tracey and Dragon's Lair were some of his best.


I liked when this topic was only bumped when there was a new video. Is there somewhere I can just find a log of his videos, or when there is a new one. I don't like reading the fucking killjoys in here.

Rufus said:
How amusing to hear that from him. The guest characters are the most obnoxious elements of his videos, worse even than the retarded chain of expletives that passes for cursing. It's just not funny and got old after one video. I would skip all of that if it weren't such an effort.
Just talk about the game, throw in a "What were they thinking?!" where appropriate and leave it at that. Those are the good parts.

So after the first video you didn't like his style, yet you feel compelled to keep watching his videos? When I see something I don't like I usually block it out like it doesn't exist.


kpop100 said:
Rufus said:
How amusing to hear that from him. The guest characters are the most obnoxious elements of his videos, worse even than the retarded chain of expletives that passes for cursing. It's just not funny and got old after one video. I would skip all of that if it weren't such an effort.
Just talk about the game, throw in a "What were they thinking?!" where appropriate and leave it at that. Those are the good parts.
So after the first video you didn't like his style, yet you feel compelled to keep watching his videos? When I see something I don't like I usually block it out like it doesn't exist.
Like my post and the killjoys? ba-dum-tish
Rufus said:
How amusing to hear that from him. The guest characters are the most obnoxious elements of his videos, worse even than the retarded chain of expletives that passes for cursing. It's just not funny and got old after one video. I would skip all of that if it weren't such an effort.
Just talk about the game, throw in a "What were they thinking?!" where appropriate and leave it at that. Those are the good parts.
It seems you also don't bother to read (and perhaps understand) more than you need.
I'll explain, just for you. Despite having to groan and roll my eyes at the ASS-FUCK-DIARRHOEA Tourette Syndrome type swearing and hyperactive guest characters I can still enjoy the comments about broken game mechanics and moronic 'design choices'. All in all, the videos are usually worth the few minutes of my time. For the good bits.

What is it with GAF that the only allowed form of appreciation and sometimes even mode of discussion is (unconditional) love? I guess that's endemic to large groups of people in general, but fuck, can you really only enjoy something if there is no dissenting opinion at all?
kpop100 said:
I liked when this topic was only bumped when there was a new video. Is there somewhere I can just find a log of his videos, or when there is a new one. I don't like reading the fucking killjoys in here.

You'll want to look at
Cinemassacre, it's James' site. He also has a MySpace page that he sends announcements from.


Rufus said:
Like my post and the killjoys? ba-dum-tish

I didn't really want to single anyone out. I think it's ok to have an opinion, I just can't understand people that can't take something at face value.

Like people that can't watch a B-movie without making some stupid obvious comment like "Well it's not gonna win any awards, but..."

alr1ghtstart said:

Thanks. Should have known when in doubt Wiki it :D


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
_leech_ said:
The opening eating scene :lol

:lol :lol

Somebody needs to make a couple gifs. First of the crazy creature eating the bird, and one of James's reaction.
_leech_ said:
The opening eating scene :lol

That scene scars, it scars... how something that bad could actually be made...

As for Zelda's Adventure though, really the main problem seems to be the load times. If the load times weren't so bad it looks like it'd be decent, at least, if certainly not Nintendo Zelda quality.


Not that great, I really liked it more when he ripped on games that was widely played but still shit. Just that when you were a kid you never really thought about it.


Fuck the critics, this is some of the funniest, thoughtfully put together stuff on the web as far as I'm concerned.


KevinCow said:
F-bombs needs to be gif'd. :lol




The-Switcher said:
Fucking epic.

I had never, ever seen footage of Zelda's adventure before.


Looked a bit better than the others (i.e. the top down view compared to 2D scrolling), though that really isn't saying much :lol

Good stuff, I really enjoyed the CD-I specials.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
Rufus said:
How amusing to hear that from him. The guest characters are the most obnoxious elements of his videos, worse even than the retarded chain of expletives that passes for cursing. It's just not funny and got old after one video. I would skip all of that if it weren't such an effort.
Just talk about the game, throw in a "What were they thinking?!" where appropriate and leave it at that. Those are the good parts.

I hope he doesn't listen to you. It's his thing, it's why he's popular, and why people watch his videos. There's another guy that does videos like you're talking about, and they're bad. So if he did what you say, there would be no reason to watch him, IMO.


drakesfortune said:
I hope he doesn't listen to you. It's his thing, it's why he's popular, and why people watch his videos. There's another guy that does videos like you're talking about, and they're bad. So if he did what you say, there would be no reason to watch him, IMO.
I watch his videos because of the games and consoles he rips on, not for his 'style'. Angry? Good. Actually, very good, when it's well timed. But stuff like the fart theme? No. People watch his videos for the swearing? Really? And don't get me wrong, I'm not against swearing per sé, only his swearing. It's just cringe-inducingly bad.


I liked his earlier videos where his frustration with games was more sincere. It felt like he was having fun hating all those shitty ass games.

I still like his new ones but I think he overdoes it with cursing and skits. I feel like he caters to the audience's wishes too much.
Rufus said:
I watch his videos because of the games and consoles he rips on, not for his 'style'. Angry? Good. Actually, very good, when it's well timed. But stuff like the fart theme? No. People watch his videos for the swearing? Really? And don't get me wrong, I'm not against swearing per sé, only his swearing. It's just cringe-inducingly bad.

Lighten up for gods sake, this is a web show of old video game reviews. He has to do SOMETHING to keep the pacing and attention span of the viewers. If he did things your way he would be ignored and forgotten. And for the record I hope he does ignore you and your "suggestions" and keeps on doing it his way. It's worked out pretty good so far. My co-workers and I died laughing at the f-bombs.......


Junior Member
Splatt said:
I liked his earlier videos where his frustration with games was more sincere. It felt like he was having fun hating all those shitty ass games.

I still like his new ones but I think he overdoes it with cursing and skits. I feel like he caters to the audience's wishes too much.

Oh, actually, I think this last one had him really in sincerely hating mode.

I guess when you play so many bad games back to back with no acting skits to lighten you load, your loathing really goes up :D
I love the nerd and am always amused by his reviews. The cursing is one of his trademarks, and the guest characters are great for shaking things up as well. For example, Frankenstein's reactions to playing the shitty game were classic.

Did it seem like he was nitpicking a little bit too much on the last Zelda game? It definitely sucks, I'm sure, but didn't seem to have as many blatant game breaking features as the others.


Fourth Storm said:
Did it seem like he was nitpicking a little bit too much on the last Zelda game? It definitely sucks, I'm sure, but didn't seem to have as many blatant game breaking features as the others.

I don't know, the 3-second loading on EVERY screen seems pretty worthy of nitpicking.
Fourth Storm said:
I love the nerd and am always amused by his reviews. The cursing is one of his trademarks, and the guest characters are great for shaking things up as well. For example, Frankenstein's reactions to playing the shitty game were classic.

Did it seem like he was nitpicking a little bit too much on the last Zelda game? It definitely sucks, I'm sure, but didn't seem to have as many blatant game breaking features as the others.

Yeah, if more people had played it, I think Zelda's Adventure probably wouldn't be remembered all that badly, apart from the really annoying load times on every screen. But other than that, it did look solid. The drawbacks were mostly issues with the platform, not the game -- that it came out right at the end of an unpopular system's life, that only a very few copies were made (which is why it's so expensive now!), that the system's controller didn't have enough buttons for the commands they needed... sure, things like the way you warp between squares in dungeons, that the map is in the menu screen and getting to it requires several short loadtimes, the loading, etc, are annoying... but could any better have been done on the CD-i? It looks like it might be fun... particularly if there was some way of speeding up that loading. :(

As for his not being able to save, my first guess would be that his CD-i's save battery is dead. The CD-i uses a packed-in battery/save chip unit thing inside it, so you can't just open it up and replace the battery easily (you need a replacement chip thing instead)... but it does use battery-backed SRAM to save, and given the age of CD-i consoles, it wouldn't surprise me at all to see that the problem was a dead battery in the system.


SuperEnemyCrab said:
If he did things your way he would be ignored and forgotten.
I guess he should make a show all about diarrhoea 'jokes' then, since that seems to be the secret to his success. How would swearing with some amount of sophistication change anything, anyway? (Keeping your initial argument in mind as well.)


I don't know.. It just sounds and looks stupid when he has a cam on him showing him cursing or saying some stupid shit. Actually seeing a video of him playing with him actually sounding frustrated is awesome.


rezuth said:
I don't know.. It just sounds and looks stupid when he has a cam on him showing him cursing or saying some stupid shit. Actually seeing a video of him playing with him actually sounding frustrated is awesome.
The last part is exactly why I keep watching.
A Black Falcon said:
Yeah, if more people had played it, I think Zelda's Adventure probably wouldn't be remembered all that badly, apart from the really annoying load times on every screen. But other than that, it did look solid. The drawbacks were mostly issues with the platform, not the game -- that it came out right at the end of an unpopular system's life, that only a very few copies were made (which is why it's so expensive now!), that the system's controller didn't have enough buttons for the commands they needed... sure, things like the way you warp between squares in dungeons, that the map is in the menu screen and getting to it requires several short loadtimes, the loading, etc, are annoying... but could any better have been done on the CD-i? It looks like it might be fun... particularly if there was some way of speeding up that loading. :(


Even without the ridiculous loading times, you also have a broken item management system, hilariously bad voice acting, non-sensical dungeon designs, and backgrounds that make it difficult to tell where you can go and what you can interact with. I'm not quite sure how anyone can honestly say that the game looked "solid" or "fun."


There's no way Zelda's Adventure could be anything but ignored. The thing looks like one of those godawful turds that showed up exclusively as example code in "Create your own game in C++!" books.


Couldn't help but feel that his "f-bomb" section of the 3rd part was a response to the people who thought he swore too much without warrant.

"HM, time to unleash some fbombs!" :lol

Still, good video.
Coolio McAwesome said:

Even without the ridiculous loading times, you also have a broken item management system, hilariously bad voice acting, non-sensical dungeon designs, and backgrounds that make it difficult to tell where you can go and what you can interact with. I'm not quite sure how anyone can honestly say that the game looked "solid" or "fun."

You try making a Zelda game on a system with only two buttons... you can't have more than one item, since the other button has to be menu. And you can't have the map on a button, because it has no button... a minimap on screen might have been nice, but aside from that, they had to put it where it was. It'd have benefited greatly from being on a system with a controller with more buttons... even the NES has four, with start and select.

As for the load times, not doing a better job optimizing that, if it was possible, definitely seems to be the biggest problem with the game.

As for the dungeons... it really depends, do the 'warps' just move you in a straight line to the next room in that direction, or do they really warp you around the map? If it's the former, that's weird but seems like something you'd eventually get used to. If it's the latter, then yes, it's a problem.

backgrounds that make it difficult to tell where you can go and what you can interact with.

That didn't seem all that bad, really... not like the sidescrollers, for sure. There it looked awful. But in Zelda's Adventure? It really didn't look like a huge problem. Lots of games have minor issues with that stuff, but it doesn't ruin them all.

As for the voice acting/acting quality, it's early/mid '90s live-action video FMV. You don't expect quality from that stuff... and all you need to do to see how bad it could have been is watch the animated FMV scenes in the two sidescrollers, and imagine that with actors. But overall, it seemed like tolerable somewhat cheesy FMV stuff.

I mean, as I said, I'm not saying the game is Nintendo quality, it's obviously not. Compared to any other Zelda game, yeah, it's bad. But compared to other stuff, and not Zelda? I don't know, I'd have to play it... how would it compare to, say, Dink Smallwood on the PC, for instance? Probably worse due to the horrible loading, but I'd need to play it to see.

tenritsu said:
Couldn't help but feel that his "f-bomb" section of the 3rd part was a response to the people who thought he swore too much without warrant.

"HM, time to unleash some fbombs!" :lol

Still, good video.

Without the swearing he wouldn't be the AVGN... if you don't like it, why are you watching the videos?

I don't like everything about his videos -- I don't like the poop jokes or some of the skits with other characters (that Bugs Bunny video with the long fight was just stupid, for instance) -- but overall, the AVGN is great.
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