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Angry Video Game Nerd


Wow, the part with that Richard guy was truly amazing. I didn't even know shit like that existed. Nintoaster, haha. Nice.
I can't believe he spent that much on the Jaguar stuff. I got mine with a bunch of games for like $50.

And I guess he doesn't have Club Drive or Fight for Life since they're probably the two best (worst) examples of awful Jaguar games. To give you an idea of how bad they are, I own Cybermorph and considered it decent compared to those two games.

Fight for Life: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tc-c_2HSC0

Club Drive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1FGK0FW2SQ


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
HK-47 said:

Unless you have a cat and/or 80s platform shoes on
I have a pen, a yellow rubber band, some paperclips and a bottle of Duff beer.

Shard said:
Did the face turn blue afterward?
Probably. Is this bad?


Worships the porcelain goddess
He should have shown more games instead of the goofy skit junk. Or just more games then the skit junk.
Kintaro said:
He should have shown more games instead of the goofy skit junk. Or just more games then the skit junk.

I always roll my eyes when he starts doing the goofy super-imposed stuff. He's more awesome when he's just talking about stuff instead of his little skits.


seat said:
Wow, I had no idea the NES Metal Gear was such a poorly-programmed piece of shit.

Haha it's true. I tried playing the NES metal gear first before the playstation ones... ended up just skipping them.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Hey Red, I dunno if you feel it necessary, but since you seem to catch every Nerd update, maybe you could update the title with the current game or system he is reviewing?

Red Scarlet

I guess I could include the date and game.

Wasn't there supposed to be another Jaguar one? Or no? I guess not if I remember right that he couldn't get the cd thing working.

I hope you don't mind, demi.


i hear if you get the transciever, it makes the trap door go away
which it does... but you still die

what the fuck? :lol


What happened to the AVGN? I recall his episodes being so passionate and angry, and creative.

He looks like he gained weight and became ultra depressed.


SolidSnakex said:
No, Subsistence has the MSX version
Technically, I believe it's a port of the cell phone version (which was a port of the MSX version). It has some updates/changes over the MSX version.


good credit (by proxy)
holy shit, i just started playing Metal Gear again yesterday. Yeah there are a shitload of problems, but it's still so fucking awesome. One of the best NES games for sure.

Another complaint is all the doors that use random key cards. If you're late into the game you MUST have had key card 1, so there's no point in making a door towards the end require that key card. Also, it should keep all doors that you've previously opened unlocked, so that you don't have to fumble through the menu 25 times to get the correct card--this might be a limitation on the hardware though.

Still, one of the best NES games. Could possibly rank as THE best with better programming.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
border said:
What was the final boss, if not a Metal Gear?
If I remember correctly, it was a giant computer that had the Metal Gear plans and/or controlled the Metal Gear.


good credit (by proxy)
Okay, i finished Metal Gear yesterday. I take back what I said about it being one of the best NES game to it just being very good. The game just doesn't give you enough information. Some of the parts could have taken months if I didn't cheat and look up how to get past certain parts on gamefaqs. How the fuck are you supposed to know that in order to blow up the computer you put 16 plastic explosives on the right and left hand sides of the computer in some random, arbitrary order? The game gives you no hints on how to defeat the computer. It doesn't even say that you have to put the explosives on the right and left sides instead of say, the middle. This is ridiculous game design.

It also never tells you what the iron glove does, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume this is in the manual. The game has so much promise though, and some of the nerds complaints aren't that valid, I think. The truck have started to move, asshole.


i liked that AVN had to keep repeating "this is a classic" to keep the flames down even tho he hated it with a passion :lol


Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Metal Gear on NES was atricious. I love this review, I remember saying the SAME things about it as a kid playing it. Just how fucking stupid it was about all the weird little programming things... like hitting the D-Pad as you pick up an item or something. None of it made any sense, it was ridiculous.

I got to play through the MSX version on MGS3 Subsistence. Much more fun to play, there's check points, and it's just an all-around better version of the game.

I wouldn't even call the NES game a classic, I would call it a piece of overrated shit that because of the Metal Gear Solid series gets props in retrospect. I remember a kid, I didn't know a single person who like the NES game. Me and ALL my friends hated that game and thought it was terrible.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Despite knowing the Odyssey was the first video game console, I never really looked much into what it actually was. Primitive is definitely the word here, but criticizing it seems wrong. It's like insulting the cavemen that invented fire and the wheel.
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