This kinds of taints the HAL name.robor said:"Never trust HAL"
esc said:What's the song at the very end as he's about to fall asleep? I feel I should know this...
Arpharmd B said:There's a new episode up. Daydreaming Davey.
The nerd will never run out of bad games to review. There is no way possible. He hasn't even touched Saturn, Turbo Graphx, Sega Master System, Game Gear, PlayStation, N64, and many more.
Honestly he needs to do WWF games. He could run a 4 part special just on bad NES WWF games. God, the first Wrestlemania game is so fucking godawful. I'm shocked he hasn't done it yet. There's so much to talk about, like how there are two much better wrestling games that came out before it (Tecmo Wrestling and Pro Wrestling), how it is nothing but punches and kicks, how the difficulty is litterally impossible if you chose anyone but Hulk or Andre, how Ted Dibiase's ass crack shows. How the title is bigger, better, badder.
I can almost envision the entire episode. WWF is too funny not to do. Come on James, get on it!
Flying_Phoenix said:Good episode.
The thing is that he should REALLY start playing games on other systems. Why not more SEGA Master System games? Turbo-Graffix 16? SEGA Genesis? Why not 3D consoles like Nintendo 64 or Playstation? Why not more recent game systems like the Playstation 2, Xbox, or Gamecube? I'm just bothered by that fact that half of the games he reviews are on the NES.
He has ever game system known to man yet a lion share of his games are on the system that he started exclusively with. He's been getting better with more diversity over the years but I'd still like to see more of the crappy unknown games.
Jasoco said:The third movie pales in comparison to the other two piles of shit. :lol These shitty straight-to-VHS TMNT videos.
Yes it is, thanks man.Kulock said:If I remember right, it's this music? It's been a few days since I watched the Davey episode.
Shapingo said:Thanks
isny said:Ditto.
This is episode 99...the 100th episode is probably going to be with the NES competition cart. (Crossover with Pat the NES punk)
Maybe.. maybe he's like Bowser's disguised minions in the first 7 castles. "Sorry, Luke. But our Princess Leia is in another Space Station."theinfinityissue said:I kinda think the ending was supposed to be referential to how off the fucking wall Darth Vader turning into a scorpion was, but maybe i'm overthinking it.
We don't need your stinkin PhD nonsense in here!firehawk12 said:Random ending!
I still find it amusing when he uses "fluent" for "fluid" though.
Probably just a reference to his "That's Bullshit" series.theinfinityissue said:I kinda think the ending was supposed to be referential to how off the fucking wall Darth Vader turning into a scorpion was, but maybe i'm overthinking it.
It's not THAT random when the start of every episode says that he'd rather have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in his ear.firehawk12 said:Random ending!
ruby_onix said:It's not THAT random when the start of every episode says that he'd rather have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in his ear.
OrangeGrayBlue said:His episodes seem to be transitioning into less of his angry nerd schtick and more into straight reviews of old games that are bad...
Don't forget, his big interest isn't videogames, it's movies.CJUNDERGROUND said:It seems to me that he's losing more and interest in making these videos as time goes on.....
Dreamwriter said:Don't forget, his big interest isn't videogames, it's movies.