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Animal Crossing Mafia |OT| - Making Animal Friends Is Awesome!



Clock bells chime in the distance


Total Votes for this Round (4 needed for majority)
(a strike means the player voted for, then unvoted, the player)

nin1000 (3)

Nobody was out earlier today, due to strong thunderstorms in the area.

Once the downpour let up, the Village still managed to oust somebody, though.

Nin1000, an Ordinary Villager, is gone for good.

Karkador said:

You are an Ordinary Villager

You are aligned with the Town.

You have no abilities other than voting. Your vote is your power!

You win when only Town-aligned players remain.

The game thread is here.

Due to the server outages earlier, we had to shift the schedule a bit. However, to avoid making this the new regular time, I'm still going to end the next night phase a little earlier than 48 hours, so that we stay closer to the ordinary rotation. Please understand!

Time left:


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
As expected of this village.

Truly, the best of us are in that great beyond.


All right. /sigh

Man, I don't even know.

Okay. So there's five of us left.

-I could have been wrong about Razmos this entire time, and maybe he really was an HHA Gossip, but I don't think so.
-I don't think it's Toma, (previously stated reasons,) but I'm going to look over his stuff anyway.
-Darryl read as town when I went over his posts a few days ago.
-I'm having a hard time reading RNH as anything other than town in the interactions of the last few days, but he was one of the ones that Franconp went out of his way to clear, so that is a mark against him. Although Fran also offered to throw RNH under the bus to prove Fran's role. So that was wither a really good bluff, or Fran knew that RNH was town.


Goddammit, I just had a completely bonkers idea.

What if the Missing Partner is assigned a role when he is activated? Sort of like he's coming in to town and taking over someone else's life?

Early in the game, Toma asked a question about whether or not any of the power town roles have mentioned range.

I can't remember if any of the role claims have mentioned range/noise, but purely from Karkador's opening post

So, do the power town roles have a range? All of them? Just 'ambient' roles? Is it just Mazre who has role claimed at this point? I meant to keep notes this time!

Which I thought was weird, because his role PM, (which we saw when Kalor died,) specifically mentions a range.

The other thing that I thought was weird was his actual roleclaim:

So, turns out i'm the second Light Sleeper.

Turns out? What a weird way to say that... unless he just found out.

BUT he does have some kind of role that requires info from Kark, because Karak had to send a correction, which Toma says was his activity PM.

I had to make a correction to something I sent a player; vague, but that's all I can confirm.

Sorry about that; there was a lot of stuff for this update!

So it could be that Toma became a Light Sleeper on day 4, and Kark forgot that he had to send Toma the info.

Again, I recognize that this theory is completely 100% looney tunes bonkers, so if you want to ignore it, go ahead, but I will be holding a small victory party complete with "I was right" dance if I turn out to be right.
Again, I recognize that this theory is completely 100% looney tunes bonkers, so if you want to ignore it, go ahead, but I will be holding a small victory party complete with "I was right" dance if I turn out to be right.

Sorry to deny you a "I was right" dance!

Goddammit, I just had a completely bonkers idea.

What if the Missing Partner is assigned a role when he is activated? Sort of like he's coming in to town and taking over someone else's life?

Early in the game, Toma asked a question about whether or not any of the power town roles have mentioned range.

Which I thought was weird, because his role PM, (which we saw when Kalor died,) specifically mentions a range.

Obviously I knew my 'range' straight away (infact, I think the first question I checked with Kark was that it didn't 'loop' around the map since there was a mention of the 8 squares around me, but it's just the 5)

The other thing that I thought was weird was his actual roleclaim:

Turns out? What a weird way to say that... unless he just found out.

Heh, this was because Launchpad had said he figured out who the light sleeper was, but didn't want to say.

It's a fun theory! But no, there was a clarification of the role sometime between Kalor claiming the role and myself claiming the role, that's how Kalor was able to check whether I was telling to truth (because he hadn't 'updated' the thread about this)
So, we had a normal 'night' time even though HHA weren't able to kill last night. Was this just for the Gossips to be able to have their chats?

I don't know if it means anything, or it's just the process, but I was told there was no activity last night.

Is this just Kark keeping it consistent, or is there still another non killing role out there? Would have thought there'd have been all the role claims by now.
Based on thinking there's just 1 HHA left (which I'm hoping I'm right on..), I'm down to Darryl and Razmos due to having no activity on the night squidy died.

Could be completely wrong if there's 2 left though :/


That's a solid point, and one that I hadn't considered. Hey, Darryl, you wanted to know how a Light Sleeper would work for town? There you go.

Between the two of them, I think Darryl is more likely, once again because I don't believe in an HHA gossip.


Based on thinking there's just 1 HHA left (which I'm hoping I'm right on..), I'm down to Darryl and Razmos due to having no activity on the night squidy died.

Could be completely wrong if there's 2 left though :/
Am I wrong or is a light sleeper able to detect night actions, not night evictions. Do mafia evictions count as an action?

If you are right though, then Darryl really does look suspicious, which is backed up by the fact he lied about his roleclaim (and still hasn't revealed it outside the gossip chat)

He said he was going to lead with a big post in this day phase so i'm gonna wait and see what he says, but I've been getting increasingly suspicious of him as the days go by.

Part of me thinks that he would have evicted me by this point if he was Mafia, but then again he's suggesting in the gossip chat that I follow his lead.


Am I wrong or is a light sleeper able to detect night actions, not night evictions. Do mafia evictions count as an action?

I would assume so, because otherwise Ourobolus' ability to not be detected is completely useless.

If you are right though, then Darryl really does look suspicious, which is backed up by the fact he lied about his roleclaim (and still hasn't revealed it outside the gossip chat)

I'm sorry, I don't recall this. Can you elaborate?
Am I wrong or is a light sleeper able to detect night actions, not night evictions. Do mafia evictions count as an action?

If you are right though, then Darryl really does look suspicious, which is backed up by the fact he lied about his roleclaim (and still hasn't revealed it outside the gossip chat)

He said he was going to lead with a big post in this day phase so i'm gonna wait and see what he says, but I've been getting increasingly suspicious of him as the days go by.

Part of me thinks that he would have evicted me by this point if he was Mafia, but then again he's suggesting in the gossip chat that I follow his lead.

Just spent a good 10 minutes trying to find a good DB or OP confused gif to use

I failed

Imagine this post is actually just gif of Goku or Luffy being like "...huh?"


I'm not doubting that, but I either wasn't here yet or don't remember it. Can you point me to a post or elaborate?
I can't remember when I actually posted it, but all I pretty much said was that Darryl had claimed to be an ordinary villager in this thread, but had claimed to be something else entirely in the gossip chat.


Darryl made a roleclaim in the chat.
I don't recall him claiming he was an ordinary villager in this thread though, when was that?

Is this it? For some reason I read this as Darryl had claimed Ordinary Villager. I must have totally missed what you were saying there.


Yeah, I think that was it. I might have said something else after that as well, but I can't remember.

If you meant in that post, yes, but it wasn't relevant to Darryl, so I trimmed it.

Are you willing to tell us what Darryl claimed in chat?

Either way, this also makes Darryl's strike against Toma from the other day look suspicious. It makes sense if he was trying to silence Toma before Toma could point out that there was no activity on this side of the map when Squidyj went out. (Although I think he actually did point it out before, it just took a while to get through my thick skull.)


If you meant in that post, yes, but it wasn't relevant to Darryl, so I trimmed it.

Are you willing to tell us what Darryl claimed in chat?

Either way, this also makes Darryl's strike against Toma from the other day look suspicious. It makes sense if he was trying to silence Toma before Toma could point out that there was no activity on this side of the map when Squidyj went out. (Although I think he actually did point it out before, it just took a while to get through my thick skull.)
Nah I meant in future posts, I could be wrong though.

I'm willing, but i'm gonna wait to see what Darryl says today first.

My suspicion is torn between Darryl and Toma, they are both pretty much against each other, and both seem suspicious to me. I think it's definitely one of the two, so i wanna hear both sides first.


Nah I meant in future posts, I could be wrong though.

I'm willing, but i'm gonna wait to see what Darryl says today first.

My suspicion is torn between Darryl and Toma, they are both pretty much against each other, and both seem suspicious to me. I think it's definitely one of the two, so i wanna hear both sides first.

That is entirely reasonable.


I have never publicly claimed ordinary any role. Someone said I claimed it, and I replied back that I have never claimed a role. I think that misunderstanding came from when Ezekel was attempting to map out the roles by square and he filled in the unclaimed spots with ordinary villager.



Anyways, this early hostility before I even had a chance to talk has just ruined the fun and surprise. I was gonna come in here and drop the mic and Razmos ruined it. Thanks. I'm a Nosy Neighbor. I get notifications on each players eviction as to whether someone around them is (supposedly) HHA. The role isn't entirely clear. I've been relaying them to gossip chat since I joined. Posts like these might suddenly make sense, seeing as how I was able to completely clear Nin and Mazre at that given time. And obviously, I'm clearing Razmos and Timeaisis because at that point I hadn't been evicted.

Like Razmos has already brought up. I would've evicted him after Timeaisis had I been HHA. If I wasn't sincere about this I could've cleared up this paper trail right then and there. At this point only two players exist inside the flag zones, with it being both Retrogamer and Tomas. I originally suspected Retro, but Tomas keeps clearing his neighbors. Which is either legit or just a way to get two people into his pocket to push him towards the end of the game.

Vote: Tomasatkasatnav


Darryl said:
I originally suspected Retro, but Tomas keeps clearing his neighbors. Which is either legit or just a way to get two people into his pocket to push him towards the end of the game.

And just so that makes sense, that line is under the assumption that Retro and Tomas could both actually be HHA.


The post I linked to above also lists my suspicions at that time, which were Retro followed by Tomas right next to each other at the top, just below the roomies. At that point I had a strong idea that it was one of them, and it's why I haven't stopped bothering them (mainly Tomas) since. This post was a month ago, before any HHA have gotten caught. So I'm obviously not some HHA responding to market conditions as it goes. I'm a villager on a hunt, as I have been the entire game.

Sorry, what are the crosses and ticks on the first image: http://i.imgur.com/8Q5551Y.png

Need to know the range?

What report did you get when Haly/Kalor were evicted?

What report did you get when Ouro was evicted?

I don't want to take too long on this, but it's a role claim late in the overall game and the information is spotty so far!
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