I'm just pointing fingers at Ezekel. At least I'm staying consistent. You're honestly suspicious as hell Squidy. At this point I've only kept off it to see if you lived another day.
Maybe I'm cutting a little close? You and Eze followed the same patterns for evicts in the last day, which almost fucked us hard. Seemingly knew Ouro was gonna hop votes. Yet said or did nothing. Just a comment at the end which had no motivation other than to earn rapport with the town. Ew.
I realize that no one who definitely knows the answer to this question will give a straight answer, but I'm going to ask it anyway.
Did the HHA players know the identity of the Hidden Partner before he was activated?
Assuming he has been activated and, in fact, exists.
Nothing against you! You are loved, but we need to give the game its space. We'll talk in the dead thread!
They didnt know him, but he knew them.
haly, myself, ezekal, yeah, you're just firing on all cylinders there and your arguments have been as thin as air, I pushed hard to get ouro evicted but was willing to let him slip out by hopping votes because I'm apparently completely retarded. You obviously won't believe me but when I saw that Ouro was his own deciding vote I knew that couldn't stand but the problem fixed itself before I said anything so I didn't say anything. You haven't stated anything damning about ezekal either, no forcing errors, no pressure, no logic. Your accusations and argumentation actually have the effect of making me think ezekal is more town.
You could take virtually anything you've said about me and argue it back at yourself and it fits just fine. Calling out a lot of people? I mean do you not know how far you've spread yourself? You've been all over the place just this turn. Presenting flimsy logic? I think the idea that the HHA worked together to keep Ouro alive another turn is strong and trying to figure out who did it is incredibly reasonable.
You've been the most gut-arguing poster this game. Fixating on emotions and outrage. And at this point, it's starting to look very damning. Me trying to put people like Haly (now town) in the hot seat was just fine but now that Eze is up there, it is unwelcome.
Here is some forcing: Explain to me why you believe the HHA did not rig Ouros eviction in their favor. Because to me it seems blatant that they atempted.
Hey Nin, do me a favor. I need you to confirm the following things from the Gossip Chat for the wider world.
1. Foshy was the Gossip, who I later replaced.
2. Foshy invited Ourobolus into the chat, and their first conversation was on 5/22, which was during night 2.
3. During this, they discussed how they both found Nin1000 suspicious, but agreed to let him come into the chat anyway, since "He probably couldn't get any info out of them."
4. You arrived in the chat on 6/11, which was during night 5.
I think you'll need to be a little more clear about 'rigging the vote in their favour' because that is a fairly vague accusation. In what way were they able to benefit from the vote? how did they intend to realize this benefit?
This turn I've put most of my mafia suspicion on nin but advocated that the best strategy for town would be to lynch franconp and ultron, to a lesser extent I found you suspicious, and I had a brain fart where I forgot you existed and postulated a hypothetical situation where retrogamer seemed like the best target out of a group of three.
You say I'm fixating on emotions and outrage, I'd like you to substantiate that claim and furthermore tell me how my behaviour makes me suspicious. What is mafia-sided about what I've done in this game so far? what is the thread of logic behind my behaviour? Who am I mafia with?
They weren't able to realize the benefit because Kingkitty intervened and changed votes at the last minute. Had it not been for him, Ouro was enabled to change his own vote and the night would've ended with Kingkitty and a No Evict. Giving HHA two consecutive night evicts to set the game up while we scrambled to re-evict. Were you blind to this? since we were all on high alerts for vote tampering. You and Eze enabled this opportunity together, and funny enough you two are hopping right on each other now that I've called you out.
You resort to calling my arguments shallow. I'd like anyone interested to look back to Squidy calling for the eviction of Ourobolus. A substantial argument was that he just "felt like HHA".
Alongside the numerous contradictions in your arguments, like calling the eviction of Eze "worrying" that I would evict an active player. When you have personally called for most active players for evicition. Kingkitty, Haly, Ouro. Why is Eze the only active player that it would be worrying if we evicted? .
okay so im thinking now that you're ust willfully setting this up and trying to cast as much mud on me as you can right now. If you were an engaged town you'd understand the logic behind a kingkitty/haly lynch before the roleclaim, but if you're just mafia trying to throw mud you'll bring it up and hope town is too dumb to put 2 and 2 together.
following the plan of the 2 most likely HHA? I was pretty sure I laid out the potential outcomes of lynching roomies today and pushed for that action. If you disagree with MY analysis then please go ahead and argue it, I would particularly like to hear the argument as to why lynching nin would make better strategic sense for town even though I agree that he is likely mafia.
So I was re-reading the Gossip Thread tonight, and had a few thoughts. I had Nin confirm a few facts in the thread ahead of time so that this wasn't just me spitting into the dark. Ultimately, I think I can make a good case that I'm not HHA, and I think there's a possibility that Nin isn't either. (My intention was to try and prove Nin's innocence, but I don't think I have quite a strong enough case.)
-Foshy, the creator of my Gossip group, invited Ourobolus to the group first, on Day 2.
If Foshy (who is now Retro) is HHA, why would he start by inviting Ourobolus to the thread? The Mafia already have a discussion board. It's not like they need a place to chat. If he were Mafia, it would have been smarter to start with Nin, so that he could work on getting Nin on his side. Result: Foshy/Retro is not HHA
-Foshy and Ouro immediately discussed how they suspected Nin to be HHA.
So I can see why Foshy would do this, because he doesn't know better. But why would Ouro go along with it if Nin is also HHA? At the very least, he would suggest an alternate candidate. But he didn't. Result: Nin is (probably) not HHA.
Cute.could you remind me who all was invited to your gossip girl group?
One more thing and I'll shut up. (At least for a while. Got a History test to take.) Can someone point or explain where the Lost/Hidden Partner idea came from? I believe it, but I've been phrasing it speculatively since I don't know where we got that info.
The PMs ouro and hobo got from kark mentioned it.
The part about you being consistent on me isn't true at all. You were heavy on HalyI'm just pointing fingers at Ezekel. At least I'm staying consistent. You're honestly suspicious as hell Squidy. At this point I've only kept off it to see if you lived another day.
Maybe I'm cutting a little close? You and Eze followed the same patterns for evicts in the last day, which almost fucked us hard. Seemingly knew Ouro was gonna hop votes. Yet said or did nothing. Just a comment at the end which had no motivation other than to earn rapport with the town. Ew.
I've been absolutely pissed at this game that people just sat by and overlooked haly, kalor, the 3 replacements, etc. No roomie evicts. I've been basically ignored this entire game. I want Haly gone. He is my #1 target by a long shot. That's my last will. You can evict both of us.
Come off it. You've never once made a compelling argument in this thread, and your "suspicions" are fueled purely by how much beef you have with this or that poster. This is why you're being ignored and why I'm ignoring you. Your "accusations" are so flimsy as to be not worth my time addressing.
I specifically said to vote for Ouro/KK. So where was it that I was trying to force a KK/No Evict vote?there were obviously 3+(?) HHA members acting in coordination to fuck the votes and lead to a KK/No evict.
yep, vote ouro/king
Instead of sayin he is town, just does a runaround.
They weren't able to realize the benefit because Kingkitty intervened and changed votes at the last minute. Had it not been for him, Ouro was enabled to change his own vote and the night would've ended with Kingkitty and a No Evict. Giving HHA two consecutive night evicts to set the game up while we scrambled to re-evict. Were you blind to this? since we were all on high alerts for vote tampering. You and Eze enabled this opportunity together, and funny enough you two are hopping right on each other now that I've called you out.
You resort to calling my arguments shallow. I'd like anyone interested to look back to Squidy calling for the eviction of Ourobolus. A substantial argument was that he just "felt like HHA".
Alongside the numerous contradictions in your arguments, like calling the eviction of Eze "worrying" that I would evict an active player. When you have personally called for most active players for evicition. Kingkitty, Haly, Ouro. Why is Eze the only active player that it would be worrying if we evicted? .
So we both wouldve been wrong and got a townie lynched.pushing for a no-evict is stupid. fall back on the roomies at worst.
there were obviously 3+(?) HHA members acting in coordination to fuck the votes and lead to a KK/No evict.
Ouro and KK weren't that active. Think KK's activity was from the most part from responding to me. Haly was very active at first, but since the Hippie voting, he post a lot less compared to earlier in the game. He even admitted to that fact the last day phase, due to frustration and things.Alongside the numerous contradictions in your arguments, like calling the eviction of Eze "worrying" that I would evict an active player. When you have personally called for most active players for evicition. Kingkitty, Haly, Ouro. Why is Eze the only active player that it would be worrying if we evicted? .
I'm just pointing fingers at Ezekel. At least I'm staying consistent. You're honestly suspicious as hell Squidy. At this point I've only kept off it to see if you lived another day.
Maybe I'm cutting a little close? You and Eze followed the same patterns for evicts in the last day, which almost fucked us hard. Seemingly knew Ouro was gonna hop votes. Yet said or did nothing. Just a comment at the end which had no motivation other than to earn rapport with the town. Ew.
I honestly don't see anything convincing in your message whatsoever. A lot of it is just wrong. Like that post from Haly was her deflecting criticism. She wasn't calling me out, and I actually did respond. Anyone can verify that. So at this point, it sounds to me like you two are blatantly piling onto me. With lies. What gives?
There is one flaw in my argument about Nin. If we were only talking about Mafia who started the game, he'd be in the clear, but since there is supposedly a hidden partner who came in later in the game, it is possible that Ouro didn't know about him ahead of time.
Sorry, Nin. I got excited when I realized that Ouro suspecting you didn't make sense, but there is an explanation that could cover it.
I think me and franconp are a two for one deal at this point. Why would he clear me if he was mafia? Unless he was trying to gain the towns trust (which doesn't really make sense since none of you know whether or not I'm town to begin with)?
That being said, I think fran is town.
I guess for me, top town would be:
Fran - I was hesitant at first, but he's been consistent.
RNH - No reason to suspect. Helpful this game.
Razmos - I have no reason to suspect him
Don't really have any top mafia, but I'm suspect of toma and Ultron.
Yeah because it would totally be our bad, and not you misleading us through your actions.Don't forget to hold that against them if I get evicted and they play it like 'well it was his fault for acting that sfupid' or 'well better for us now since we have one less player who acts dumb'
So I just realised
franconp investigated Timeaisis night 2 right?
Then night 3 was the no evict night?
The only thing throwing me off from this is that if Timeaisis was the hidden player, the way that unfolded was a very very risky move (for those that can't be bothered going back and looking, after franconp claimed to investigate Time night 2 on day 3, Time challenged him to reveal his role name, as he'd said what it was in the private chat so Razmos could corroborate - ordinary villager would be the most obvious option, but had Timeaisis said anything else that would've fucked the entire plan).
Gah. Confusing.
Are you implying that I'm the hidden partner? I mean, I suppose it almost makes sense to think that, but I feel like the way that my roleclaim unfolded rules that out...as you said. Remember the mafia cannot communicate with the hidden partner before he becomes mafia.
So by my count it's 5 for me, 1 for Nin, and 5 no voters.
That many no shows does make me nervous that some nonsense is going to go down.
That's exactly what I'm implying
And you know what, I'm not sure it does
If franconp had guessed wrong, that's a huge level of protection for you
The HHA would already know you're the secret partner, so you'd still be brought into the fold, and they'd effectively lost no-one and evicted a town and you'd seem hella trustworthy
And I mean, what would be the use of a HHA investigator this game other than to find the secret partner? It's not like last game where there was ultron's really anti-mafia role, the best we have are the light sleepers. Who would've narrowed the choices down to...6 people. Having an HHA investigator effectively gives them two shots to find the secret partner each turn, which seems way more useful for them than being able to find out that there are 2 roles called light sleepers and also a mayor and also some gossips.
Like, it's possible that I've gone down the rabbit hole into insanity, but you know.
We'll see next day phase
Don't you, forget about me.