Best Buy has broken the June 9, 2013 Animal Crossing: New Leaf street date. I repeat, a Best Buy is now selling physical copies of Animal Crossing: New Leaf. If you are within the Chicago-land area, you could be mayor of your very own town within an hour.
The Best Buy in question is the one in Arlington Height on Rand Road. Though really, the exact street address is 615 E Palatine Rd, Arlington Heights, Illinois, in case you need it for your GPS. The copies of Animal Crossing: New Leaf are in the 3DS section, next to the pre-owned 3DS and DS games. The price is $34.99 and, when I visited, there were 12 copies jammed into the shelf. From what I observed, it appeared as though the copies had just been put on display. However, when I asked an employee, he said that he wasn’t sure when they were put up for sale.
If you’re feeling especially crafty, you could always try calling ahead to that Best Buy and see if they’ll hold a copy of Animal Crossing: New Leaf on the side for you at the service desk, until you can come in and pick it up. Also, people in other areas may want to call their local Best Buy stores and see if any of them have the game on their shelves.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf is set to be one of the hottest 3DS games of the summer. Or, at the very least, the biggest first-party, 3DS release of the summer. If you live around Chicago, it may be worth trying to snag an early copy. Then, go onto your favorite social networking site and flaunt your find! Personally, I can’t wait to see all the Animal Crossing: New Leaf Streetpass hits I get at E3.