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Angry Video Game Nerd

Cow Mengde said:
How many of you guys ever experienced Dr. Jekyll & Mr. HYDE? I had the pleasure of playing this many years ago with the kids in my neighborhood. They got it as a hand me down from their cousin or something. That first 10 seconds of footage pretty much an exact duplicate of my experience with this game.

I played it via emulator after his first review due to curiosity.

He's pretty spot on with the game. It's literally pointless. You just go right the whole time with just jumping over enemies that you can't kill and are impossible to avoid. Then when you die you transform into Mr. Hyde where you shoot projectiles at enemies who turn into items to revive yourself, but you never have a chance at doing so because you always get struck by lightning before you are even remotely close to fully revitalizing yourself.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
Bought the game when I was a little kid because the cover looked semi-cool.

Never got past the half way point of the first level.
For some reason towards the end I thought the Nerd
was going to shit in Robert Louis Stevenson's grave

I would have laughed. =(
The part with the Church was so good. I wonder what actually happens at the end of the game.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Truly a horrendous game. I remember renting it when I was a kid and thinking to myself "what the hell were the developers thinking?"


Lester the Unlikely :lol Inspired choice, will watch now.

Fair play to the guy, he warned that this would just be a 'quick' episode due to the monster madness reviews he did all over October, but ten minutes is still pretty hefty for this sort of thing.

Hilarious episode - loved the CD-i bit and the description at the end. That game seems especially awful, though. Who thought that game would be a good idea??
ahoyhoy said:
So can we assume he's going to start doing TV reviews in the near future, or was that just a bad bit?

I think it was just a gag about how old ass TVs can't get channels anymore without the digital converter box.
Lester the Unlikely was such a pathetic game.
It always sucked to be at a rental store and all of the good games were taken, leading to games like these getting picked up rather than going home empty-handed.


Nice episode, but he really missed the part of the game when he gets more confident and courageous, seems he didn't play it enough heh

PepsimanVsJoe said:
Lester the Unlikely was such a pathetic game.
It always sucked to be at a rental store and all of the good games were taken, leading to games like these getting picked up rather than going home empty-handed.

Exactly the same here :lol


I loved Lester the Unlikely, this vid is awesome. Lester gets much easier to control as you play more, as he gains more self-confidence.


What a terrible game. Who would want to play as someone like that. :lol

He doesn't even improve throughout the game? How does it end?
Josh7289 said:
What a terrible game. Who would want to play as someone like that. :lol

He doesn't even improve throughout the game? How does it end?
he get to use a sword by the end, so he isnt THAT hopeless, but still :lol :lol


Another shit episode. THe game was kinda terrible, but its obvious that he's sucking on purpose to make the game looks shittier than it really is, especially the part with the rock he had to push.

I actually rented that game twice back in the days :lol, the first time it was a blind rental, i remember hating the game, and the second time, It was because I had just finished Out of This World and Flashback, and I was really hungry for that type of gameplay.

The game is not the best, but you could see the devs tried to get something interesting going. It was an interesting effort

edit: same way with the cemetary part and the platforms with the fire underneath.. he's suposed to backtrack as soon as he lands but he decides to fall over and over again into the trap for comedic purposes.


shuri said:
Another shit episode. THe game was kinda terrible, but its obvious that he's sucking on purpose to make the game looks shittier than it really is, especially the part with the rock he had to push.

I actually rented that game twice back in the days :lol, the first time it was a blind rental, i remember hating the game, and the second time, It was because I had just finished Out of This World and Flashback, and I was really hungry for that type of gameplay.

The game is not the best, but you could see the devs tried to get something interesting going. It was an interesting effort

edit: same way with the cemetary part and the platforms with the fire underneath.. he's suposed to backtrack as soon as he lands but he decides to fall over and over again into the trap for comedic purposes.
Yeah Shuri I agree and I don't like it when he sucks on purpose to make the games look worse. There are times when you can tell he really is trying but the game just sucks too much, but others, like here, I don't buy that he is that shitty. I found this episode to be really boring and that hasn't happened to me in a long time.


AnEternalEnigma said:
Goddamn it. Seeing this thread bumped got my hopes up.

You know the title changes every time a new episode is actually out, right?

Also, he's only doing one a month now. You might want to get over that. :p
maharg said:
You know the title changes every time a new episode is actually out, right?

Also, he's only doing one a month now. You might want to get over that. :p

I know, but Lester The Unlikely was so short (compared to the length of other videos when he started going once-a-month), I figured he might have a special bonus two weeks later where he played the rest of the game after Lester gained courage. =\
Barkley's Justice said:

I completely agree with him

He would have had to download the same patch on the 360 :/

edit: Actually, I don't think the 360 patch is up yet.
Hmm, I don't think this is the real new one.

Here's what it says on his site a few days ago.

I’m really happy with the upcoming AVGN video. It’s something fresh and new. It was also one of the hardest ones to do, mostly because there’s so many different game clips involved. Also, there’s A LOT of illustrations from Mike. This is the December episode, so in that case, Christmas will come early. Get ready.

We didn't see anything new from Mike in that video.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Yeah, I doubt this was the real video. Hopefully he offers an explanation at his site soon.
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