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Angry Video Game Nerd

NameGenerated said:
The game just looks infuriating beyond belief. Reminds me of the specific chests in FFXII that, if you open, won't get you the zodiac spear. Just a bunch of "how the fuck was I supposed to know that?" :lol
At least the zodiac spear was in no way necessary to advance or enjoy the game. This game, on the other hand, looks ridiculous.


NES games were hard as hell. But this game just looks stupid hard.

PXG's list of video game difficulties (some thanks to MGS :lol)

- Stupid Easy
- Very Easy
- Easy
- Normal
- Hard
- Very Hard
- Extremely Hard
- European Extreme
- Asian Hard
- Stupid Hard


I guess I am the odd one out since I loved this game when I was a kid. So much in fact, that it was the first VC game I bought when I got a Wii...

Clockwork said:
I guess I am the odd one out since I loved this game when I was a kid. So much in fact, that it was the first VC game I bought when I got a Wii...

How did you figure the button combination to recover your saved game? How did you find out any of that stuff? If I played that when I was a kid I would have hated the game.


I loved Milon's Secret Castle. Never got incredibly far, but I loved it. I knew all the shit you needed to do, by a LOT of trial and error, but that was the draw of the game.


I was about to say something like "I don't understand how one of the best and most accessible sidescrollers ever made (DoReMi Fantasy) could have a predecessor as needlessly obscure as what was shown in that video," but then I remember Metroid preceded Super Metroid and it seems a little less strange.


Junior Member
Milon's Secret Castle is one of my favorite NES games, and while it was a funny video, the game makes a lot more sense in the context of actually playing it then he presented in the video. Compared to something like Legacy of the Wizard, it was almost simplistic. Basically you enter the levels, shoot every square inch of them with your bubbles, which will get you the money you need to buy items, exit the levels to buy the items, and go back into the levels and use the items to proceed to the locations you could not previously reach. It is a lot like the original Metroid in that way. Milon's also was a great precise platformer compared to many of the old NES titles. Use your NES Advantage with Slow Mo and Turbo for the bosses and you are set.


I haven't played the game, but I dunno, for once I feel like a lot of his complaints weren't very justified. Some of them are pretty bad, like having to input a code to continue. But, for instance, he notes Zelda for marking walls that can be destroyed, but he shows LttP, while the original Zelda - probably a more fair comparison since it's on the same system - did the exact same thing he was complaining about. Only worse, because you had limited bombs.

It seems like a lot of his complaints can also work for the original Metroid. Specifically, not being able to shoot something that's right in front of you, starting without full health, and having to randomly destroy walls to progress.
Red Scarlet said:
I beat Milon's Secret Castle when I was little; tried it again about a year ago and couldn't get past the 3rd or 4th room. :lol
fuck, isn't that weird how it seems our gaming skills for some games have regressed over the generations?


KevinCow said:
I haven't played the game, but I dunno, for once I feel like a lot of his complaints weren't very justified. Some of them are pretty bad, like having to input a code to continue. But, for instance, he notes Zelda for marking walls that can be destroyed, but he shows LttP, while the original Zelda - probably a more fair comparison since it's on the same system - did the exact same thing he was complaining about. Only worse, because you had limited bombs.

It seems like a lot of his complaints can also work for the original Metroid. Specifically, not being able to shoot something that's right in front of you, starting without full health, and having to randomly destroy walls to progress.
Yeah, I actually do like games that expect me to attempt to torch, blow up, or otherwise assault every random object I see--the original Legend of Zelda or Neutopia being good examples. (I don't care for the original Metroid anymore, but that's for reasons not at all related to needing to try bomb jumping through every wall everywhere.) So yeah, I agree about that. And I, too, thought of the NES Zelda as soon as the LttP footage came up.

The block pushing thing and the bubbles needing to be so accurate to reveal doors were what mainly struck me in the video.

On a separate note, I hope his hatred of bubbles as a weapon either 1) is just a part of the act or 2) doesn't extend to Bubble Bobble. :( And also hope that the footage of Fantasy Zone in the intro this week is just one of those Mischief Makers situations not implying it's a bad game.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
KevinCow said:
But, for instance, he notes Zelda for marking walls that can be destroyed, but he shows LttP, while the original Zelda - probably a more fair comparison since it's on the same system - did the exact same thing he was complaining about. Only worse, because you had limited bombs.

It seems like a lot of his complaints can also work for the original Metroid. Specifically, not being able to shoot something that's right in front of you, starting without full health, and having to randomly destroy walls to progress.

That' stupid. Just because you can make those complaints about Zelda or Metroid doesn't mean that Milon's Secret Castle is immune from those complaints.

Perhaps the original Zelda and Metroid games actually have a lot of flaws? Maybe those are valid complaints in Zelda and Metroid too?

Red Scarlet

Talladega Knight said:
fuck, isn't that weird how it seems our gaming skills for some games have regressed over the generations?

Well, I've never owned the game, so that is one of the reasons why. 15+ years between plays is why I'm no good at the game now.
I played this game for a rent or two from the local video store, funnily enough. The first rent got stuck just as he said, and I think it was NP that showed me the way. I still never got all that far.

No skits or anything (other than the explosive toss at the end), he just genuinely lays into the the game with mostly valid points, a great episode.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Kulock said:
No skits or anything (other than the explosive toss at the end), he just genuinely lays into the the game with mostly valid points, a great episode.

yeah, this is still the angry nerd style i like the most. regular episodes with lots of quality complaining are the best.


Good episode, the use of Nintendo Power was inspired ahaha.

I was hoping he'd give a nod to Do Re Mi Fantasy at the end though :(


Man, I have vivid memories of that game from when I was a kid. I remember being in a KB Toys sometime before Christmas, and the box caught my parents' eyes. They said "Oh wow, look at that scary castle. Looks like a good game!" I distinctly remember trying to be like "Eh, looks not so great to me." Of course, when I tear into the game-shaped present a few weeks later, what game do I get? Milon's Secret Castle :(

Someone really needs to make a gif of that elf guy jerking off at the end.


Wow, thanks to one of the comments below the video I now know you could continue in Super Mario Bros.! That's why I never finished the game. :lol

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
After watching the speedrun, it makes me wish that the Nerd had gotten farther into the game. I would have loved to have heard him comment on the fake princess enemies with their ten-second death animations, the pathetic excuse for a final boss, or the fact that every boss is basically the same enemy with a different sprite. :lol
Link1110 said:
Best Nerd video in a long time. These are alweays better whern the game is funny and the Nerd just brings that out.

I'm sorry, but I gotta ask - Is that werewolf jerking of two cocks or something in your picture? Are you one of those furries?


ZealousD said:
That' stupid. Just because you can make those complaints about Zelda or Metroid doesn't mean that Milon's Secret Castle is immune from those complaints.

Perhaps the original Zelda and Metroid games actually have a lot of flaws? Maybe those are valid complaints in Zelda and Metroid too?
I fully agree with you. Which is my point. You'd never see him rip into the original Zelda or Metroid, despite them having some glaring flaws, some of them identical to what bothered him so much in this video.


Sniper McBlaze said:
I'm sorry, but I gotta ask - Is that werewolf jerking of two cocks or something in your picture? Are you one of those furries?
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Oh god.

Looks to me like he's jumproping but oh well.


Defuser said:
I actually went to youtube to check out the speedrun and fucking hell,it's really nuts with the puzzles and secret doors. Jeebus.


Eh. I dunno. Bitching about an NES game being hard and full of obscure puzzles is like bitching about birds flying. Mechanics-wise this seems like a pretty decent game and its failings seem to be the classic failings of games in its era. I think this is one of the most lame of his reviews, if only because a game being merely hard is a pretty bad reason to rip on it. It's not like this game lets you get halfway through and then OH HEY an illogical and impossible to guess puzzle blocks your way to the second half of the game. Right from the start you know the deal: shoot EVERYTHING.


kathode said:
Man, I have vivid memories of that game from when I was a kid. I remember being in a KB Toys sometime before Christmas, and the box caught my parents' eyes. They said "Oh wow, look at that scary castle. Looks like a good game!" I distinctly remember trying to be like "Eh, looks not so great to me." Of course, when I tear into the game-shaped present a few weeks later, what game do I get? Milon's Secret Castle :(

Someone really needs to make a gif of that elf guy jerking off at the end.
okay, this is off topic, but...


your avatar... :lol :lol oh my god :lol


I am Korean.
maharg said:
Eh. I dunno. Bitching about an NES game being hard and full of obscure puzzles is like bitching about birds flying. Mechanics-wise this seems like a pretty decent game and its failings seem to be the classic failings of games in its era. I think this is one of the most lame of his reviews, if only because a game being merely hard is a pretty bad reason to rip on it. It's not like this game lets you get halfway through and then OH HEY an illogical and impossible to guess puzzle blocks your way to the second half of the game. Right from the start you know the deal: shoot EVERYTHING.
I dunno. Milon's Secret Castle was never an A list game. Even when it was new, it was obscure. The only saving grace of the way it's designed is that kids'll likely shoot everything anyway.

The AVGN may exaggerate a bit, but he's usually not far off about the game's overall quality. sure you can get around a game's flaws, but they are still there. Half the games i owned for the NES, I probably wouldn't have put half the time I did into them except they were expensive, and so I ended up getting stuck with games like Dr Chaos, Monster Party, Low G Man etc. I never thought the games were good. They were better than what was on TV at the time and I was just bored enough with anything else so I'd keep playing. I'd usually equate them to about the level of engagement and pleasure I derived form watching wasteland TV like Land of the Lost after the real Saturday morning cartoons were over. None, and they usually gave me a dull headache but it was something to do.

For instance, I played through Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom on the NES. I paid full price for it right when it came out. (Mindscape edition!) I still knew the game wasn't very good. (Why does Indy get exhausted and start panting if you walk three steps?)


Freshmaker said:
I dunno. Milon's Secret Castle was never an A list game. Even when it was new, it was obscure. The only saving grace of the way it's designed is that kids'll likely shoot everything anyway.

Er... not sure what its popularity or its 'list' has to do with anything. As mentioned, Metroid and Zelda both suffered from the exact same problem (in Zelda's case, I'd even argue massively compounded -- there are more things to burn or bomb by far in Zelda 1 than in Milon by all appearances), and they're definitely A-list. His complaints about this game in particular seem so easy to generically apply to almost all games of the generation, even if especially the second-tier games, that it comes off as kind of pointless.

And like I said, it's not like the game pretended anything otherwise. The title implies that it's centered around obscure secrets, the first puzzles in the game are very hard and set you up for the kinds of things you need to do later, etc. As said, would he do this video about Metroid, Zelda, or (to bring up one not mentioned yet) Lolo? Because you could practically replace the video of Milon with the video of one of those and the episode would be little different.

I just don't buy that a game being *hard* is a good reason to knock it. There are games that are hard in ways that are unacceptable -- usually through poor mechanics (eg. the swimming section in TMNT) -- but this really doesn't seem like one. It just seems so typical of the NES.

If anything, maybe the fault of the game is that it's a puzzle game that plays like a platformer. It really makes me think more of Lolo than Mario, and I don't really see that as a bad thing.


I am Korean.
maharg said:
Er... not sure what its popularity or its 'list' has to do with anything.
Only that even in it's prime it wasn't ever considered to be that good.

If anything, maybe the fault of the game is that it's a puzzle game that plays like a platformer. It really makes me think more of Lolo than Mario, and I don't really see that as a bad thing.
Lolo was pushing blocks around to clear one room after another. Milon tried to do a lot more.


I just noticed the intro to this video had Rolling Thunder NES. I am now officially sad.

Not necessarily because I think it doesn't suck (it doesn't), but because it really is too damn hard :/


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Jiggy said:
I was about to say something like "I don't understand how one of the best and most accessible sidescrollers ever made (DoReMi Fantasy) could have a predecessor as needlessly obscure as what was shown in that video," but then I remember Metroid preceded Super Metroid and it seems a little less strange.

Metroid preceded Metroid 2
you know, I was actually thinking about it earlier today, but how the hell did I know secrets in other games when I was younger? like, they weren't cases like this where you needed to know, they were actual secrets. Mario 3, how did I know to hold down on that one white platform to sink under to get the whitle behind the end screen? how did I know to fly up that one part of the castle to get the 2nd whistle? I honestly have no clue where I learned this stuff, and it couldn't have been The Wizard since I didn't want that until I was older.

Red Scarlet

Suburban Cowboy said:
wtf? it shows him get the shoes from a different location and the key appears instantly in that video. Those were 2 points of contention in the AVN video...

It's a tool-assisted video.
About this movie
- Aims for the fastest time possible
- Takes damage to save time
- Manipulates luck

So the instant key is a non-factor.


HK-47 said:
Metroid preceded Metroid 2
I didn't say it was the only predecessor to Super Metroid, although honestly Metroid II wasn't that much different from the first game about needing Samus to attempt to get through every wall everywhere.

maharg said:
As said, would he do this video about Metroid, Zelda, or (to bring up one not mentioned yet) Lolo?
Going by his comment about Zelda, at least that one's out.
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