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Angry Video Game Nerd

This was hilariously bad. I got a kick out of the audience reactions though. The shit pickle bit made me laugh as well, but I may just be getting delirious. It's late.


Shatai said:
There's no way Zelda's Adventure could be anything but ignored. The thing looks like one of those godawful turds that showed up exclusively as example code in "Create your own game in C++!" books.



I really liked this ep. The fact that the nerd didn't go to crazy angry mode in the end brought some good variety.

Oh and yeah, Funday Sunday looks like the most frustrating game ever. :lol


Color me surprised... I've barely cracked a smile at one of these in probably a year, and this one had me laughing several times.


Mason said:
Color me surprised... I've barely cracked a smile at one of these in probably a year, and this one had me laughing several times.


"Living on the edge" was a fine moment. More like this, please.


There's somethin' wrong with the world today
I don't know what it is
Something's wrong with our eyes

We're seeing things in a different way
And God knows it ain't His
It sure ain't no surprise

We're livin' on the edge


Just recently got around to watching the majority of these. I had watched the Castlevania one forever and a day ago but didn't keep up with the new ones. I'd have to say the part that got me laughing the most was 'Super Mega Death Christ 3000' throwing the F bombs around.

And could someone drop me a hint as to which episode the 'Livin' on the edge' moment is from?
GriffD17 said:
Just recently got around to watching the majority of these. I had watched the Castlevania one forever and a day ago but didn't keep up with the new ones. I'd have to say the part that got me laughing the most was 'Super Mega Death Christ 3000' throwing the F bombs around.

And could someone drop me a hint as to which episode the 'Livin' on the edge' moment is from?

Damn, you got all us nerd fans excited for a new episode when you bumped this thread. Of course, I'm not helping either.

I forget which one the Livin on the edge is on. But yeah, I cracked up when Super Mega Death Christ looks over at James all decked out in his gear and goes, "What the fuck is that shit?" haha. Good stuff.


Neo Member
In the opening credits of the video, they show a game where a character is skateboarding, and then another character is surfing. Can anyone tell me what that game is? I know I"ve played that game, but I have no idea what it is.


Moonwalker is the quintessential example of a game that manages to be amazing thanks to its presentation, in spite of its gameplay. Sure, special attacks drain your health. But you can kill through the sheer power of dance.
Ytoabn said:
In the opening credits of the video, they show a game where a character is skateboarding, and then another character is surfing. Can anyone tell me what that game is? I know I"ve played that game, but I have no idea what it is.

California Games? Summer Games?


Shard said:
T & C Surf Designs for the NES


I want THAT piece of shit to be next on the hit list.

ok, i think you're a cool cat. you let us know what's up with XBLA shit and for that i'm thankful. real talk....respect dude.

but completely fuck you for downing T&C. that was, is and will always be awesome. dude......you just don't get it Shard. you just don't get it.*

*save all petty crazy arguments about the "shortcomings" of T&C. it's just untrue.


The Moonwalker game may seem stupid and absurd, but it's really all explained in the film ;)

I guess the ending was meant as either an homage to the Moonwalker movie ending or the "banned" ending of the Black OrWhite video. I totally expected him to turn into Mecha-Nerd -- kinda sucks that it turned into a Billie Jean reference.

I remember being super-disappointed when I bought this game and it had nothing to do with the isometric beat-em-up arcade game. I'm sure the arcade game was probably crap in retrospect too, though.
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